P. 15
LOCAL Tuesday 2 July 2019
Geo Insular Patrimony
Episode XII
Rock formations and rock Art Sites
Continued from Page 14 ing every separate represen-
tation that everybody would
Hence, different settings will call a drawing one reaches at
determine which weather- a total of approximately 270
ing patterns are more active to 331 separate drawings rep-
and pose more urgent risks resentations over 17 sites.
to be dealt with by rock-art Drawings that are at tens of
managers and conservators. meters distance of each other
The worldwide paucity of ex- are considered one site, one
perienced rock-art profes- cluster. In fact, “sites” within
sionals signals that open-air a radius of 500 m are consid-
rock-art conservation has not ered one cluster.
received the attention that Arikok site contains one of the
other archaeological remains most beautiful rock art col-
have attracted”. lections of Aruba. All pictures
in this episode referrers to this
Pictograph/Petroglyph. particular site that is situated
In total ca 301 pictographs whit in the premises of Aruba’s
(including 3 petroglyphs) National Park of the same
have been found on Aruba. name. During the study of the
Of course one drawing can pictographs at Arikok ,4 clus-
be as little as a point or line ters of drawings turned out to
that may be meant as a sep- be situated on one straight
arate drawing by the ancient line, more or less north-south
artist. Still, by count- over a distance of 415 m.q Pic. 4 the famous bird whit open wings logo type of the Park.