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CLASSIFIED Wednesday 4 september 2019
Halley Time Travel ASSOCIATED REALTORS Oranjestad
For Sale / Investment Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
two large 2 bedrooms/ 1 Tel. 527 4000
Marriott Ocean Club bathroom apartments at bubali/
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1 br Ocean View $ 5 K noord, one fully furnished, ideal IMSAN 24 Hours
for short term rentals and for
2 br Ocean View $ 8 K Tel.524 8833
1 br Ocean Front $12K $298,000.00 Women in Difficulties
Contact mito at 593 6318
2 br Ocean Front $14K PHARMACY ON DUTY
_________________________________211698 Oranjestad:
This Jan. 22, 2018, file still frame from video provided by KCBS- Marriott Surf Club ASSOCIATED REALTORS Kibrahacha Tel. 583 4908
TV shows a Tesla Model S electric car that has crashed into a fire 2 br Garden View $ 7 K For Sale Investment San Nicolas:
engine on Interstate 405 in Culver City, Calif. House in sta. Helenastraat / Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
Associated Press 2 br Ocean View $ 8 K Oranjestad with 4 apartments, Women in Difficulties
2 br Ocean side $9 K
NTSB: Tesla on 2 br Ocean Front $12 K ideal for short term rentals and Dental Clinic 587 9850
for $366,000.00
Autopilot when it hit Renaissance Suites Contact mito at 593 6318 Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
Urgent Care 586 0448
1 br WK # 35 $3500
California firetruck 3rd Floor pool/Ocean View Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
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eagle resort and Casino
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By TOM KRISHER told the NTSB that he was 2sd floor $4000 Police 100
AP Auto Writer traveling to work in Los An- Oranjestad 527 3140
DETROIT (AP) — A govern- geles when the crash hap- Casa Del Mar Noord 527 3200
ment report says the driver pened. He told investigators 2 br WK 34 $7500 Sta. Cruz 527 2900
of a Tesla that slammed he was looking forward with 3rd floor Ocean View San Nicolas 584 5000
into a firetruck near Los An- his hand rested on his knee Aruba Divi Phoenix Police Tipline 11141
geles last year was using while touching the bottom studio WK 35 and 36 Ambulancia 911
Fire Dept.
the car’s Autopilot system of the steering wheel. Just 2sd Floor Ocean Front Red Cross 582 2219
when a vehicle in front of before the crash, a large 32 week remain
him suddenly changed vehicle, an SUV or pickup Vilas $5000 each TAXI SERVICES
lanes and he didn’t have truck, changed lanes in Call: 630 1307 Taxi Tas 587 5900
time to react. front of him, the driver told Prof. Taxi 588 0035
The National Transporta- the NTSB. Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
tion Safety Board said Tues- “Although the driver stated facebookpage:resales&realty Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
day the driver never saw that he was looking for- A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
the parked firetruck and ward, he was unable to see Women in Difficulties
didn’t brake. Apparently the firetruck in time enough TRAVEL INFO
the man’s 2014 Tesla Mod- to avoid the crash. The driv- Aruba Airport 524 2424
el S didn’t brake either. er had coffee and a bagel ASSOCIATED REALTORS American Airlines 582 2700
The report raises further at the time, but he wasn’t For Sale Avianca 588 0059
questions about the ef- sure if either was in his hand spacious House in ruby/noord Jet Blue 588 2244
fectiveness of Tesla’s sys- when the crash occurred,” 3 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, Surinam 582 7896
tem, which was in opera- according to the report. pool, build-up 320 m2 and for
tion before several other Cellphone data showed $446,000 including furnitures Women in Difficulties
crashes including two fa- the driver was not using his and appliances CRUISES
talities in Florida and one in phone to talk or text in the Contact mito at 593 6318
Silicon Valley. Tesla warns minutes leading up to the _________________________________211698
drivers that the system is crash.q
not fully autonomous and
drivers must be ready to
intervene. The NTSB report September 10
Freedom of the seas
didn’t state a cause of the September 11
crash. The agency will issue monarch
a final report Wednesday. Women in Difficulties
The driver in the Jan. 22, AID FOUNDATIONS
2018 firetruck crash on In- FAVI- Visually Impaired
terstate 405 was not hurt. Tel. 582 5051
But the NTSB report says he Alcoholics Anonymous
did not have his hands on Tel. 736 2952
the steering wheel at the Narcotics Anonymous
time of the crash. Tel. 583 8989
The firetruck from Cul- Women in Difficulties
ver City, California, had Tel. 583 5400
stopped in the northbound Centre for Diabetes
high occupancy vehicle Tel. 524 8888
lane with its emergency Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
lights flashing as it respond-
ed to another crash. The Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
firefighters were also unin- General Info
jured. The Tesla driver, from Phone Directory Tel. 118
suburban Woodland Hills,