Page 9 - AHATA
P. 9
Thursday 24 January 2019
Where culture, creativity and diversity lives, inclusion shall prevail!
Maastricht – In the spirit of cultural celebration and expression on the
island, this past weekend a remarkable moment in history took place
in the Carnival Harbor Arena. The first special needs Youth Queen
was crowned in celebration of Aruba’s 65th carnival anniversary. Be-
sides winning the ultimate title during the Youth Queen election, Ilai-
jah Croes represented courage and the beauty of inclusion in cultural
activities on the island. Next to economic and cultural developments
of Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs), there is a tremendous con-
tribution of CCIs on social progress and vigorous developments where
people are the central attention. Societies should not only focus to
thrive financially or economically, but should also take into account
the social well-being of its people.
Inclusion and the Sustainable Development Goals
In previous columns, I elaborated on the 17 Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) the United Nations has proposed, so that all member
countries can work together in creating more sustainable cities, com- The crowning of Aruba’s 65th Youth Queen by the Minister of Culture
munities and families. Seemingly, Aruba has also committed herself religion or economic or other sta- between different groups (Borg
to implementation of these goals which focus on areas such as; pov- tus” (UN, 2018). van der & Russo, 2005). Talking
erty, education, health care, gender equality, reduced inequalities, about different groups relates to
economic growth, climate change, life on land and below water, Culture and Social Cohesion the statement of the SDGs. Groups
justice and so much more. Specifically, on inclusion the SDGs propose While the role of culture in promot- of people irrespective of age, sex,
different targets in making sure countries become more inclusive in ing community cohesion and well- disability, race, ethnicity, origin, re-
economic, political, social and cultural spectrums. The idea is to “by being has been fully recognized ligion or economic or other status.
2030, empower and promote the social, economic and political in- by diverse academics and profes-
clusion of all, irrespective of age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, origin,
sionals in these fields, the narrative On Aruba, this development is
is equally important, thus, how the slowly transforming itself. More di-
community enables or constrains versity, more participation and
the creative economy. The rela- exposure of “difference”. Social
tion between a community and its inclusion, besides having a social
culture extends to concerns social emphasis on development also
harmony, which is imperative for triggers economic spectrums that
healthy development. In an age in are equally important. Inclusion of
which societies like Aruba tend to more women, migrants, disabled
become even more multi-cultural, people in Aruba’s economy and
identities and ways of life confront cultural platform should also be a
one another. In the multi-cultural goal to achieve.
society, culture can be a lever that
stimulates pride, personal develop-
ment, and self-fulfillment for minori- Continued on Page 15
Aruba’s 65th Youth Queen enjoying herself after presenting ties, and at the same time it can
her touching speech be a common language, a bridge