P. 11

                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Tuesday 2 July 2019

            Protesters in Hong Kong break into legislature, paint logos

            By KEN MORITSUGU                                                                                                    der a blazing sun before the
            Associated Press                                                                                                    start of the march at Victo-
            HONG  KONG  (AP)  —  Hun-                                                                                           ria  Park.  "She  is  protected
            dreds of protesters in Hong                                                                                         by our flawed system."
            Kong  swarmed  into  the                                                                                            The protesters are also de-
            legislature's   main   build-                                                                                       manding  an  independent
            ing  Monday  night,  tearing                                                                                        inquiry  into  police  actions
            down portraits of legislative                                                                                       during  a  June  12  protest,
            leaders and spray-painting                                                                                          when officers used tear gas
            pro-democracy slogans on                                                                                            and  rubber  bullets  to  dis-
            the walls of the main cham-                                                                                         perse a demonstration that
            ber.                                                                                                                blocked  the  legislature  on
            The  sharp  escalation  in                                                                                          the day that debate on the
            tactics  came  on  the  anni-                                                                                       bill had been scheduled to
            versary of the former British                                                                                       resume.
            colony's return to China, a                                                                                         The  police  say  the  use  of
            city holiday, and reflected                                                                                         force  was  justified,  but
            mounting  frustration  with                                                                                         since then have largely ad-
            Hong  Kong's  leader  for                                                                                           opted  softer  tactics,  even
            not  responding  to  protest-                                                                                       as protesters besieged po-
            ers'  demands  after  several                                                                                       lice headquarters in recent
            weeks of demonstrations.     Protesters deface the Hong Kong logo at the Legislative Council to protest against the extradition   days,  pelting  it  with  eggs
            The  protesters  whacked     bill in Hong Kong, Monday, July 1, 2019.                                               and spray-painting slogans
            away  at  thick  glass  win-                                                                       Associated Press  on its outer walls.
            dows  until  they  shattered                                                                                        The  area  around  Golden
            and broke and pried open  change  the  endpoint  of  through,  pledged  to  be  room  as  she  shouted  at  Bauhinia Square, where the
            steel  security  gates  and  their  protest  from  the  leg-  more  responsive  to  pub-  Lam  to  resign  and  with-  flag-raising ceremony took
            propped  them  open  with  islature  to  a  nearby  park,  lic  sentiment  but  has  not  draw  the  "evil"  legislation.  place,  was  blocked  off
            barricades  to  get  inside.  after police asked them to  responded  directly  to  pro-  She later told reporters she  from  Saturday  to  prevent
            Police in riot gear retreated  either call it off or change  testers' demands.         was voicing the grievances  protesters   from   gather-
            as  the  protesters  entered  the  route.  Police  wanted  In  an  address  after  a  flag-  and opinions of the protest-  ing to disrupt it. Before the
            about  9  p.m.,  avoiding  a  the march to end earlier in  raising  ceremony  mark-    ers, who could not get into  morning  ceremony,  pro-
            confrontation  and  giving  the  Wan  Chai  district,  but  ing  the  anniversary  of  the  the event.              testers  trying  to  force  their
            them  the  run  of  the  build-  organizers  said  that  would  handover,  Lam  said  the  The  extradition  bill  contro-  way  to  the  square  were
            ing.                         leave  out  many  people  protests  and  two  marches  versy  has  given  fresh  mo-   driven back by officers with
            They  stood  on  lawmak-     who  planned  to  join  the  that attracted hundreds of  mentum  to  Hong  Kong's  plastic  shields  and  batons,
            ers'  desks  in  the  main  leg-  march along the way.    thousands  of  participants  pro-democracy  opposition  the  retreating  protesters
            islative  chamber,  painted  Police  estimated  190,000  have  taught  her  that  she  movement,      awakening  pointing open umbrellas to
            over the territory's emblem  people joined the peaceful  needs  to  listen  better  to  broader concerns that Chi-  ward off pepper spray.
            high up on a wooden wall  march, the third major one  youth  and  people  in  gen-     na is chipping away at the  "We are horrified, this is our
            and  wrote  slogans  calling  in as many weeks.           eral.                        rights guaranteed to Hong  obligation  to  do  this,  we
            for  a  democratic  election  Hong  Kong  has  been  "This has made me fully re-       Kong  for  50  years  under  a  are  protecting  our  home,"
            of the city's leader and de-  wracked  by  weeks  of  pro-  alize  that  I,  as  a  politician,  "one country, two systems"  said Jack, a 26-year-old of-
            nouncing  now-suspended  tests  over  a  government  have  to  remind  myself  all  framework. The two march-       fice worker who would only
            extradition  legislation  that  attempt to change extradi-  the  time  of  the  need  to  es in June drew more than  give  his  first  name.  "I  don't
            sparked the protests. Many  tion laws to allow suspects  grasp public sentiments ac-   a  million  people,  accord-  know why the government
            wore yellow and white hel-   to be sent to China to face  curately," she told the gath-  ing to organizer estimates.  is  harming  us.  It's  harming
            mets,  face  masks  and  the  trial.  The  proposed  legisla-  ering in the city's cavernous  Jimmy  Sham,  a  leader  of  the  rule  of  law,  the  rule  of
            black T-shirts that have be-  tion, on which debate has  convention center.            the  pro-democracy  group  law  is  the  last  firewall  be-
            come their uniform.          been suspended indefinite-   She  insisted  her  govern-  that  organized  the  march,  tween us and the Chinese
            Police  announced  about  ly, increased fears of erod-    ment  has  good  intentions,  told  the  crowd  that  Lam  Communist Party."
            10:30 p.m. that they would  ing freedoms in the territo-  but said "I will learn the les-  had not responded to their  The  extradition  legislation
            clear the area, asking pro-  ry, which Britain returned to  son  and  ensure  that  the  demands  because  she  is  has drawn opposition from
            testers to leave and warn-   China on July 1, 1997.       government's  future  work  not  democratically  elect-   the  legal  profession,  com-
            ing  they  would  use  "ap-  Protesters want the bills for-  will be closer and more re-  ed.  The  leader  of  Hong  mercial groups and foreign
            propriate force" if they en-  mally withdrawn and Hong  sponsive to the aspirations,  Kong is chosen by a com-      nations,  reflecting  Hong
            countered resistance.        Kong's  embattled  leader,  sentiments and opinions of  mittee  dominated  by  pro-    Kong's status as an interna-
            The  actions  prompted  or-  Carrie Lam, to resign.       the community."              China elites.                tional  business  center  with
            ganizers  of  a  separate  Lam, who has come under  Security  guards  pushed  "We know that Carrie Lam  a strong independent judi-
            peaceful  march  against  withering  criticism  for  try-  pro-democracy  lawmaker  can be so arrogant," Sham  ciary  and  high  degree  of
            the   extradition   bill   to  ing  to  push  the  legislation  Helena  Wong  out  of  the  said, rallying the crowd un-  transparency.q
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