Page 23 - AHATA
P. 23
Saturday 14 September 2019
Aruba Rainbow Circle: Full Moon Gathering
SAN NICOLAS — The full moon four directions and love and com-
in September is called ‘Harvest passion will be the guiding force of
Moon’ because it comes at the this gathering. There will be energy
peak of harvest season. Full Moon yoga, meditation, sacred songs,
Community Event in cooperation drumming circle with Qi Gong Aru-
with Prana (for an enlightened so- ba. Dr. Love, WeDrumming, Xavi
ciety) organize a gathering tonight Waeves, Shanti & more. Bring your
called the “mastay”. drum, guitar, flute, a towel, a cup
for tea and one love!
The essence of “mastay” is the re- People have been linking the
integration of the peoples of the moon to changes in our mood and
behavior since probably the be- cation. Drive to the red anchor in
ginning of time. According to Rice, Seroe Colorado, San Nicolas which
the moon's energy also amplifies is in the direction of Baby Beach
our emotions. Think of it like the and go left there. On your left you
changing tides, she says. When it's will find the sign. The event takes
full, it can bring all of your emotions place tonight at 6.30 PM. For more
to the surface. information check out the Face-
This donation-based event takes book page: Full Moon Community
place at a wonderful natural lo- Event.q