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A24      HEALTH
                      Thursday 4 July 2019

                                                                                         Endless Vacation

                                                            essential in agricultural areas.  In North America,  place conflicts – causing lowered office perfor-
                                                            school  summer  vacation  is  three  months  long  mance. Some companies are resorting to mak-
                                                            because  immigrants  could  not  exclude  their  ing  their  employees  to  take  vacation  days  or
                                                            children from the farming demands during the  “time out” in order to improve their profit mar-
                                                            short  growing  season.    Similarly,  the  spring  re-  gin.  In our clinic we see many of our patients
                                                            cess  coincides  with  the  labor  intensive  period  take a mini vacation or “time out” when they
                                                            when live stock gave birth and crops needed  come in for an acupuncture session.
                                                            to be sowed and the fall break coincides with  Acupuncture, an ancient Chinese therapy that
                                                            the traditional harvest period.                  is becoming more widespread in the West uses
                                                            A forth reason for a rest is health related.  Without  various procedures, such as heat and pressure
                                                            question, the greatest health benefit is where a  but mainly fine needles, to stimulate points on
                                                            vacation helps in your stress reduction program.   the  body  to  relieve  pain  by  rebalancing  the
                                                            My father, who lived ninety six robust years, told  flow  of  energy.  The  world  health  organization
                                                            me several times, a heart attack is natures way  has listed many conditions treated safely and
                                                            of telling you to slow down.  Someone with ail-  effectively by acupuncture including, allergies,
                                                            ing health has few prospects.  Sickness carries a  hypertension, injuries, chronic pain, depression
                                                            message that only the wisest heed.               and fatigue.
                   By Dr. Carlos Viana                      A  fifth  motivation  for  a  vacation  is  a  respite  Many of these are interrelated with stress.  While
                                                            from our profession or occupation.  This break  many of our patients come in for their twenty
            Aruba,  with  our  beautiful  beaches  and  per-  could be the most important.  We labor franti-  minute session to relieve pain; our policy of turn-
            fect  climate  is  an  endless  vacation  paradise.   cally to make ourselves more comfortable and  ing cell phones off or on silent allows our clients
            However, the summer is traditionally known as  end up with the byproduct of modern society,  to more fully relax. After their sessions many re-
            “vacation time.”  With the children home from  stress.    Continuing  stress  causes  a  whole  host  alize that the treatment has gone beyond pain
            school, people make extensive plans to catch  of health problems.  A recent survey reported  reduction and they feel a balance and harmo-
            up  on  all  the  things  they  never  seem  to  have  forty percent of North Americans are suffering  ny in their body, mind and spirit.
            enough  time  to  do.    They  arrange  elaborate  from chronic stress.  Stress is what pushes some  My  father  once  told  me  that  he  had  never
            family reunions and fly off to more exotic loca-  people decide to finally take a vacation.  Early  heard anyone state in their closing years that
            tions.                                          signs of stress are Mother Nature’s way of telling  they wished that they had worked harder.  In
                                                            us something is wrong and needs our attention.   our  pursuit  to  make  ourselves  more  comfort-
            Traditionally,  we  vacation  for  several  reasons.   A break from work could be vital to our well be-  able, our daily affairs have a way of obscuring
            Though not all countries have evolved into the  ing.  Unfortunately this critical period is also he  more important issues.  Issues we ignore until we
            practice of vacationing, most do provide some  least  respected.    Weekly,  we  observe  tourists  are forced to retire or Mother Nature gives us
            time off for newly married couples.  The “hon-  trying  to  accomplish  the  most  possible  during  her message in sickness.
            eymoon,” originally month long, was a reprieve  their vacation.  Enjoying all that the Island has  Get the point, a diversion from daily responsibili-
            from daily pressures where almost total strang-  to offer, they are partying, gambling, and franti-  ties can rejuvenate our lives.  Either this week-
            ers could adjust to living  with another person.   cally pursuing their hobbies.  Their motto is “work  end at home, or this summer spent in an exotic
            Today the “honeymoon” can be an extension  hard, play hard.”                                     place like Aruba, take time to reflect on health.
            of the courting period where new couples can  Although the exercise we do on vacation can  Schedule  a  spa  treatment  between  water
            agree on goals of their joint lives together.   be  a  good  stress  reducer,  moderate  exercise  sports and rounds of golf.  Have some tropical
            A second reason for a vacation is the “second  needs to be done on a regular basis to contrib-   fruit  on  the  breakfast  buffet  instead  of  coffee
            honeymoon.”  Special observances of wedding  ute to overall health.  Not working out the rest  and toast, put away the laptop and enjoy the
            anniversaries are usually reserved for milestone  of the year and then overdoing it on vacation  view.
            dates like the tenth, twenty-fifth and the “gold-  causes more stress.  Many people need to re-  Come  in  for  an  acupuncture  “time  out.”    If
            en” fiftieth anniversaries.  During these honey-  turn home to their “normal” lives to recuperate  you’re ready for a complete make-over, wheth-
            moon replays, some couples have a ceremony  from  their  vacation.    These  people  may  have  er you’re visiting or live in the land of endless va-
            where wedding vows are repeated.  This vaca-    had  a  temporary  break  from  their  work  and  cationers, at our natural healing center, we do
            tion then serves as a reaffirmation of the original  problems, but they certainly have not benefit-  full health evaluations, based on science, but
            hopes and aspirations for their marriage.       ed physiologically from their vacation.          with a stress free, barefoot, Island flavor. Call us
            A third reason is a school break.  School breaks  It  has  been  estimated  that  managers  spend  for a mini or maxi vacation that can have ef-
            were originally provided because children were  at least 25 percent of their time resolving work-  fects that last long after the break. q
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