P. 12

                       Tuesday 2 July 2019
            Bolivian economy island of stability but storm clouds loom

            By CARLOS VALDEZ                                                                                                    a sharp decline in currency
            Associated Press                                                                                                    reserves,  the  increase  in
            LA  PAZ,  Bolivia  (AP)  —                                                                                          public debt with still-low in-
            Abraham Rodríguez's small                                                                                           ternational  prices,  and  an
            shoe store grew into a fac-                                                                                         economy  dependent  on
            tory  that  employed  more                                                                                          commodities,  are  causing
            than  a  dozen  workers  dur-                                                                                       "tensions"  in  Bolivia's  eco-
            ing an economic boom in                                                                                             nomic  policy,  said  Juan
            Bolivia  when  prices  for  the                                                                                     Pablo Bohoslavsky, the U.N.
            gas and minerals it produc-                                                                                         independent  expert  on
            es soared.                                                                                                          foreign  debt  and  human
            Today, he can only employ                                                                                           rights.
            one  worker.  He  says  the                                                                                         "The  fixed  exchange  rate
            tax-free  import  of  goods                                                                                         to control inflation leads to
            and the black market have                                                                                           an increase in import prices
            affected his sales and have                                                                                         and a growing deficit in the
            caused him to go into debt.                                                                                         balance  of  payments,"  he
            "My life was better 10 years                                                                                        said.
            ago. There were sales and                                                                                           Bolivia's  external  debt  rose
            the shoe store grew," Rodrí-                                                                                        in  March  to  $10  billion,  or
            guez said in his workshop lo-  In this June 4, 2019 photo, women sell coats in downtown La Paz, Bolivia.            about  25%  of  the  coun-
            cated in La Paz. "Today, the                                                                       Associated Press  try's GDP. But central bank
            market  has  reduced.  My                                                                                           president   Pablo   Ramos
            employees  left  because  I  challenges, including rising  cades.                      ics  and  other  goods  from  discarded the possibility of
            couldn't afford to pay their  debt, shrinking reserves and  About  45,000  artisan  work-  China became more prof-  a  devaluation  of  the  local
            salary."                     devaluing  currencies  in  its  shops  in  Bolivia  closed  in  itable. This meant the num-  currency.
            Surrounded by nations reel-  main  trade  partners,  and  recent years, according to  ber  of  people  who  joined  "The   purchasing   power
            ing  from  economic  crises,  some  Bolivians  are  starting  the  Confederation  of  Mi-  the  informal  sector  has  depends  on  the  level  of
            Bolivia  remains  a  rare  ex-  to feel the consequences.  cro  and  Small  Enterprises,  swelled to about 50%, one  prices.  We  have  low  infla-
            ample  of  economic  sta-    Despite  the  storm  clouds,  which estimates an annual  of the region's highest rates.  tion  (about  0.6%  in  2019),"
            bility  and  growth.  And  in  Morales  says  he  must  be  loss of more than $2 billion  Big industries are also com-  Ramos  told  The  Associat-
            more  than  12  years  under  returned  to  power  in  Oct.  a year in its sector, or about  plaining  about  a  slump  in  ed  Press.  "This  price  stabil-
            President Evo Morales, pov-  20 elections as any change  5  percent  of  the  gross  do-  the first months of the year,  ity  guarantees  purchasing
            erty  has  dropped  steadily  would bring chaos. Bolivia's  mestic product.            with the agroindustry taking  power and we must main-
            in  South America's poorest  first  indigenous  president  is  Thousands  of  artisans  and  the  biggest  hit.  And  there  tain it."
            country  helped  by  soaring  one  of  the  few  remaining  other  workers  swapped  are  less  earnings  from  gas  A few months ago, Morales
            natural gas production. But  leaders of the wave of left-  their  jobs  and  turned  to  exports and a reduction of  said  the  economy  was
            experts  say  his  economic  ists who swept into office in  commerce  because  the  the market, said Hugo Siles,  "shielded," but his economy
            model  is  facing  mounting  South  America  in  past  de-  sale  of  imported  electron-  an  economist  of  the  Na-  minister, Luis Arce, recently
                                                                                                   tional Industry Chamber.     acknowledged that Brazil's

