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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 18 december 2018

            Vatican urged to reveal status of ousted U.S. archbishop

            By  NICOLE  WINFIELD  and  them  to  do  the  same."  He  dressed before a definitive
            AMY FORLITI                  noted  that  Nienstedt  de-  resolution of Archbishop Ni-
             Associated Press            nied the allegation.         enstedt's suitability for min-
            VATICAN  CITY  (AP)  —  A  Nienstedt resigned as arch-    istry can be made," Hebda
            prominent  U.S.  archbishop  bishop   after   Minnesota  wrote.
            is asking the Vatican for an-  prosecutors  charged  the  The Vatican didn't immedi-
            swers about the status of an  Twin  Cities  archdiocese  ately respond to a request
            investigation  into  alleged  with  failing  to  protect  chil-  for comment Monday.
            sexual  misconduct  by  his  dren from a predator priest  Nienstedt, who was bishop
            predecessor,    who    was  who was later convicted of  of New Ulm at the time of
            forced to resign in 2015.    molesting two boys.          the alleged incident in Ger-
            St.  Paul  and  Minneapolis  Nienstedt  was  one  of  the  many, denied the claim in
            Archbishop Bernard Hebda  first  U.S.  bishops  known  to  a Monday email to The As-
            wrote  a  remarkable  letter  have  been  forced  from  sociated Press.
            to his flock Friday in which  office  for  botching  sex  "I  welcome  an  investiga-
            he  revealed  he  sent  the  abuse  investigations.  He  tion into this allegation, as I    In this photograph taken on Monday, Oct. 18, 2010, Archbish-
                                                                                                   op  John  C.  Nienstedt  talks  about  the  Archdiocese  of  St.  Paul
            Vatican in 2016 a new alle-  also  faced  allegations  of  have welcomed all impar-    and Minneapolis consolidation plan, which includes closing 21
            gation of improprieties with  engaging  in  inappropri-   tial  investigations  into  alle-  churches, at his office in St. Paul, Minn.
            minors against retired Arch-  ate  sexual  behavior  with  gations made against me.                                             Associated Press
            bishop John Nienstedt.       adults.  He  denied  miscon-  At the same time, I do deny
            It  was  not  immediately  duct, and the archdiocese  the  veracity  of  this  allega-  now accused of sexual mis-  ministry  in  his  archdiocese.
            clear  if  the  alleged  inci-  hired two law firms to inves-  tion,"  he  said.  "That  being  conduct  with  both  adult  But he said Nienstedt's fate
            dent in Germany was ever  tigate those claims in 2014,  said, I don't want to speak  seminarians  and  at  least  is ultimately in the Vatican's
            investigated. Nienstedt has  but  the  results  were  never  poorly  of  the  men  making  one minor.               hands.
            denied the allegation.       made public.                 these accusations."          Hebda and Auxiliary Bishop  "The  matter  remains  unre-
            County    prosecutors   in-  Hebda  said  as  far  as  he  Nienstedt  said  it's  hard  to  Andrew Cozzens have held  solved for the accusers, for
            formed Hebda of the alle-    knew,  the  Vatican  sus-    defend himself because it's  up both the McCarrick and  Archbishop  Nienstedt  and
            gation  in  2016.  It  accused  pended  the  2014  inves-  his  word  against  the  word  the  Nienstedt  scandals  as  for  the  public,"  he  said.  "I
            Nienstedt  of  inviting  two  tigation  when  Nienstedt  of  his  accusers,  "and,  as  evidence  of  the  need  for  share the frustration that is
            minors to his hotel room in  resigned  in  June  2015.  He  much as they seem to want  a  lay-led  mechanism  to  felt by them."
            2005  at  a  Vatican-orga-   called  for  a  resolution  to  to discredit me, I don't want  review  misconduct  allega-  The   criminal   charges
            nized  youth  rally  in  Ger-  that  probe,  and  for  infor-  to harm them."          tions  against  bishops,  who  against  the  archdiocese
            many to change out of wet  mation  about  the  alleged  Nienstedt's case has taken  are answerable only to the  eventually  were  dismissed,
            clothes,  the  archbishop  World  Youth  Day  incident,  on  new  relevance  given  pope.                           but    the    archdiocese
            wrote.                       which he learned about af-   the sex abuse scandal sur-   Hebda  said  he  is  doing  reached  a  civil  settlement
            Hebda said Nienstedt "then  ter Nienstedt's resignation.  rounding ex-Cardinal Theo-   what he can within his au-   with  authorities  that  was
            proceeded  to  undress  in  "My  opinion  is  this  allega-  dore McCarrick, the retired  thority  by  forbidding  Nien-  designed to increase over-
            front  of  them  and  invited  tion  needs  to  be  fully  ad-  archbishop  of  Washington  stedt from exercising public  sight and transparency.q

            Groups sue to block oil production in Alaska's Beaufort Sea

            ANCHORAGE,  Alaska  (AP)  Beaufort  Sea  off  Alaska's  other endangered species,  development  if  the  risks  project  —  would  actually
            — Five conservation groups  north coast.                  said  Kristen  Monsell  of  the  to  the  human  and  marine  result  in  more  greenhouse
            filed  a  lawsuit  Monday  The groups said the plan vi-   Center for Biological Diver-  environment  outweigh  the  gas  emissions,  which  is  just
            seeking to block oil produc-  olates  federal  law  govern-  sity, one of the groups that  benefits  of  oil  extraction.  completely  ridiculous  on
            tion from a proposed artifi-  ing  outer  continental  shelf  sued.                    That  includes  both  spills  its face, and also ridiculous
            cial gravel island in federal  drilling,  the  environment  "An  oil  spill  in  the  Arctic  and climate change, Mon-  given  the  modeling  they
            Arctic waters.               and  endangered  species.  would  be  impossible  to  sell said.                       used," Monsell said.
            The  groups  asked  the  9th  The  Trump  administration  clean  up  in  a  region  al-  "Here the agency used the  The  Bureau  of  Ocean  En-
            U.S.  Circuit  Court  of  Ap-  failed  to  consider  impacts  ready  stressed  by  climate  totally  inadequate  analy-  ergy Management did not
            peals to review an offshore  of  an  oil  spill  in  remote  change," she said.        sis that actually found that  immediately respond to an
            production plan approved  Arctic  waters  or  effects  of  Drilling  law  requires  the  the  'no  action'  alterna-  email request for comment
            for the Liberty project in the  drilling on polar bears and  administration   to   reject  tive  —  not  approving  the  Monday.q
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