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             Wednesday 4 september 2019

                                                                        Treating Blood Pressure Problems


                                                            natural supplements.                            With low, weak blood or low blood sugar, hy-
                                                            Clinically, I have found that there are many rea-  poglycemia, the body tightens or constricts the
                                                            sons  that  produce  high  blood  pressure,  weak  blood vessels to increase oxygen and glucose
                                                            blood, or anemia, high cholesterol, pre- diabe-  movement.
                                                            tes, stress, tight blood vessels or liver problems.  Constriction of the blood vessels is the body’s
                                                            Fortunately, we can treat many of the different  way to raise the blood pressure. By narrowing
                                                            reasons that develop hypertension with natural  the  passage  in  the  blood  vessels,  blood  flows
                                                            dietary supplements made from organic food.     more  slowly  to  the  organs  and  the  arms  and
                                                            Low  blood  count  reduces  your  blood’s  ability  legs.  I  prescribe  Biotin  supplementation  to  re-
                                                            to  carry  oxygen  through  your  body.  To  com-  duces systolic blood pressure by helping arter-
                                                            pensate,  your  heart  starts  beating  faster  and  ies be smoother and able to relax more. Mari
                                                            stronger. Blood pressure rises. The human body  Watanabe-Kamiyama  reported  in  the  British
                                                            needs  vitamin  B12  to  make  red  blood  cells,  Journal  of  Nutrition  that  biotin  has  beneficial
                                                            nerves, DNA, and carry out other functions. The  effects on hypertension and the frequency of
                                                            average  adult  should  get  2.4  micrograms  a  stroke.
                                                            day. Like most vitamins, B12 can’t be made by  Biotin is one of the B complex vitamins that help
                                                            the body. Instead, it must be gotten from food  the body convert food into energy.
                                                            or supplements. In older people, B12 deficiency  The word biotin comes from the ancient Greek
                                                            has  been  linked  to  dementia.  This  deficiency  word  “biotos,”  which  means  “life”  or  “suste-
                                                            has also been linked to other neurodegenera-    nance.” B vitamins, and specifically biotin, help
                                                            tive disorders such as multiple sclerosis and Par-  keep your skin, hair, eyes, liver, and nervous sys-
                                                            kinson’s disease.                               tem healthy. Biotin is also a crucial nutrient dur-
                                                            Individuals  who  experience  even  slightly  re-  ing pregnancy, as it’s important for embryonic
                  By: Dr Carlos Viana                       duced levels of vitamin B12 also tend to have  growth.
                                                            elevated  homocysteine  levels.  Homocysteine  When a new patient has blood pressure of 140
            Hypertension, high blood pressure is a risk fac-  is an amino acid used normally by the body in  over 90 or more, I do a blood test to check for
            tor  associated  with  heart  attacks  and  strokes.   making energy and making muscles. Elevated  Insulin  resistance  (pre-diabetes).  The  National
            Blood  pressure  readings  involve  two  number,   concentrations in the blood are thought to in-  Diabetes  Information  Clearinghouse  reports
            one above the other. The top number, which is   crease the risk for heart disease by damaging  high  blood  sugar  contributes  to  high  blood
            also the higher of the two numbers, measures    the  lining  of  blood  vessels  and  increasing  the  pressure. One of the proposed uses of the herb
            the pressure in the arteries when the heart beats,   risk of blood clot formation. Always make sure  milk thistle is to lower blood sugar levels, which
            that  is,  when  the  heart  muscle  contracts.  The   you are taking a B complex with your B 12 or  may ultimately cause a decrease in blood pres-
            top number is called the Systolic number. The   other B’s.                                      sure. Mayo Clinic states animal and laboratory
            bottom number, the Diastolic, which is also the   They work best together.                      research found milk thistle may be capable of
            lower of the two numbers, measures the pres-    When I studied and worked as a Traditional Chi-  lowering high cholesterol levels. If this is true, milk
            sure in the arteries between heartbeats (when   nese  Medical  doctor  in  Shanghai  one  of  our  thistle may help lower blood pressure by elimi-
            the heart muscle is resting between beats and   principle  natural  medicines  was  rice  that  had  nating excessive cholesterol within the arteries.
            refilling with blood).                          a  yeast  or  fungus  growing  on  the  grains.  The  For centuries natural physicians have used milk
                                                            yeast called Monascus purpureus, turns the rice  thistle to help the liver detoxify.
            I consider abnormal blood pressure to be more   a red color. Called Red yeast rice, it has a long  Get  the  Point!  Years  ago,  nutritionists  would
            than  140/90.  Like  an  overinflated  tire  or  bal-  history of use as both a food and a medicine  take  your  blood  pressure,  have  you  eat  one
            loon, that can rupture, a burst blood vessel in   in  China.  Red  yeast  rice  contains  natural  mo-  food and check your blood pressure ten min-
            the brain causes a stroke and in the heart blood   nacolin  K,  which  has  properties  very  similar  to  utes later. If your blood pressure rose more than
            vessels that are blocked or broken can cause    cholesterol-lowering  prescription  medications  ten points, that food was considered to be intol-
            a heart attack. When the largest artery in the   known as statins. Besides helping the liver con-  erant, or not good for you.
            body, the aorta, is torn or ruptured, traumatic   vert the cholesterol into a healthier bile, clinical  The food – blood pressure connection is well es-
            aortic  rupture  is  a  life-  threatening  condition.   tests have looked at the benefits of red yeast  tablished. Thankfully, we can use natural food
            Blood pressure problems should not be ignored   rice to treat other cardiovascular disorders, in-  dietary supplements to help control our blood
            and should instead, if possible, be treated with   cluding hypertension, high blood pressure.   pressure naturally.q
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