P. 13

Diaranson, 29 Mei 2019                                         AWEMainta                                                                    13

                   PvdA e

         ganado den

         Parlamento                                                                               AUCTION

                 Europeo                                                            THURSDAY JULY 4, 2019

                                                                                On Thursday  July 4,  2019, at 11  AM, at the  Conference
         E Christiaan Democratanan                                              Room of  the Chamber  of  Commerce,  Aruba, will  be
                                                                                auctioned in public. ex. art. 3:268 jo. 3:254 Civil Code of
           y Social Democratanan a                                              Aruba:

         sufri un derota historico den                                          _______________________________________________

            e eleccionnan Europeo:                                              A condominium, locally known as

            pa prome biaha desde e

        prome eleccion di 1979 nan                                                        Isla Bonita unit 303

           a perde nan mayoria den                                                                 including 1 parking lot

               Parlamento Europeo.                                              locally recorded as First Division Section K number 4222-A

                                                                                index nr. 36, consisting of:

       DI e 751 asientonan di e Parlamento, nan                                 -  the exclusive right  to  use a condominium in  tower 2

       a baha for di 404 pa 329. P’esey nan kier                                situated on the 2  floor & a 71/3888 undivided share in the
       traha cu e Liberal- y Berdenan, cu ambos                                 "Isla Bonita" Building and Facilities situated at Boegoeroei

       a gana y a keda e di tres y di cuatro bloki                              43-G, Noord, Aruba.

       den Parlamento.                                                            - the exclusive right to use of 1 parking place & a  10/3888
       E cuatro gruponan cu ta pro UE, hunto tin                                undivided share in the "Isla Bonita" Building and Facilities

       un mayoria grandi den Parlamento, cu mas                                 situated at Boegoeroei 43-G, Aruba.

       cu 500 asiento. E populistanan derecho
       tambe a gana, pero menos di loke a spera.                                Starting bid: to be announced.

       Hopi mas hende a vota den e eleccion aki

       compara cu cinco aña pasa: 50.9% compa-
       ra cu 43%. E biaha aki, segun expertonan,                                AUCTION NOTARY: T.R. JOHNSON

       tabatin for di kendenan scoge. E contradic-                           •   The auction  is subject  to the general conditions for  foreclosure
       cion entre izquierdo y derecho ta hopi mas                                auctions and special auction conditions which will be determined by
                                                                                 civil law notary T.R. Johnson.
       grandi cu e eleccion anterior. E tabata bay                           •   The auction will take place by raising bids (in Dutch: “bij opbod”) and

       pa mas o menos Brussel su envolvimento y                                  by decreasing bids (in Dutch: “bij afmijning”), in one session.
                                                                             •   Seller has the right to not accept any bid, at his sole discretion.
       esey ta loke e votadonan ta sinti cu ta algo                          •   The auction may be stopped or postponed at any time.

       cu nan mester dicidi riba dje.                                        •   Each bidder must be able to submit a bankguarantee issued by a
       Na Hulanda, PvdA a bira e partido mas                                     reputable bank in Aruba to the amount of the highest bid increased
                                                                                 with an amount equal to the auction costs.
       grandi, cu seis asiento den e Parlamento                              •   A private written bid can be submitted until June 19 2019, 5 PM.

       Europeo. VVD y CDA a haya 4, Forum
       voor Democratie y GroenLinks tres. SP                                                       For more information:

       y PVV a disparce for di Parlamento Eu-

       ropeo, pero PVV probablemente, despues                                    WWW.JOHNSONNOTARY.COM
       di brixit, lo haya un asiento toch, pasobra

       Hulanda lo haya tres asiento aserca.
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