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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 18 december 2018

            CRIMINAL JUSTICE BILL        of  Utah,  a  former  federal
            Continued from Front         prosecutor,  is  among  the
            To win over wary senators,  bill's champions. He said he
            sponsors  tweaked  the  bill  has  been  haunted  by  the
            to prevent those convicted  words  of  a  federal  judge
            of  violent  firearm  offenses,  who sentenced a low-level
            sexual  exploitation  of  chil-  drug  offender  carrying  a
            dren  and  high-level  fen-  gun  to  55  years  in  prison,
            tanyl  and  heroin  dealing  noting that murderers, rap-
            from participating in the su-  ists and terrorists could get
            pervised  release  program  less  time  for  their  offense.
            — but Senator Tom Cotton,  He  said  only  Congress
            R-Ark.,  and  others  want  to  could fix the problem.
            expand that list.            "Those  comments  have
            Their  amendment  would  stayed with me ever since,"
            add  carjacking,  bank  rob-  Lee said.
            bery  by  force,  felony  sex  The  bill  follows  the  lead  of
            crimes  and  other  "felony  states  such  as  Texas  that
            crimes  of  violence"  to  the  have  experienced  a  de-
            list of offenses that make a  crease  in  crime  in  recent
            prisoner ineligible.         years  while  keeping  fewer
            "Some  of  those  crimes  people in prison. Sen. John
            should  not  be  eligible  for  Cornyn,  R-Texas,  said  his    In this Nov. 27, 2018. file photo, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., speaks to reporters as he arrives for a
            that  program,"  said  Sen.  home state has been able     meeting with fellow Republicans, on Capitol Hill in Washington.
            Mike Rounds, R-S.D. "At this  to close eight prisons since                                                                      Associated Press
            point, I'm probably a no un-  undertaking  various  prison
            less they get that done."    reforms,  such  as  investing  of liberal and conservative  nearly half of released fed-  cused on boosting prisoner
            Cotton  has  been  among  in  probation  staffing  and  advocacy groups have ral-      eral  prisoners  are  arrested  rehabilitation   programs,
            the  most  vocal  opponents  getting  prisoners  into  drug  lied in support of the bill.  again.  "And  every  case  of  but did not include chang-
            of  the  legislation,  saying:  treatment more quickly.   David  Safavian,  general  recidivism is another victim,  es  to  sentencing  laws  that
            "If  other  senators  want  to  "This  is  not  about  being  counsel  for  the  American  is another crime, is another  critics say had led to overly
            vote for a bill that's going to  tough  on  crime,  or  soft  on  Conservative  Union,  said  prosecution, is another trial,  harsh  sentences  for  many
            let sex offenders and child  crime,"  Cornyn  said.  "This  the  bill's  critics  ignore  that  is  another  prison  cell,  all  nonviolent  offenders,  par-
            pornographers  and  wife-    is  about  being  smart  on  offenders  would  be  sub-   funded  with  taxpayer  dol-  ticularly African-Americans.
            beaters out of prison, that's  crime and getting the best  ject to strict oversight while  lars," Safavian said. "I'm sor-  The  bill  looked  to  have
            their prerogative. That's be-  results."                  completing  their  sentence  ry, but there is nothing con-  stalled  a  couple  weeks
            tween them and the voters  Supporters  of  the  bill  warn  at  halfway  houses  or  in  servative about protecting  ago, but supporters led by
            in their state."             that  amendments  from  home  custody.  The  pris-        a  non-functioning  prison  President  Donald  Trump
            The  bill  has  created  a  Cotton and Sen. John Ken-     oners  also  have  to  show  bureaucracy."                and son-in-law Jared Kush-
            unique  split  in  the  GOP  nedy,  R-La.,  could  cause  through  objective  criteria  If the legislation passes the  ner persuaded Senate Ma-
            camp,  while  Democrats  the compromise to unravel  that  they  are  a  low  risk  to  Senate,  the  House  is  ex-  jority Leader Mitch McCon-
            are  overwhelmingly  sup-    if the Senate approves any  society  before  obtaining  pected to approve it quick-    nell,  R-Ky.,  to  allow  for  the
            portive.                     of  them  as  early  as  Tues-  supervised release.       ly.  The  House  had  earlier  Senate  vote  before  Con-
            Republican  Sen.  Mike  Lee  day. A unique cross-section  Under the current process,  passed  legislation  that  fo-  gress adjourns.q

            Comey says House Republicans are 'shameful' after interview

            By MARY CLARE JALONICK  base."                            Democrats have called the  former  British  spy  Christo-  day,  he  called  his  former
            and PADMANANDA RAMA          He was on Capitol Hill for a  GOP  investigation  "non-   pher Steele.                 personal  lawyer,  Michael
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  For-    second  closed-door  inter-  sense."                      "This  while  the  president  of  Cohen, a "rat" because he
            mer  FBI  Director  James  view  with  two  Republican-   Comey,  who  led  both  in-  the  United  States  is  lying  has cooperated with pros-
            Comey  had  harsh  words  led  committees  investigat-    vestigations,  mocked  the  about the FBI, attacking the  ecutors.
            for  House  Republicans  on  ing what they say was bias  congressional  probe,  say-   FBI  and  attacking  the  rule  Comey  said  Trump  "is  call-
            Monday,  saying  their  si-  at  the  Justice  Department  ing  the  questions  were  of law in this country. How  ing a witness who is coop-
            lence  in  response  to  Presi-  before  the  2016  presiden-  about   "Hillary   Clinton's  does that make any sense  erating with his own Justice
            dent  Donald  Trump's  at-   tial  election.    Republicans  emails and the Steele dos-  at all?" Comey asked.      Department  a  rat  —  say
            tacks  on  the  Justice  De-  argue department officials  sier" — two favorite subjects  Trump   has   repeatedly  that  again  to  yourself  at
            partment is "shameful."      conspired  against  Trump  of  Republicans  who  insist  gone  after  the  FBI  for  bias  home, and remind yourself
            Comey  said  Republicans  as  they  started  an  investi-  there  was  bias  in  the  de-  as his campaign has been  where we have ended up."
            "have  to  have  the  cour-  gation  into  his  ties  to  Rus-  partment.  The  dossier  was  under investigation. He has  A  transcript  released  af-
            age to stand up and speak  sia and cleared Democrat  Democratic-funded  oppo-          called special counsel Rob-  ter  Comey's  first  interview
            the truth, not be cowed by  Hillary Clinton in a separate  sition  research  on  Trump's  ert  Mueller's  Russia  inves-  showed  a  heavy  focus  on
            mean tweets or fear of their  probe  of  her  email  use.  ties  to  Russia  compiled  by  tigation  a  "hoax."  On  Sun-  the Clinton email probe.q
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