Page 18 - HOH
P. 18
Wednesday 7 august 2019
the Good and
the Bad
and every day, cholesterol is con- Medicinal oils packed with HDL
verted into bile acid, which helps include: olive, evening primrose,
protect from and dissolve gall black currant, flax, safflower and
stones. soy. Herbs that lower LDL/triglyc-
In your blood stream cholesterol erides (bad cholesterol) are Shii-
contains lipoproteins. These pro- take mushrooms, cayenne, ginger,
teins carry antioxidants such as cat’s claw, garlic and turmeric.
vitamin E, beta carotene, and “Good cholesterol” producing
CoQ10 that help protect you from foods which include essential fat-
cancer. When cholesterol is natu- ty acids (EFA) rich in Omega 3, 6
rally low or forced low with drugs, and 9 in the correct proportions
cancer risks rises because protec- have changed with modern diets.
tion is reduced. Most of us are not getting enough
When a clinical nutritionist sees a Omega 3’s and some of us are not
high test value for cholesterol we getting enough of omega 3 and
look to see what caused your body 6. Supplementing with Flax oil or
to increase cholesterol to help Omega fish oils is more important
Dr. Viana protect your brain and nerves. If than ever. Lecithin is good oil I
fat-soluble poisons are present, consider a basic, especially for
In the past they would kill the mes- myolysis which causes severe pain changing what you do or don’t protecting the brain. Make sure
senger who delivered news that and muscle weakness. Serious eat can help remove these “bad you only use fish oils certified to be
king did not want to hear. Tough cases can shut down the kidneys fats.” With the poison gone, cells free of toxins like Mercury.
job, fortunately, this doesn’t hap- and cause paralysis or death. Dur- stop making excess cholesterol for Eat smaller meals, especially be-
pen today. Or does it? With the ing other drug studies, test patients protection. fore bed. While you sleep, the
declaration of helping patients, have committed suicide. In fact, So what don’t we eat? Don’t eat stomach also sleeps and food does
doctors try to eliminate your body suicide is a stated possible risk from sugar, especially alcohol or any not digest properly. Want to get all
signs (messages) with drugs. When taking cholesterol lowering medi- of the growing number of prod- this under control quickly? Eat only
consulting an allopathic doctor the cine. Why? Lipoproteins, which are ucts with high fructose corn syrup. brown rice for three weeks. Noth-
first thing investigated is to see if attached to cholesterol, provide a Stop all fried, salty, refined or pro- ing else! Include lots of water and
you have a disease. If not, they means by which toxins including, cessed foods, fatty dairy products moderate exercise. It’s always
may test your blood and identify heavy metals, solvent toxins, pes- or fatty meats. When we tell pa- best to do a cleansing diet like this
values that they think will cause a ticides, and petro-chemicals can tients this, many tell us we have just with the supervision of a clinical nu-
disease. With higher than normal be removed from your brain and eliminated everything they eat. In tritionist.
cholesterol numbers, cholesterol nerves. As cholesterol falls, less li- fact we have just described the Get the point! Not all cholesterol
lowering drugs are frequently pre- poproteins are available lowering Standard American or Aruban Diet is bad. Cholesterol lowering drugs
scribed. Is this the best thing to do? your body’s ability to remove these (SAD). and their known side effects are
Could it be that the remedy may poisons. Ok, what do we eat? Fresh fruits not the only choice. We need
be worse than the disease? For natural physicians, cholester- and vegetables, lean meats, but good cholesterol to protect our
ol is not bad. Hydroxy sterols are not pork, whole grains like brown brains and nerves. Changes in
Cholesterol lowering drugs, known found in both animal and plant life. rice oats or quinoa, a Peruvian diet and lifestyle can naturally help
as statins are proving to be killers. Cholesterol, a complicated form of supergrain. Wheat is not the best control not only “bad” cholesterol,
Documents indicate some senior alcohol is the main sterol of higher choice for many people because but you might find improvement
executives of German pharma- life forms. With the exception of of allergies and gluten intolerance. with symptoms of high blood pres-
ceutical maker Bayer, knew its brain and red blood cells, all cells Fish that swim constantly in deep sure, arthritis, and diabetes. Call
anti-cholesterol drug Baycol was in your body are capable of syn- water are loaded with “good” HDL us for a full evaluation of the good
causing illness and death long be- thesizing or producing cholesterol. cholesterol which is needed to and the bad of your health. Let us
fore pulling it off the market. It pro- Cholesterol provides strength for manufacture some very wonder- teach you how to turn the “ugly”
duces a side effect called rhabdo- cell walls; a way to use other sterols ful hormones, like sex hormones. into “beautiful!” q