P. 9
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 2 July 2019
Death toll from clashes at Sudan rallies climbs to 11
By FAY ABUELGASIM longtime autocrat Omar toum and the birthplace of
SAMY MAGDY al-Bashir in April. the December uprising that
Associated Press Nazim Sirraj, a prominent eventually led to al-Bashir's
KHARTOUM, Sudan (AP) — activist, told The Associated ouster.
At least 11 people were Press on Monday that three The Sudan Doctors Com-
killed in clashes with Su- bodies were found next to mittee, the medical arm of
dan's security forces dur- a school in Omdurman, the the Sudanese Profession-
ing mass demonstrations twin city of Khartoum. The als' Association, which has
demanding a transition to three were shot dead in an spearheaded the dem-
civilian rule, Sudanese ac- area where security forces onstrations, confirmed the
tivists said Monday. had barred protesters from death toll.
Tens of thousands of peo- marching toward a hospi- Authorities said late Sunday
ple flooded the streets of tal and had fired tear gas that at least seven people
the capital, Khartoum, and to disperse them, he said. were killed and nearly 200
other areas Sunday in the One wounded person died wounded, including 27 in-
biggest protests since se- on the way to the hospital jured by bullets during the
curity forces cleared a sit-in in Khartoum, he added. demonstrations. The ruling
last month. They called for Sirraj said the total death Sudanese protesters write graffiti on a billboard during a dem- military council blamed
the military to hand over toll was 11, including one onstration against the military council, in Khartoum, Sudan, Sun- protest leaders for the
power to civilians follow- killed in the city of Atbara, day, June 30, 2019. deaths after they diverted
ing the coup that ousted a railway hub north of Khar- Associated Press the routes of marches.q
Ethiopia's leader warns plotters following coup attempt
ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) Power in Ethiopia will only inside his residence by his ple arrested following last legal monetary movement
— Ethiopia's prime minister be by those elected. This bodyguard. week's incident, only five and also for human smug-
has issued a strong warning should be underlined." Ethiopia's opposition are have so far been brought gling. He added some 1.1
to anyone who would plot Abiy also said, "If there's accusing Abiy of using the to court in Addis Ababa. million Ethiopians were
to topple his government, anyone who threatens Ethi- incident to arrest opposi- And those five are charged displaced in the past one
following a coup attempt opia's sovereignty, we will tion figures, mainly those with terror related offens- year and three months
in the country's northwest- fight them with a Kalash- in the Amhara region, and es," said Eskinder Nega, a alone, totaling the number
ern Amhara region. nikov, not with a pen. Ethio- stifling dissenting voices. journalist and government of Internally Displaced Peo-
Addressing lawmakers on pia's sovereignty is not up The internet has been shut critic, who charged that ples to 2.3 million people.
Monday, Prime Minister for discussion . we will give down since the violence, Abiy's ruling party wants to But he remarked some 2.1
Abiy Ahmed said the at- our lives for it," he said. although some offices and politicize the anti-terror law. million of these have now
tack in Amhara as an at- On June 22, attackers shot hotels can access the inter- While addressing lawmak- returned to their localities.
tempted coup. and killed the Amhara gov- net through satellite con- ers, Aiby confirmed more But Ethiopians are com-
"It was an act to steal pow- ernor and two other offi- nections. than 1,200 people were ar- plaining Abiy's government
er," said Abiy. "The govern- cials. On the same night in The government has said rested in the past year on has not stopped ethnic
ment is now taking mea- Addis Ababa, the country's it has arrested 225 people, terror-related charges, for conflicts across the country
sures to protect the con- army chief and his close suspected of involvement inciting ethnic- based at- that have claimed several
stitutional order and arrest friend, a retired army gen- in the violence. tacks, for economic sabo- hundred lives since it has
those behind the crime. ... eral, were assassinated "Of the hundreds of peo- tage, illegal arms trade, il- come to power.q