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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 20 sepTember 2018

            Man opens fire at

            his Wisconsin office,

            3 seriously hurt

            By  TODD  RICHMOND  and  motivation  behind  the  at-
            SCOTT BAUER                  tack  was  unclear  and  in-
             Associated Press            vestigators didn't yet know
            MIDDLETON,  Wis.  (AP)  —  whether  the  gunman  tar-
            A  heavily  armed  man  geted his victims. He didn't
            opened fire on his co-work-  release the suspect's name
            ers at a Wisconsin software  but said he was an employ-
            company       Wednesday,  ee  of  WTS  Paradigm  and
            seriously  wounding  three  lived in nearby Madison.
            people before being fatally  Foulke  said  the  investiga-
            shot  by  police  as  employ-  tion  was  ongoing  but  not-
            ees  ran  from  the  building  ed: "We have reason to be-
            or hid inside, according to  lieve the suspect was heav-  A women is escorted from the scene of a shooting at a software company in Middleton, Wis.,
            investigators.               ily armed with a lot of extra   Wednesday, Sept. 19, 2018.
            Middleton    Police   Chief  ammunition,  a  lot  of  extra                                                                     Associated Press
            Chuck  Foulke  said  offi-   magazines."
            cers shot the man within 8  Judy  Lahmers,  a  business  by a bullet but was OK. She  some  people  still  hiding  in  from  windows,  more  than
            minutes  of  receiving  calls  analyst  at  WTS  Paradigm,  didn't have any other infor-  the  building,  which  also  an hour after the shooting.
            about an active shooter at  said  she  was  working  at  mation about the shooting  houses Esker Software.          Jeff  Greene,  who  also
            WTS Paradigm. Foulke said  her  desk  when  she  heard  but said it was "totally unex-  Gabe  Geib,  a  customer  works  at  Esker,  said  police
            the  man  was  armed  with  what  sounded  "like  some-   pected.  We're  all  software  advocate  at  Esker  Soft-  told those gathered in the
            a  semi-automatic  pistol  body was dropping boards  people.  We  have  a  good  ware, said he was working  cafeteria  to  go  a  nearby
            and extra ammunition, and  on the ground, really loud."  group."  University  Hospi-   at his desk when he heard  hotel to make a statement
            fired  at  officers  before  he  Lahmers  said  she  ran  out  tal  in  Madison  confirmed  what  "sounded  like  claps."  about what they saw.
            was shot.                    of the building and hid be-  Wednesday afternoon that  He  said  he  then  saw  peo-   Three  yellow  school  buses
            Foulke  said  three  people  hind a car.                  it  was  still  treating  three  ple running away from the  full  of  more  than  100  peo-
            were  seriously  injured  dur-  She said the building's glass  victims  from  the  shooting,  building at "full sprint."  ple,  including  witnesses,
            ing  the  attack,  while  a  entrance  door  was  shat-   saying  one  was  in  critical  "We  knew  at  that  point  were  unloaded  at  a  hotel
            fourth  person  was  grazed  tered.                       condition and two were in  that  something  was  go-      about  5  miles  (8  kilome-
            by a bullet.                 "I'm  not  looking  back,  I'm  serious condition.        ing down. A ton of people  ters)  from  the  office  build-
            "I  think  a  lot  less  people  running as fast as I can. You  Police  conducted  a  sec-  were  running  across  the  ing.  Some  people  hugged
            were  injured  or  killed  be-  just wonder, 'Do you hide or  ondary search of the office  street right in front of us," he  as they were reunited with
            cause  police  officers  went  do  you  run?'"  she  told  The  building  after  the  shooting  said.               loved ones. Others stopped
            in  and  neutralized  the  Associated Press.              to  ensure  there  were  no  Geib  said  he  and  his  col-  to pet a dog that had been
            shooter," Foulke said.       She said she knew one co-    more  victims  or  suspects  leagues  were  still  huddled  brought by someone pick-
            The  police  chief  said  the  worker  had  been  grazed  —  and  officers  discovered  in  their  cafeteria,  away  ing up a worker.q

            Biggest wildfire on record

            in California is fully contained

            LAKEPORT, Calif. (AP) — The  The fires north of San Fran-  ing to prevent erosion and
            U.S. Forest Service says the  cisco  killed  a  firefighter,  monitoring  spots  that  are
            largest  wildfire  on  record  destroyed  157  homes  and  still burning.
            in California is 100 percent  scorched 720 square miles  The  blazes  prompted  the
            contained.  The  agency  (1,865  square  kilometers).     evacuation  of  thousands
            made  the  announcement  That's  an  area  more  than  of  people  in  Mendocino,
            Wednesday  about  the  so-   twice the size of New York  Lake,  Colusa  and  Glenn
            called  Mendocino  Com-      City.                        counties. Authorities are still   In  this  Aug.  7,  2018  file  photo,  firefighters  monitor  a  backfire
            plex of twin fires that erupt-  Officials say 460 firefighters  investigating  what  started   while battling the Ranch Fire, part of the Mendocino Complex
            ed in July.                  remain  in  the  area,  work-  the fires.q                Fire near Ladoga, Calif.
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