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               Diasabra 18 Februari 2017

               The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.                                                   “Señor ta mi wardador,
                                                              The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He   mi n’tin falta di nada;
               With  deep  sorrow  we  announce  the  sudden   maketh  me  to  lie  down  in  green  pastures.  He   Den cunucu di yerba berde,
               passing away of our beloved brother, uncle and   leadeth me beside the still waters. Ps. 23: 1,2.  E ta ponemi sosega.
               cousin:                                                                                      E ta hibami na awa tranquil,
                                                              With deep sympathy we would like to announce   pa mi bolbe hanja forsa. Salmo 23:1,2,3.
                                                              the death of our beloved:                     Cu inmenso dolor na nos curason, nos ta anuncia fayec-
                                                                                                            imento di:

                Ricardo Alecio Scott

                         Better known as: “Scott”                                                                    Hubert F. Willems
                           Ex worker of Wimco                 Andrea Wilson-Rogers                                 Mihor conoci como: “Toto” of  “Papi”
                           Ex Taxi Driver 183                                                                    Ex trahador di Chicago Bridge, Lago y ACI
                           Sunrise: 19 July 1952                         Sunrise 10 January 1949                         Ex Voetbalista di Sithoc
                         Sunset: 14 February 2017                       Sunset 16 February 2017                        *12-10-1933   +10-02-2017
                                                                                                            Na nomber di su:
               Left to mourn are his:                         Left to mourn are her:
                                                                                                            Compañera di bida: † Otilia Regales
               Sisters:                                       Aunt: Daliana & Victor Castillo               Yiu Muher: Magalie Regales y Alexander Chong
               Victoria Richards                              Uncle: John Rogers                            Manera yiu: Carlos Regales y Ling Alberto
                                                                                                            Nietanan: Xiuliska Velasquez y Antoine Rodriguez
               Melva Granger & family in Holland              Husband: Wendell W. Wilson                    Nakisha Chong y Milton Maduro
               Nieces and Nephews:                            Children: Soledad Busby & Junior Martina      Bisanieto(a)nan:  Xade  Rodriguez,  Xenna  Rodriguez,
               Sonia Richards                                 Rafael & Tania Castillo                       Xavi Rodriguez
               Marjorie Richards                              Olga L. Castillo                              Xylianna Maduro y Xagayli Maduro
               Ramiro, Tamara Richards & family               Ruben & Lisuri Marsdin                        Como Nietonan: Calucho Regales y famia
               Albertico Landvreugd & family                  Grandchildren: Rebecca, Tyshon, Adrian, Sarah,   Paula Regales y famia
               Gisela, Percival Young-Landvreugd & family     Andrea, Rafael, D’Andre, Adrianna, Safirah-Lee,   Richard Regales
               Marveline Martha & fam in Holland              Tianna,  Joshua,  Shairah,  Justin,  Jeager,  Shari-  Rumannan: Edmé Willems y famia
               Alfred Landsmark & fam in USA                  leen, Shanthale, Jofran, Jomiro.              Elka Willems y famia
               Ronald Robles & fam in Aruba                   Great grandchild: Jayden Tromp                Erol Willems
               Jennifer Phillips & fam in Aruba               Brothers & Sisters: Roy Rogers                Franklin Willems y famia (Hulanda)
               Wilson Richards & fam in Aruba                 Candy Rogers                                  Subrino(a)nan: Notty, Jubert, Hensley, Rudolf Corne-
                                                                                                            lia Willems, Churna, Chanon, Lornange, Datchemko,
               Marishanti Richards & fam in Aruba              Glenda Rogers                                Nyoka Willems, Quincey y Valery Willems (Hulanda),
               Cousins:                                       Nieces & Nephews: Rayza, Precious, Shadeska,   Magda Angela y rumannan, Hucksly Willems y Migch-
               Stella Meyers & family in Holland              Japhet, Glen, Ashirëal                        non Martis, Cruchenka y Ruvichka Willems (Hulanda)
               Imelda Mellin & family in Holland              Cousins: Magaly, Denzel & Children            Maybel Coffie (Hulanda)
               Margarita Scott & family in Aruba              Louise, James & Children                      Primo(a)nan: Niro 150 y Narro Willems y rumannan
