Page 19 - HOH
P. 19
CLASSIFIED Wednesday 7 august 2019
Hiroshima HEALTH
marks 74th DOCTOR ON DUTY
anniversary Halley Time Travel FOR SALE Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
of atomic Paradise Beach Villas Tel. 527 4000
week 29, 2 bedrooms
bombing Marriott Ocean Club $6,000 sat-sat San Nicolas
gold season
week 30 1 bedroom
1BR OceanView $5K $5,000 sat-sat IMSAN 24 Hours
Tel.524 8833
By MARI YAMAGUCHI 2BR OceanView $8K Pls call: 742 2576 Women in Difficulties
Associated Press 2BR OceanFront $12 K e-mail: PHARMACY ON DUTY
TOKYO (AP) — Hiroshima aruba divi Phoenix Oranjestad:
marked the 74rd anniver- 1BR WK 30 building 6 $8,5 K _________________________________211529 Oduber Tel. 582 1780
sary of the atomic bomb- 3rd floor 32 weeks remain San Nicolas:
ing of the city with its may- San Nicolas Tel. 584 5712
or renewing calls for elimi- Marriott Surf Club Women in Difficulties
nating such weapons and gold season OTHER
demanding Japan’s gov- 2BR gardenview $7K Dental Clinic 587 9850
ernment do more. 2BR Oceanview $8K Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Mayor Kazumi Matsui raised 2BR Oceanside $9K Urgent Care 586 0448
Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
concerns in his peace ad- 2BR Oceanfront $12K +297 588 0539
dress Tuesday about the 3BR Ocean View $15K Women in Difficulties
rise of self-centered poli- Renaissance Suites EMERGENCY
tics in the world and urged 1 BR WK #32 3 rd floor Police 100
leaders to steadily work Pool/Ocean View $ 5000 Oranjestad 527 3140
toward achieving a world Costa Linda Beach Resort Noord 527 3200
without atomic weapons. 2 BR WK # 31 grond floor Sta. Cruz 527 2900
“Around the world today, Light House view on the eagle San Nicolas 584 5000
we see self-centered na- Beach Police Tipline 11141
tionalism in ascendance, $10,000 Fire Dept. 115
tensions heightened by in- Red Cross 582 2219
ternational exclusivity and Casa Del Mar
rivalry, with nuclear disar- 2 BR wk #34 3rd Floor TAXI SERVICES
mament at a standstill,” Ocean view $ 8000 Taxi Tas 587 5900
Matsui said in his peace aruba divi Phoenix Prof. Taxi 588 0035
declaration. 1 BR WK # 30 building 6 Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
He urged the younger gen- 3rd floor 30weeks remain $8000 Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
A1 Taxi Serv.
280 2828
erations never to dismiss Women in Difficulties
the atomic bombings and Call: 630 1307 TRAVEL INFO
the war as a mere events
of history, but think of them Aruba Airport 524 2424
as their own, while call- facebookpage:resales&realty American Airlines 582 2700
ing on the world leaders Avianca 588 0059
to come visit the nuclear Jet Blue 588 2244
bombed cities to learn FOR RENT OR SALE Surinam 582 7896
Japan, which hosts 50,000 2 bedr, suites P.O. views Women in Difficulties
American troops and is pro- wks 31,32,52,1,8,9 CRUISES
tected by the U.S. nuclear also other wks for rent or switch
umbrella, has not signed Call 941 343 1088 usa
the Treaty on the Prohibi- _________________________________211548
tion of Nuclear Weapons,
an inaction atomic bomb-
ing survivors and pacifist August 7
groups protest as insincere. Monarch
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe Freewinds
acknowledged widen- Women in Difficulties
ing differences between AID FOUNDATIONS
nuclear and non-nuclear FAVI- Visually Impaired
states. Tel. 582 5051
“Japan is committed to Alcoholics Anonymous
serve as a bridge between Tel. 736 2952
nuclear and non-nuclear Narcotics Anonymous
states and lead the interna- Tel. 583 8989
tional effort, while patiently Women in Difficulties
trying to convince them Tel. 583 5400
to cooperate and have a Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
dialogue,” Abe said in his Child Abuse Prevention
address at the ceremony. Tel. 582 4433
He vowed to maintain Ja- Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
pan’s pacifist and nuclear Women in Difficulties
nuclear-free principles, but General Info
did not promise signing the Phone Directory Tel. 118