            Ex-mayor to face senator in Uruguay's                                                  Bolivia  exports  most  of  its  crisis will affect Bolivia.
                                                                                                   gas to Argentina and Brazil.  Brazil  remains  Bolivia's  top
            presidential race                                                                      But its neighbors are facing  market  for  energy,  but  ex-
                                                                                                   challenges: Argentines are  ports to the region's largest
                                                                                                   frustrated by a recession, a  country have plunged due
                                                                                                   sharp depreciation of their  to lower demand and de-
                                                                      easily  won  the  nomination   currency and spiraling infla-  clining fields.
                                                                      of the center-right National   tion. Brazilian President Jair  Official reports say that ex-
                                                                      Party.                       Bolsonaro  had  a  big  elec-  ports fell from a peak of 31
                                                                      The  45-year-old  Lacalle    tion  victory  last  year  but  is  million cubic meters a day
                                                                      had been the party's can-    struggling  to  advance  his  of  natural  gas  in  2014  to
                                                                      didate in the 2014 election.   agenda and is also coping  23.8 million cubic meters a
                                                                      He's the son of ex-President   with a tumbling currency.  day in 2017.
                                                                      Luis  Alberto  Lacalle,  who   "Argentina and Brazil have  Still,  the  Bolivian  govern-
                                                                      governed  from  1990  to     had  strong  devaluations,  ment  remains  optimistic
                                                                      1995.                        and that made them more  and  is  betting  on  continu-
                                                                      Finishing  a  distant  second   competitive  in  their  ex-  ity.  Since  Morales  took  of-
                                                                      in the National Party prima-  ports,"  Siles  said.  "Bolivia  fice  in  2006,  the  economy
                                                                      ry was multimillionaire Juan   has had a fixed and stable  has  grown  by  an  annual
                                                                      Sartori,  a  minority  share-  exchange rate against the  average  of  about  4.5%,
                                                                      holder in England's Sunder-
            Uruguay's presidential hopeful for the Nacional Party, Luis La-  land Football Club.   dollar for eight years, which  well above the regional av-
            calle  Pou,  center,  celebrates  in  his  headquarters  after  being                  means industries that have  erage, and the Internation-
            elected candidate for his party in the primary election day in   Economist   Ernesto   Talvi   a  high  component  of  do-  al Monetary Fund says it will
            Montevideo, Uruguay, Sunday, June 30, 2019.               won  the  primary  for  the   mestic  input  are  affected  grow at 4 percent this year.
                                                     Associated Press  conservative    Colorado    by  imports  and  contra-    Experts,   however,   warn
                                                                      Party,  Uruguay's  third-larg-  band."                    that  growth  is  largely  de-
            Associated Press             presidential election.       est,  topping  ex-President   The  fiscal  deficit  has  been  pendent  on  savings  and
            MONTEVIDEO,        Uruguay  Daniel  Martínez  won  Sun-   Julio María Sanguinetti.     rising for six years since the  external  credits  from  Chi-
            (AP)  —  A  former  mayor  of  day's  nationwide  primary  Forty-one  percent  of  the   boom in commodity prices  na,  while  the  $15.1  billion
            Uruguay's  capital  will  face  for  the  governing  center-  votes came in the National   ended, and it closed at 7%  in  international  reserves
            off against the son of a for-  left  Broad  Front  coalition,  Party  contest,  versus  24%   of  GDP  last  year.  This,  as  reached  in  2014  plunged
            mer  president  in  Uruguay's  while Sen. Luis Lacalle Pou  for the Broad Front.q      well low private investment,  to $8 billion last March.q
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