Page 22 - ATA
P. 22

                                                                                                                           Tuesday 30 July 2019

            With the help of Aruba Convention Bureau:
            Marklogic Corporation makes donation to Imelda Hof

                                                This  year  Marklogic  Corporation
                                                came to Aruba to celebrate their‘
                                                President’s  Club,’  which  recog-
                                                nizes their best employees. Besides
                                                their  donation  to  Imelda  Hof  the
                                                company also has a goal to give
                                                back  to  communities  all  over  the
                                                world.  Seeing  that  the  ceremony
                                                took  place  in  Aruba,  all  the  par-
                                                ticipants of Marklogic Corporation
                                                collected school supplies and do-
                                                nated  these  to  JuricaTjon  of  The
                                                helping Hand Foundation, which is
            ORANJESTAD— Recently the Aruba  an organization that helps children
            Convention  Bureau  together  with  with less resources.
            Santa  Rosa  and  ECO  DMS,  assist-
            ed  Marklogic  Corporation  with  a  During  their  stay  the  participants
            beautiful  donation  to  Imelda  Hof.  were able to enjoy differen tactivi-
            The donation consisted of planting  ties and also tried the gastronomy
            3 fruit plants and also the installa-  the island has to offer.
            tion of a bench in the garden.
                                                Aruba  Convention  Bureau  was
            What is Marklogic Corporation?      honored to be part of this celebra-
            MarkLogic Corporation is an Amer-   tion  in  which  the  Company  gave
            ican software business that devel-  back  to  our  community.  A  spe-
            ops  and  provides  an  enterprise  cial  thank  you  goes  to  Nathalie
            NoSQL  database,  also  named  Maduro  and  Jennifer  Gamez  of
            MarkLogic.  The  company  was  Santa Rosa, Natalia Hernandez of
            founded  in  2001  and  is  based  in  Imelda Hof, Jose Henriquez of ECO
            San  Carlos,  California.  They  also  DMS, and JuricaTjon of The Helping
            have  offices  in  Europe,  Asia,  and  Hand Foundation.
            Australia.  In  2016,  Marlogic  was
            named one of the top 9 providers  Aruba  Convention  Bureau  would
            leading  the  marketing  database  like  to  thank  Andie  Putnam  of
            by  ‘Forrester  Research’  and  the  Marklogic  Corporation  for  choos-
            company is seen as a ‘visionary” in  ing  Aruba  as  their  destination  to
            the marketing database.             celebrate their achievement.q
                  Aruba to Me                                                                            We  received  this  amazing  picture  from  Keith

                                                                                                         and Shirley Susany who would like to surprise
              ORANJESTAD  –  We  would  like  to  portrait                                               their newly-wed friends Kristen Susany and Daniel
              you! By inviting you to send us your favorite                                              Aluise.
              vacation  picture  while  enjoying  our  Hap-
              py  Island.  Complete  the  sentence:  Aruba                                                “Aruba to me is….. Loving
              to me is …….  Send your picture with that
              text (including your name and where you                                                                 your friends”
              are  from)  to:  and
              we will publish your vacation memory. Isn’t                                                Kristen Susany and Daniel Aluise we’re married on
              that a special way to keep your best mo-                                                   July 27th in Pittsburgh PA.  While getting engaged
              ments alive? Please do note: By submitting                                                 on  new  years’  eve  in  the  cold,  they  wanted  a
              photos, text or any other materials, you give                                              sunny honeymoon.   After many recommenda-
              permission to the Aruba Today Newspaper,                                                   tions, Aruba was the overwhelming favorite pick.
              Caribbean Speed Printers and any of its af-                                                Kristen is an English teacher and Daniel works in
              filiated companies to use said materials, as                                               telecommunications.
              well as names, likeness, etc. for promotion-
              al purposes without compensation.                                                          Congratulations  and  lots  of  happiness  from
                                                                                                         Aruba Today to the newlyweds!
              Last  but  not  least:  check  out  our  website
              and  Facebook  page!  Thank  you  for  sup-
              porting  our  free  newspaper,  we  strive  to                                             Enjoy your sunny honeymoon. q
              make you a happy reader every day again.
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