Page 10 - aruba-today-20181218
P. 10
Tuesday 18 december 2018
Pakistan, Saudis, UAE join US-Taliban talks
By KATHY GANNON and dismiss the Kabul gov- Washington's peace en-
ISLAMABAD (AP) — The Tal- ernment as a U.S. puppet. voy, Zalmay Khalilzad, says
iban held another round of Mujahid said the meetings he has met with all sides in
talks with U.S. officials on were continuing. the conflict.
Monday, this time in the Khalil Minawi, director of The Taliban control nearly
United Arab Emirates and Afghanistan's state-run half of Afghanistan and
also involving Saudi, Paki- Bakhtar news agency, ear- carry out daily attacks,
stani and Emirati represen- lier tweeted that officials mainly targeting security
tatives, part of the latest from the United States, Af- forces and government of-
attempt to bring a negoti- ghanistan, Pakistan and ficials.
ated end to Afghanistan's the UAE held meetings The group said last month
17-year war. Sunday ahead of "the Pak- that it held three days of
Taliban spokesman Zabi- istani-sponsored U.S.-Tal- talks with Khalilzad in Qatar,
hullah Mujahid offered iban meeting." where the Taliban maintain
few details of the daylong While Afghan officials did a political office. Khalilzad
meeting except to say "dis- not attend Monday's meet- In this March 13, 2009, file photo, Zalmay Khalilzad, special ad- then went to Kabul, where
cussions were held with the ing with the Taliban, their viser on reconciliation speaks during a news conference in Ka- he urged Afghan President
American side over the presence in the UAE is a sig- bul, Afghanistan. Ashraf Ghani to cobble to-
end to the invasion of Af- nificant step in efforts to get Associated Press gether a team that could
ghanistan." He dismissed the two sides talking. The hold talks with the Taliban.
Afghan media reports that Taliban have consistently ress. ment during its five-year Khalilzad said he would like
Afghan government repre- refused to hold direct talks Also significant is the pres- rule, which ended with to see a "roadmap" agree-
sentatives, who are in the with the Afghan govern- ence of the Saudis and the 2001 U.S.-led invasion. ment reached before Af-
United Arab Emirates, had ment, insisting they will only Emiratis, both of whom Washington has consider- ghan presidential elections,
met with the Taliban. negotiate with the U.S. have significant influence able sway over the Afghan scheduled for next April.
"There is no plan to meet Afghanistan's National over the Taliban, and who government, which it heav- Since his appointment in
the Kabul administration," Security Adviser Hamdul- might be able to help se- ily bankrolls. The U.S. has September, Khalilzad has
Mujahid said. "There is no lah Mohib was among the cure concessions from the spent $1 trillion in Afghani- made several tours of the
possibility of the presence Afghan government rep- group eventually leading stan since ousting the Tal- region. Earlier this month,
of the Kabul administration resentatives in the UAE, a to face-to-face talks with iban and the war there has he held meetings in Islam-
in the meeting, which the senior Afghan government Kabul. become America's longest. abad. Pakistani Prime Min-
Islamic Emirate will attend." official told The Associated Saudi Arabia, the UAE and While the U.S. State Depart- ister Imran Khan later said
The Taliban refer to their Press. The presence of such Pakistan were the only ment has neither denied Khalilzad asked Pakistan to
movement as the Islamic a high-ranking individual three countries to recog- nor confirmed previous assist in getting the Taliban
Emirate of Afghanistan, was seen as a sign of prog- nize the Taliban govern- meetings with the Taliban, to the negotiating table. q
Kremlin hails go-ahead for oligarchs to attend Davos forum
By NATALIYA VASILYEVA garchs to attend in an of- WEF's jitters about U.S. sanc-
JAMEY KEATEN ficial delegation. U.S. sanc- tions but expressed con-
Associated Press tions could affect anyone fidence the businessmen
MOSCOW (AP) — The Krem- who does business with would have no problem
lin said Monday that three the three men, potentially finding useful non-Ameri-
high-profile Russian tycoons jeopardizing WEF staffers or can contacts at the event.
who are facing U.S. sanc- other participants. WEF says it has always re-
tions have been cleared The Financial Times in Octo- spected the U.S. sanctions
to return to the World Eco- ber reported that the three against the Russians and
nomic Forum in Davos, fol- men were told they were made it clear that anyone
lowing reports that they not welcome at the Da- who attends the Davos
had been disinvited. vos gathering next year. All event would have to com-
WEF organizers had report- three have led companies ply with them.
edly shunned billionaires that are high-paying mem- "Since the introduction of
Oleg Deripaska and Vik- bers of the WEF. the U.S. sanctions in April,
tor Vekselberg, and Andrei In this July 2, 2015 file photo, Russian metals magnate Oleg Deri- A respected Russian online the forum's position — as
Kostin, the head of state- paska attends Independence Day celebrations at Spaso House, publication, The Bell, re- an organization that has
controlled bank VTB, from the residence of the American Ambassador, in Moscow, Russia. ported Monday that WEF offices in the U.S. and that
attending the rarefied Jan- Associated Press organizers came forward has U.S. employees — has
uary event at the Swiss ski with several pre-conditions always been one of com-
resort. confirmed whether the sanction, all necessary for the sanctioned visitors. plete and strict compli-
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry three had been disinvited. measures have been un- They are reportedly not al- ance with all the U.S. sanc-
Peskov said WEF organizers On Sunday, WEF head of dertaken to ensure that lowed to take part in pan- tions," said Georg Schmitt,
had listened to Russia's ar- compliance Alois Zwinggi their presence would be els organized by U.S. citi- WEF head of corporate
guments against "a selec- said Davos forum organiz- fully compliant with current zens and U.S. authorities or affairs. The issue strikes at
tive approach to Russian ers would host delegations legal conditions," Zwinggi to engage in business trans- painstaking efforts and
business." from all Group of 20 coun- added in a statement. actions with U.S. nationals, high-powered legal and
Russia had threatened to tries, including a "high level It made no reference to even if that's simply about public relations resources
boycott the gathering if the governmental delegation" Deripaska, Kostin or Veksel- travel arrangements. that Moscow has mobilized
longtime Davos attendees from Russia. berg. Asked about the report, against U.S. sanctions that
were not allowed to at- "Should the delegation in- The apparent arrange- Kremlin spokesman Peskov have dented Russia's eco-
tend. WEF officials never clude individuals under ment would allow the oli- said he understood the nomic prospects.q