P. 11

Diaranson, 29 Mei 2019                                         AWEMainta                                                                    11

        Unanimamente Parlamento

          a aproba  Ley di Destaho

       “Diamars a trata den Parlamento un cambio di ley

       sumamente importante, cual ta aanbestedingsver-                                            AUCTION
       ordening”. E ley aki ta sostene e aspecto di trans-
       parencia cu Gabinete Wever-Croes ta para p’e y                               THURSDAY JULY 4, 2019

       cual ta e fundeshi riba cual a construi e Gobierno
       actual,” esaki un declaración di e Ministerio ta
       bisa..                                                                   On Thursday July 4, 2019, at 11 AM, at the Conference Room of
                                                                                the Chamber of Commerce, Aruba, will be auctioned in public. ex.
       Minister di Desaroyo Teritorial, Infrastructura y                        art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of Aruba:
       Medio Ambiente Otmar Oduber durante di su dis-

       curso a splica locual cu kier logra cu e cambionan                       _______________________________________________
       haci. Entre esakinan sigur e parti di transperencia                      A building complex, locally known as
       y creacion di  un ‘level playing field’ pa tur esnan

       cu ta participa den comercio na momento cu tin                                BERNHARDSTRAAT 267
       destaho tumando luga na Aruba.
       Sr. Oduber a sigui splica cu algo hopi importante
       cu ta atende cune ta e hecho cu antes por a desvia                       standing on:
                                                                                - a parcel of public land measuring 748 m2, as further described
       dentro di e cuadro di ley pa loke ta trata destaho                       in cadastral measuring document 164/1945, and

       publico. E minister a traves di simplemente traha                        - a parcel of public land measuring 624 m2, as further described
       un Decreto Ministerial (MB), por a desvia. Den                           in cadastral measuring document number 165/1945.
                                                                                The lease rights will expire on December 11, 2067
       pasado a sosode cu den rapport nan di Controlaria

       General (Algemene Rekenkamer) no ta encontra                             Starting bid: to be announced.
       documentonan den casonan di excepcion (uitzon-                           _________________________________________________
       dering), cual lo mester tabata e caso unabes cu tin
       un Decreto Ministerial (MB) cual automaticamente                         A commercial building, locally known as

       ta haci cu e ta yega na Algemene Rekenkamer.

       Consecuentemente na e momento cu Algemene                                          BARCADERA 1-A
       Rekenkamer bisa cu nan no tin ‘project dossier’/
       no tin documento, esey kiermen cu sea cu no taba-                        standing on:
                                                                                - a parcel of public land measuring 4910 m2 locally recorded as
       tin un MB traha, pa sigura cu ta cumpliendo cu ley                       First Division Section T number 147; and
       di contabilidad, of nunca a manda esaki manera ta                        -a  public parcel measuring 444  m2  locally recorded  as First
       prescribi cu un copia cu mester wordo manda pa                           Division Section T number 1842;
                                                                                 The lease rights will expire on June 6, 2024.
       Controlaria General.
       E transparencia ta hopi importante na momento cu                         Starting bid:  to be announced

       ta bay haci excepcionnan riba procesonan cu mes-                         ________________________________________________
       ter ta transparente y bon defini pa tur cu ta par-                       AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. JOHNSON
       ticipa den dje. Den e articulo 16 di e ley ta  pone

       como cambio fundamental, e hecho cu mester                            •   The auction  is subject  to the general conditions for  foreclosure
       publica e Decreto Ministerial cual tampoco tabata                         auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
       tuma luga. Ta asina cu e Minister en cuestion mes-                        civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       ter haci esaki publico y indica motibo pa cual ta                     •   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and
                                                                                 by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
       desvia for di destaho publico.                                        •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.

       Finalmente Minister Oduber a bisa cu si cumpli cu                     •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.
       e reglanan y leynan poni den aanbestedingsveror-                      •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
       dening, ta garantisa cu ta actua segun e proceso di                       reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased

       transparencia y integridad cu kier pa tin den e pro-                  •   with an amount equal to the auction costs.
                                                                                 A private written bid can be submitted until June 19 2019, 5 PM.
       cesonan aki. E ta conta tambe pa esnan participan-
       do na destahonan pa nan sa cu nan ta forma parti
       di un proceso transparente y husto di un destaho,                                         For more information:
       semper y cuando nan ta cumpli cu e reglanan.

       Esaki ta un realidad cu mester para keto na dje.                         WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
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