Page 11 - MIN ECEM
P. 11
Tuesday 23 May 2017
The reasons why we love Aruba
We are Canadian and said “who is that guy wav-
endure six months of ice, ing the Aruban Flag and
snow and polar vortex’s. cheering for Aruba”. I ex-
I was intrigued when plained I vacation in Aruba
we were young and the 4 weeks a year and love
Beach Boys song Aruba. every week and its peo-
Then I saw on T.V. a race- ple. Also Aruba is my No.
car “Team Aruba” this car 1 destination in the world.
was really fast and painted Then the Canadian team
in beautiful colors and this met me. Canadian team
was reflected what I see in came to Aruba one year
Aruba. before and said they felt
Then I saw an Aruban MLB the same way I did about
baseball player, a pitcher the people of Aruba. The
(he was good). Aruba was Aruban team dominated
on my bucket list. We have the tournament. Aruba
been to many Caribbean people were amazed how
destinations, from Cuba to big and green Canada
Curacao and most recent- was. It was also hotter than
ly Costa Rica. Aruba. These Aruban peo-
Every island has some ple were on vacation and
unique and beautiful I felt like I was at my resort
things, but Aruba has it ALL. Costa Linda.
We have travelled 80+ To every Aruban citizen
weeks in the last 24 years. who I meet in my travels or
This is my 21st year in Aru-
ba. We have now enjoyed
Aruba for 50+ weeks. Ev-
ery destination I travel to
I am dissatisfied. We tend
to brag about Aruba and
promote tourism. Go to
Aruba it is better than here!
We are Beach people. We
have been to 5 out of the
top 10 noted beaches in
the world. I believe Aruba
should be rated 3 beaches
in the top 10.
Other reasons why we love
Stable consistent govern-
Safe, delicious drinking
A feeling of safety
The nicest immigration of-
ficials in the world.
The children speak 4 lan-
They have pensions, good
health care.
The cleanest country in the
world. potent my first 24 hours in remembers your name. beach “Pops”. in my country I would 100%
We like to experience dif- Aruba. It is the drastic cli- Costa Linda staff are like a Costa Linda greatest asset extend all my hospital-
ferent cultures. Back home mate change. Heat, dehy- large family (a really good are the people who work ity and give them the Red
in Canada we live in a dration, 10 hours in airports. normal family) Costa Linda there. Everyone who works Carpet treatment.
predominant English cul- When we leave, it is 45◦F. I has huge units with big bal- there are above average I renewed my wedding
ture. Our summer home arrive it is 90 -95 °F. The staff conies. intelligent, hardworking vows on Eagle Beach in
(cottage) is in a French at Costa Linda are so pa- They are located on Eagle and truly care about your front of Costa Linda at the
province. When I come to tient with my wife and me. Beach (low rise). I think Ea- vacation. We have a very beautiful bar and restau-
Aruba I meet few Cana- I feel humble, embarrassed gle Beach should be noted special friend who works rant Water’s Edge.
dian. We have met Dutch and the kindness all people top 3 in world. The building for Costa Linda. When she This is why we love Costa
people (good, hard work- at Costa Linda show me. I is beautiful and architec- told me that Team Aruba Linda Beach Resort and its
ing, intelligent people). We know I act in an inappro- ture gorgeous. From Span- (women’s slo-pitch team) people.
enjoy them. At Costa Linda priate behavior. From the ish look to pastel colors. were coming to Canada Lots of tourists say we love
we meet Americans. We General Manager, Front The view from the rooms is to play a tournament, we Aruba “Its just like home”.
enjoy them greatly. They Desk to Resort Activities, beautiful and from the sea drove 500 miles from our My wife and myself say
are great people. every employee has ex- (sailing or fishing boat) Cos- Norther vacation home to “ Aruba it is Better than
Why we love Costa Linda cellent listening skills. They ta Linda looks like a beau- see her and Team Aruba. home”!
Beach Resort really want to make you tiful gemstone. As you get There were probably 25 Thank you Aruba!
I tend to be irritable, im- vacation better. Everyone closer, Costa Linda and its people from Aruba. They all Les and Cynthia Cornellq