Page 12 - aruba-today-20181218
P. 12

                Tuesday 18 december 2018

            Madagascar's presidential runoff pits 2 ex-heads of state

            By LAETITIA BEZAIN           streets  with  ringing  chants                                                         manana  said.  He  had  to
            ANTANANARIVO,       Mada-    for  one  candidate  or  the                                                           quit the presidency in 2009
            gascar  (AP)  —  The  Indian  other.                                                                                after  a  series  of  military-
            Ocean  island  nation  of  Ten  million  voters  are  reg-                                                          backed  challenges  sup-
            Madagascar  goes  to  the  istered  in  what  the  World                                                            ported  by  Rajoelina,  who
            polls  on  Wednesday  for  a  Bank  calls  one  of  the                                                             was the capital's mayor at
            runoff  presidential  election  world's  poorest  nations,                                                          the time.
            that  features  two  former  though  one  rich  in  eco-                                                            For  his  part,  Rajoelina  has
            heads of state who have a  logical diversity. More than                                                             responded  that  "we  must
            prickly past.                two-thirds of the population                                                           fight  against  dictatorship
            Andry  Rajoelina  received  of 25 million live in extreme                                                           and egoism."
            39  percent  of  the  vote  in  poverty, while corruption is                                                        In a poor neighborhood of
            the  first  round,  while  Marc  widespread.                                                                        the  capital,  Manarintsoa
            Ravalomanana got 35 per-     The  44-year-old  Rajoelina                                                            Atsinanana,   the   candi-
            cent. They face off for the  says  Madagascar  needs      A man cycles past a street vendor with election posters in Anta-  dates'  promises  are  inspir-
            first time since political tur-  a  young  leader  and  he   nanarivo, Madagascar, Sunday, Dec. 16, 2018.           ing few people to dream.
            moil in 2009 forced Ravalo-  pitches grand plans for the                                           Associated Press  "I'm  one  of  those  people
            manana from power. Both  future.  He  was  president                                                                who  will  never  be  con-
            have said they will accept  from 2009 to 2014 during a  helicopters  to  help  a  rural  speech in the capital early  vinced because no matter
            the runoff's results.        transitional government.     southern  community  com-    this month.                  who it is, Ravalomanana or
            The  capital,  Antananarivo,  "I  will  build  a  factory  that  bat banditry.         The  rivals  have  used  the  Rajoelina,  they'll  never  put
            is  vibrant  in  the  final  days  makes solar panels so that  For his part, the 69-year-old  campaign to snipe at each  any food on my plate. They
            before  the  vote  with  the  every home will have elec-  Ravalomanana,  who  led  other,      highlighting   their  ignore the people's pover-
            orange T-shirts of Rajoelina  tricity,"  he  vowed  during  Madagascar  from  2002  to  tense history.              ty," Tatiana Rabenirina said
            and  the  white  and  green  a  rally  on  Friday  in  Miand-  2009, is appealing to voters  "We need a democrat, not  bitterly.  She  stood  in  front
            ones  of  Ravalomanana  rivazo  in  the  central  part  based on his experience.       a putschist. We will not ac-  of her tiny home fashioned
            worn  by  hundreds  of  sup-  of  the  country.  The  previ-  "You  need  a  competent,  cept  a  president  who  di-  from planks and other odds
            porters.  Minibuses  fill  the  ous  day  he  promised  10  mature leader," he said in a  vides the country," Ravalo-  and ends.q

            Cambodia's biggest hydropower dam now producing electricity

                                                                      By SOPHENG CHEANG            ity by 20 percent, accord-   two  tributaries  of  the  Me-
                                                                      Associated Press             ing to the Ministry of Mines  kong  River  and  devastate
                                                                      PHNOM  PENH,  Cambodia  and Energy.                       the  livelihoods  and  homes
                                                                      (AP)  —  Cambodia's  larg-   It was built over four years  of thousands of people. As
                                                                      est hydropower project of-   at a cost of nearly $800 mil-  many  as  100,000  people
                                                                      ficially  began  producing  lion  and  is  a  joint  venture  could  lose  the  ability  to
                                                                      electricity  Monday  as  the  of  China's  Hydrolancang  catch fish.
                                                                      country tries to increase its  International Energy, which  The  dam  is  the  seventh
                                                                      energy capacity to reduce  has  a  51  percent  stake,  commercial-scale      hydro-
                                                                      energy  imports  and  help  Cambodia's  Royal  Group  power  dam  in  Cambodia,
                                                                      jump-start industrial expan-  with  39  percent  and  Viet-  bringing  hydropower  pro-
                                                                      sion.                        nam's  EVN  International  duction  to  1,328  mega-
                                                                      Prime Minister Hun Sen inau-  with 10 percent.            watts.
                                                                      gurated the 400-megawatt  The  dam  is  expected  to  Hydropower  supplies  45
                                                                      Lower Sesan II hydropower  bring  in  almost  $30  million  percent  of  Cambodia's
                                                                      dam  in  the  northeastern  in tax revenue yearly. Own-   electricity consumption, fol-
                                                                      province  of  Stung  Treng.  ership will be handed over  lowed  by  35  percent  from
            In this Jan. 10, 2018, file photo, China's Premier Li Keqiang, left,
            heads  to  the  meeting  room  with  his  Cambodian  counterpart   The  project,  constructed  to the government after 40  coal-fired  power  plants
            Hun Sen before the opening of the Mekong-Lancang Coopera-  on a build-operate-transfer  years.                      and about 5 percent from
            tion forum Leaders Meeting in Phnom Penh, Cambodia.       basis,  will  boost  the  coun-  Opponents say the dam will  petroleum  and  alternative
                                                     Associated Press  try's production of electric-  damage the biodiversity of  energy.q
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