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A4   U.S. NEWS
             Wednesday 4 september 2019

                                                                      Alabama governor doesn’t plan

                                                                      to resign over blackface skit

                                                                      By KIM CHANDLER              lic apology last week, Ivey  ernor Ivey needs to do the
                                                                      Associated Press             reiterated  that  she  was  right  thing  and  resign  as
                                                                      MONTGOMERY,  Ala.  (AP)      wrong to appear in the skit  Governor and let someone
                                                                      —  Alabama  Gov.  Kay        over 50 years ago and that  lead  the  people  of  Ala-
                                                                      Ivey  said  Tuesday  that    it does not reflect who she  bama  into  a  brighter  and
                                                                      she  should  not  have  worn   is  today.  The  Republican  more  inclusive  future,  not
                                                                      blackface  in  a  college    governor  said  she  has  no  the  status  quo,”  Benard
                                                                      skit decades ago, but she    plans to quit.               Simelton,  president  of  the
                                                                      does  not  plan  to  resign   “Heavens  no,  I’m  not  go-  Alabama NAACP, said in a
                                                                      over  something  that  hap-  ing to resign. It’s something  written statement.
             In this Nov. 6, 2018 file photo Republican Gov. Kay Ivey speaks
            to  supporters  after  she  won  the  election  at  a  watch  party  in   pened so long in the past.  that  happened  52  years  The organization said if Ivey
            Montgomery, Ala.                                          In  her  first  public  appear-  ago and I’m not that per-  is  serious  about  racial  rec-
                                                     Associated Press  ance  since  issuing  a  pub-  son.    My  administration  onciliation, she should con-
                                                                                                   stands  on  being  inclusive  sider policies such as Med-
                                                                                                   and  helping  people,”  the  icaid  expansion  to  “level
                                                                                                   Republican governor said.    the  playing  field  in  areas
                                                                                                   Ivey  last  week  apologized  of  education,  and  health-
                                                                                                   after  a  1967  college  radio  care.”  Alabama  Senate
                                                                                                   interview  surfaced  of  her  Minority   Leader   Bobby
                                                                                                   then-fiance  Ben  LaRavia  Singleton,  who  is  African
                                                                                                   describing   her   wearing  American,  said  last  week
                                                                                                   “black  paint  all  over  her  that  he  appreciated  Ivey
                                                                                                   face” in a skit called “Cigar  “owning” the incident and
                                                                                                   Butts”  at  skit  night  at  the  apologizing for it. litician to
                                                                                                   Baptist  Student  Union.  Her  face scrutiny over wearing
                                                                                                   office released the record-  blackface decades ago. A
                                                                                                   ing  after  university  officials  racist photo in the medical
                                                                                                   discovered it while working  school yearbook of Virginia
                                                                                                   on  a  project  to  preserve  Gov.  Ralph  Northam  led
                                                                                                   old university records.      to  calls  for  his  resignation.
                                                                                                   Her  admission  of  wearing  Virginia  Attorney  General
                                                                                                   black  face  came  after  Mark Herring also acknowl-
                                                                                                   she  had  told  The  Associ-  edged wearing blackface
                                                                                                   ated Press in February that  in college.
                                                                                                   she  had  never  done  so.  The skit, which appeared to
                                                                                                   Ivey said Tuesday that she  have taken place in 1967,
                                                                                                   doesn’t remember the skit.   came three years after the
                                                                                                   “I  didn’t  remember  be-    first  African  American  stu-
                                                                                                   ing  at  the  Baptist  Student  dent  entered  Auburn  and
                                                                                                   Union in any kind of skit like  six years after segregation-
                                                                                                   that for sure. But I’ve apol-  ist  Gov.  George  Wallace’s
                                                                                                   ogized  for  it.  I  should  not  infamous  stand  in  the
                                                                                                   have done that. I know it’s  school house door to try to
                                                                                                   important  to  apologize  to  block the entry of two Afri-
                                                                                                   the  people  of  Alabama,”  can  American  students  at
                                                                                                   Ivey said Tuesday.           the University of Alabama.
                                                                                                   Ivey’s public apology drew  In  the  radio  interview,
                                                                                                   a mixed reaction.            LaRavia brought up the skit
                                                                                                   The  Alabama  NAACP  on  when  asked  to  share  their
                                                                                                   Tuesday  repeated  a  call  “most  hilarious  moments”
                                                                                                   for Ivey to resign. The group  from the skit night. LaRavia
                                                                                                   pointed to some of her ac-   said if they ever forget their
                                                                                                   tions as governor, including  college  days,  “all  we’d
                                                                                                   signing  legislation  to  pro-  need  to  do  is  come  back
                                                                                                   tect  Confederate  monu-     to the Auburn BSU and look
                                                                                                   ments  and  other  historic  at  some  of  those  pictures
                                                                                                   statues  from  being  torn  they  took  that  night  and  I
                                                                                                   down.                        understand  we  would  be
                                                                                                   “The NAACP believes Gov-     quite humbled at this.”q
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