P. 27
Official Organ of ЗВАНИЧНИ ОРГАН
VOL., MMXVIII, 16844
WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2018 AMERICANSRBOBRAN (USPS 023-400) 615 Iron City Drive, Suite 302, Pittsburgh, PA 15205
World Premiere of the Movie
“Tesla Nation”
in Belgrade,
Milos Rastovic, Cultural
Milos Rastovic, the Outreach Coordinator of
Zeljko Mirkovic, the Director Screenwriter, and Jack the SNF and the Screenwrit-
and Producer of the film “Tes- Dimich, the main Actor er of the “Tesla Nation” on
la Nation” in the “Tesla Nation” the premiere
Aleksandar Slavkovic, the author of the novel The team who participated
The Immigrant: The Judge Fisher Story after the screening
by Milos Rastovic history. As the narrator of the mov- a possibility to connect people in or- Through the lives of Nikola Tesla
ie, Jack Dimich, Serbian-American der to achieve positive goals. Today, and Mihajlo I. Pupin, you can intro-
“If I am fortunate enough to fulfill at Actor, plays Nikola Tesla. Tesla leads we have a chance to choose Tesla to duce stories of other distinguished
least some of my ideals, that will do us throughout our history from the be a symbol to reconnect us because Serbian-Americans such as Walt
good for the whole of mankind. If that first famous Serb, Djordje Sagic, also Tesla is the name which everybody Bogdanich, Gordana Vunjak-No-
is achieved, I will be glad to say that a known as George Fisher, Mihajlo I. recognizes.” vakovic, Peter Bogdanovich, Karl
Serb has done it… I have as you may Pupin, Serbian-American Scientist Malden, Helen Delich-Bentley, Steve
see and hear remained a Serb even over- and Inventor, World War I and II On behalf of the Serb National Feder- Tesich, Milana Bizic, John Martich,
seas where I am engaged in testing. That immigrants up to the present time. ation, I was present at the premiere. David Vuich, Branko Terzic, Branko
is what you also should be and to raise It stresses overall Serbian-American As the Screenwriter and person who Tupanjac, Obrad Kesic, Alex Mach-
the glory of Serbs in the world with your contributions to building America talks about history of Serbian-Amer- askee, Michael Djordjevic, and Dr.
knowledge and work,” said Nikola Tes- and the world. icans in the film, I highlighted the Nenad Janicijevic among others.
la (1856 – 1943), Serbian-American main idea of the movie: “When the
Scientist and Inventor, during his At its conclusion, the audience ap- first Serbian immigrants came to The main producers of the movie are
visit to Belgrade on June 1st, 1892. plauded the film. The team who the “New land,” they brought not Radio Television of Serbia and Opti-
worked on the movie stepped on the only their talents, readiness to sac- mistic Film. Besides Milos Rastovic
stage to hail the public. Aleksandar rifice their lives for ideals, but also as main screenwriter, other screen-
These Nikola Tesla’s thoughts were Slavkovic, the Author of the novel their soul. Their soul distinguished writers were Marko Lopusina and
a leitmotif of the new movie “Tes- The Immigrant: The Judge Fisher Story and raised them above others. To- Zeljko Mirkovic. The Serb National
la Nation.” His achievements and and participant in the movie, retold day, our soul is the magnet which Federation was also one of the spon-
moral integrity became the impetus the epic story of Djordje Sagic’s life connects Serbs in different coun- sors of the movie. The Tesla Science
which connects Serbs in the world. and his adventurous spirit in build- tries and continents. Bishop Nikolai Foundation initiated the filming of
On October 27th, 2018, the world ing America. Sagic arrived in the Velimirovic, who was also an immi- “Tesla Nation.”
premiere of the documentary “Tes- United States through the port of grant in the United States, described
la Nation” by Zeljko Mirkovic was Philadelphia. In the New Continent, Serbian-American history with the “Tesla Nation” will be screened
held in the great hall of Kolarac, Bel- he fought for the independence of following words: ‘It is all an amaz- throughout Serbia’s cinemas and
grade, Serbia. Inside the Hall, it was Texas and Mexico. His contribution ing epopee begun by those Serbian Radio Television of Serbia. The
standing room only as an audience, to building American society was farmers who escaped from tyranny movie will have the premiere in the
curious to know more about the Ser- so important that today we can find and came to this country of freedom United States in Spring 2019. The
bian Diaspora and their contribu- Sagic’s picture in the National Mu- not to enjoy, but to become more premiere in Pittsburgh was planned
tions to the United States of America seum of Texas in Houston. capable to carry worries of Saint at the Serbian Movie Festival at the
and the world. Sava and helping their families in University of Pittsburgh in Spring
Zeljko Mirkovic, the Director and the homeland to carry out the same next year.
Spanning more than 200 years, the Producer, stressed the importance of worries and thus for more than 100
film recounts the stories of many making this movie: “’Tesla Nation’ years until today.’”
Serbian-Americans throughout the is a symbol which is recognized as