               Great  nieces  and  nephews  too  numerous  to   Good friends: Ramona Jimenez                Norberto y Eligio Toppenberg y rumannan
               mention                                         Elvira Ras                                   George y Mac Alberto y famia
                                                               Alejandrina Richardson                       Picho Granville y rumannan
               His  best  friends  and  those  from  the  domino   She was related to: Rogers, Wilson, Busby, Cas-  Jahaira y Yadira Muzo y famia
               team:                                          tillo, Marsdin, Bernabela, Dirksz, Maxwell, Red-
               Angie, Anna, Greg, Lukas, Dave, Vlaun, Gloria,   head,  Wouters,  Solognier,  Geerman,  Quandus,   Comader: Carmen Zonnevylle y famia
               Addi,  Tony,  Euson,  Charles,  Huggy,  Donny,   Vanterpool,  Schmidt,  Jimenez,  Ras,  Kock  &   Amigo(a)nan na Aruba: Sep y Tinachi Tromp, Angela
                                                                                                            Rodelsina  “Fing”  Leito,  Gladys  Frans  y  famia,  Erick
               Tony and friends form seaport Casino.          Richardson.                                   Nassy y famia, Janine Rodriguez y famia, Judith Nassy
               His close neighbours: Kruithof, Mestre, Geer-                                                y famia, Famia John, Mirna Gijsbertha, Luca Maduro,
               man, Molina, Burk and Alvarez.                 We  apologize  if  during  our  grief  we  forgot  to   Calulu Comenencia, Sleur, Jones, Bado, Chali, Conc-
                                                              mention any name or family                    esa Martina y famia
               He was related to: Scott, Richards, Landvreugd,                                              Amigo(a)nan  na  Curacao:  Hubert  Jansen,  Richard
               Garcia, Young, Aniceta, Brooks, Maxwell, van   The funeral will take place on Tuesday 21 Feb-  Panneflek(poni), Daniel Straker, Ro Valerian, Rere Jan-
               Pelt,  Pom,  Richardson,  Hassell,  Stamper,  de   ruary  2017  at  4:00  pm  at  Ad  Patres  Funeral   sen
               Palm,  Martha,  Landsmark  ,  Robles  ,  Phillips   Home and from there to the Government Burial   Bon Bisiñanan: Lucia y Harold
               and Busby.                                     Ground in San Nicolas. The body of Andrea will   Yuklen Lo
               We apologize if during our grief we forgot to   be laid out from 2:00 pm at Ad Patres.       Isidra y Marcelino
               mention any name or family                                                                   Mommy
               The funeral service will take place on Monday   Opportunity for condolences: Ad Patres Funeral   Demas famianan: Regales, Willems, Chong, Velazquez,
                                                                                                            Rodriguez, Maduro, York, Brooks, Pieters, Kwiers, Ko-
               February 20th, 2017 at Ad Patres Funeral Home   Home                                         eyers, Harts, Pieter, Sriebeek, Fabias, La Cruz, Lourens,
               from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm and from there to the   Monday 20 February 2017 from 7:00 pm to 9:00   Alberto,  Leito,  Herman,  Agata,  Van  Koetsveld,  Fran-
               Central Burial Ground in Sabana Basora.        pm                                            sisko, Constancia, Delvalle, Kwidama, Djaoen, Xiomara
               The viewing of our beloved Ricardo will be on                                                Regales y famia , Shonmi, Carla Engelhart y famia
               Saturday February 18th, 2017 from 7:00 pm to   We apologize that after the funeral there will be   Si en caso den nos tristeza nos por a lubida algún per-
               9:00 pm at Ad Patres Funeral Home.             no condolences at home                        sona of famia, nos ta pidi nos mas sincero disculpa.
                                                                                                            Acto di entiero ta tuma lugar Diasabra 18 Februari 2017
               We regret that after the funeral we can’t accept   Staff  and  Management  of  Ad  Patres  funeral   pa 11’or di mainta na Ad Patres Funeral Home y despu-
               condolences at home.                           home extend                                   es  saliendo  pa  santana  Catolico  na  San  Nicolas.  Nos
               Staff  and  Management  of  Ad  Patres  funeral   their  most  sincere  condoleces  to  the  bereaved   defunto stima lo ta reposa for di 9’or di mainta na Ad
               home  extend  their  most  sincere  condolences   family.                                    Patres.
               to the family. Condolences can be sent through   Condolences can be sent through our website   Staff y personal di Ad Patres funeral home ta extende
               our e-mail address or website                                 nos mas sincero condolencia na famia di e fayecido.
                                                                                                            Condolencia por wordomanda riba nos website:
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