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BUSINESS                 Tuesday 30 July 2019

            Financial therapy: What it is and who needs it?

            By SARAH SKIDMORE SELL                                                                                              with  a  client  long  enough
            Associated Press                                                                                                    there  may  be  some  issues
            Money is about more than                                                                                            either about anxiety about
            numbers:  emotions  are  of-                                                                                        investing or a life change —
            ten at play too. Just as you                                                                                        like inheritance or divorce,"
            can seek professional help                                                                                          Swantner said. "We want all
            for unhealthy issues in life, fi-                                                                                   our planners to have some
            nancial therapists can help                                                                                         listening and solving skills."
            you deal with problems re-                                                                                          It's  not  just  for  those  with
            lated to money.                                                                                                     money  problems  either.
            WHAT IS IT?                                                                                                         Sometimes  people  with
            Financial  therapy  is  the                                                                                         wealth  struggle  with  how
            practice of helping people                                                                                          to manage it or have guilt
            with  how  they  think,  feel                                                                                       about it. Swantner's firm of-
            and  behave  with  money                                                                                            fers hourly financial coach-
            to improve their well-being,                                                                                        ing and therapy for non-fi-
            according to the Financial                                                                                          nancial planning clients as
            Therapy Association.                                                                                                well.
            It's  a  relatively  new  niche.                                                                                    "Even  if  we  are  great  with
            The  FTA  —  a  professional                                                                                        money,  we  all  have  feel-
            organization created to set                                                                                         ings that are causing angst
            standards  for  the  industry                                                                                       somewhere,"  she  said.  "It
            —  was  established  in  2010   This April 3, 2019, file photo shows a tip box filled with U.S. currency in New York.  helps  to  stop  and  think
            and  began  to  offer  certifi-                                                                    Associated Press  about why. How would my
            cations this year, FTA presi-                                                                                       life  be  different  if  I  didn't
            dent Meghaan Lurtz said.     market volatility makes you  ent  who  is  going  through  Sarah Swantner said that in  believe this - it's not just for
            The  service  is  generally  feel, and what that means  a  separation,  and  the  ex-  her work as a financial plan-  people with 'problems.'"
            provided  by  a  financial  or  for your financial planning.  husband  wasn't  making  ner,  she  has  often  found  HOW DO I FIND ONE?
            mental  health  profession-  However,  a  financial  ad-  agreed upon support pay-     couples who cannot agree  The  FTA  has  a  searchable
            al.  The  FTA  offers  varying  viser should not be helping  ments.  So  while  helping  or  people  who  say  they  database for financial ther-
            degrees  of  certification,  you  with  mental  health  is-  the  patient  deal  with  grief  want  to  make  changes  apists near you.
            which leads to differing de-  sues  like  depression.  Part  over  the  separation  itself,  but cannot. Her firm, Kahler  In  some  cases,  you  may
            grees of assistance, based  of  the  training  is  recogniz-  Coambs  could  also  rec-  Financial  Group,  puts  an  be  better  off  with  another
            on  the  provider's  level  of  ing  when  to  refer  a  client  ognize  and  help  address  emphasis  on  understand-  kind  of  a  professional.  A
            education and training.      to get the help they need.  some repeat trauma about  ing  and  working  with  the  licensed  therapist  or  psy-
            Financial therapy could be  Similarly, a therapist should  money  from  the  patient's  emotional  side  of  money.  chologist  can  help  with
            assistance  for  people  who  not  be  providing  financial  childhood.                Ultimately,  she  went  back  many emotional and men-
            can't  keep  tabs  on  their  advice, such as what stock  WHO NEEDS ONE?               to school to get a master's  tal health issues. A financial
            cash,  or  help  for  couples  to buy.                    According    to   financial  degree  in  mental  health  planner (look for a fee-only
            who  regularly  fight  about  Financial therapy is not reg-  therapists,  everyone  could  counseling to enhance her  one) can help you develop
            money.  But  it  can  also  in-  ulated but people who re-  stand to benefit. But in real-  work.                   a strategy for your finances
            clude more serious matters  ceive  the  certification  are  ity, those whose issues with  "If  you  have  a  relationship  now and in the future.q
            like gambling addiction.     held to their own licensure  money  are  interfering  with
            "We  all  have  stuff  that  and industry standards.      their life or relationships are
            is  good  and  that  is  bad  People who receive the first  likely the best candidates.  IMF: Venezuela's
            about our relationship with  level  of  FTA  certification,  People  who  are  in  finan-
            money," Lurtz said. "It's real-  such as a fee-only certified  cial distress — such as hid-  economic decline
            ly hard to change a belief  financial  planner,  aren't  ing  purchases,  spending
            or  habit  if  you  don't  even  providing therapy in a tradi-  compulsively   or   avoid-
            know where or why you are  tional sense but do have a  ing  their  financial  state-   among most severe
            doing it."                   more  informed  position  on  ments  —  definitely  should
            WHAT  DO  THE  THERAPISTS  emotional aspects of mon-      seek  help,  according  to   globally
            DO?                          ey.  Only  those  with  some  Coambs.  But  people  who
            It depends on who you see  mental  health  training  or  have  a  childhood  with  a
            and  what  you  are  seeing  who  are  actively  licensed  lot of conflict about money   Associated Press           edented in the hemisphere
            them for.                    mental  health  profession-  or  have  disorders  such  as   WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  The  and  also  because  it  is  the
            If  you  are  seeing  a  fam-  als, such as a social worker,  obsessive compulsive disor-  International   Monetary  only one of the top global
            ily  and  marriage  therapist  psychologist  or  family  and  der or post-traumatic stress   Fund  says  the  cumulative  five-year  contractions  that
            about  issues  in  your  rela-  marriage therapist, can re-  disorder  may  also  want  to   decline of the Venezuelan  is unrelated to armed con-
            tionship  and  money  is  a  ceive the higher-tier certifi-  consider if that is impacting   economy  since  2013  will  flicts or natural disasters.
            major sticking point, some-  cation.                      their financial well-being as   surpass 60% and is among  The  IMF  on  Monday  also
            one  with  a  specialty  in  fi-  "My  ears  are  more  highly  well.                  the deepest five-year con-   adjusted  its  2019  forecast
            nancial  therapy  may  be  attuned  to  money  issues  A therapist or other mental     tractions  the  world  has  for  the  South  American
            able to better sort through  and I can go into more de-   health  professional  will  be   seen over the last half cen-  country  to  a  contraction
            those.  If  you  go  to  see  a  tail about money," said Ed  able to tie their understand-  tury.                   of  35%  —up  from  the  25%
            financial  adviser  and  they  Coambs,  a  certified  finan-  ing  of  the  human  psyche   Alejandro  Werner  is  direc-  decline  expected  back  in
            work  in  the  financial  ther-  cial  planner  and  licensed  to  the  relationship  with   tor  of  the  IMF's  Western  April  —due  to  a  sharp  fall
            apy  space,  they  may  be  family and marriage thera-    money, he said. Whereas a    Hemisphere  Department.  in the oil production, which
            able to elicit better answers  pist  who  specializes  in  fi-  financial planner might be   He  describes  the  Venezu-  has  already  plunged  to
            from  you  on  how  you  feel  nancial therapy.           using some therapeutic skill   elan decline as a "historical  its  lowest  level  in  seven
            about  retirement  or  how  Coambs recently had a cli-    in their planning.           case" because it is unprec-  decades.q
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