P. 28



         A FIRST FOR MALDEN – Karl Malden,  kosavljevic, Belgrade Mayor Zoran Ra-   lines, there’s a Radio Serbia app down-
         originally  Mladen  Sekulovic, has re-  dojicic, Deputy Mayor Goran Vesic, and  loadable to your phone that hooks you
         ceived a posthumous honor that reach-  US Ambassador to Serbia Kyle Scott. An  into an abundance of stations across the
         es a new height in the world of film. A  article said he was born in Chicago, but  country. Live radio, a world away, playing
         monument to the Oscar-winning Serbi-  we know he was raised in Gary, Indiana,  on your phone or iHome device. Nice.
         an-American was unveiled in Belgrade  where he attended St. Sava’s and sang
         on Tuesday. It’s located at the entrance  with the SSS Karageorge.         COOL  GRAPHIC  –  We  hope  you  are
         to the Yugoslav Film Archive, and was                                      able  to  search  the  web  for  a  piece  by
         unveiled by the institution’s Director Ju-  ANOTHER FIRST –  As a genius in-  Dennis Dodd on “Chase                The Largest and
         goslav Pantelic and Dan Tana, a friend   ventor, Nikola Tesla is known for many  Winovich’s play and mouth have written   Oldest Serbian Newspaper
         of  the  late  actor,  according  to  reports   “firsts” in science. We also believe he is   checks  Michigan  must  cash  vs.  Ohio   in America and Canada
         by  Tanjug.  Among  attendees:  Serbian   the first and only scientist with an auto-  State.”  Along  with  the  story  in  which
         Prime Minister Ana Brnabic, Minister   mobile named after him. Now, yet anoth-  University of Michigan Coach Jim Har-               Published by the
         of Culture and Information Vladan Vu-  er first for him is part of the coin world as   baugh says, “Chase has been an animal   SERB NATIONAL FEDERATION
                                               Serbia issued a silver bullion coin series   this season. I don’t really like to use hu-
                                               honoring the late inventor who continues   man-to-animal analogies, but he’s been   American Srbobran (UPS 023-400)
                                                                                                                                       is published semi-monthly
                                               to grow in recognition and popularity.   great just doing so many things. He’s a   by the Serb National Federation,
                                               Our coin collector known only as Dragi   catalyst. … Bo used to have a saying,       615 Iron City Drive, Suite 302,
                                               tells us there are plans for multiple coins   ‘Every man on every play.’ Chase is living   Pittsburgh, PA 15205.
                                               showcasing his inventions and the series   that.” An incredibly cool graphic of Chase      Phone 412-458-5227
                                               is  scheduled  to  run  for  several  years.   by Michael Meredith near the end of the      Fax 412-875-5924,
                                               For  more  info,  log  on  to   story shows him charging right out of the
                                               or As Dragi says,   Big House at U of M.
                                               “These coins will make excellent gifts.”                                               Periodicals postage paid at
                                                                                                                                   Pittsburgh, PA and at additional
                                                                                    OOPS,  I’M  SORRY  –  We incorrectly                      mailing offices.
                                               SMALL  WORLD  CATEGORY–  If  you
                                               suffer  from  separation  pains,  today’s   identified the parents of Vlado Zrnic of   Postmaster: Send address changes to
                                                                                                                                           American Srbobran,
                                               technology  offers  you  wireless  tele-  Milwaukee in Reflections (“More on Bas-    c/o Serb National Federation,
                                               phones, Face Time, and the Worldwide   ketball” Nov. 7, 2018). The mistake was       615 Iron City Drive, Suite 302,
                                               Web to help ease the longing to hear   in an item on Vlado’s basketball career             Pittsburgh, PA 15205.
                                               someone’s voice, see their face or tune   at the Bosco Institute in Northwest Indi-
                                               in to local radio that’s half a world away.   ana and his success at many SNF tour-        ENGLISH SECTION
                                               At  naments. His parents are Jovanka and    Sandi Tumbas Radoja, Editor
                                               opresence/ you will see a picture of the   Jugoslav Zrnic, and we apologize to Ju-  Tracy Weir, Typesetting/Layout/Design
                                               globe  covered in  green  dots.  Each dot   goslav for getting his name wrong.
                                               represents a radio station somewhere in                                                    SERBIAN SECTION
                                               the world to which you can tune in for free  Stay in touch, Sandi Radoja             Dr. Aleksandar Petrov, Editor
                                               on your laptop or PC. Along the same                           The American Srbobran and its
                                                                                                                                publisher Serb National Federation
                                                                                                                               reserve the right to reject articles and
         SRBO ON THE ROAD                                                                                                      other submissions for clarity, brevity,
                                                                                                                                 good taste and accuracy, content,
                                                                                                                              grammar, punctuation, and to prevent
                                                                                                                                libel. All submissions are subject to
                       RIVER CRUISE                                                                                           editing for space requirements/restric-
          Here are Mary Ann Tomich, left, and Sondra                                                                            tions. Professional discretion will be
          Kusic  in September during their Viking Cruise                                                                       used in examining the subject matter
          trip from Amsterdam through Germany, Austria                                                                        of all submissions, including advertis-
          and on to Budapest. This photo with the Srbo                                                                        ing which may be rejected for reasons
           was taken in Hungary at a horseman show.                                                                           such as, but not limited to, space con-
          “It was a lovely trip,” said Mary Ann. “The river                                                                    siderations, lack of factual evidence,
              was so low we had to transfer ships.                                                                              inappropriate content and/or policy
          Our gangplanks were inclined planes because                                                                         violations. The submission of material
                                                                                                                               within published deadline dates is in
            of the drought. It was a logistic nightmare                                                                        no way to be construed as a guaran-
                 for Viking but seamless for us.”                                                                             tee of publication in a particular issue.
                  — more SOTR on page 12                                                                                         The advertisement of any product,
                                                                                                                               service and/or event appearing in the
                                                                                                                              American Srbobran is in no way to be
                                                                                                                                considered an endorsement by the
                                                                                                                              American Srbobran, the Serb National
            SERBIAN ROYALS WITH                                                                                                the Serb National Federation and/or
                                                                                                                                Federation, the executive officers of
            HRH PRINCE OF WALES FOR 70TH                                                                                      the editors of the American Srbobran.
                                                                                                                                       AMERICAN SRBOBRAN
                                                                                                                                ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES
           LONDON – Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince  Alex-   and the King’s                                                                Member rates
           ander and Crown Princess Katherine were at Buckingham  Envoy to the                                                          One year - $35.00 USD
           Palace to attend the 70th birthday celebrations of His Royal  baptism in Bel-                                                     domestic delivery
           Highness The Prince of Wales on November 15th. The invi-  grade  was  the                                                    One year - $40.00 USD
           tation came from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and The  future   British                                                        delivery to Canada
           Duke of Edinburgh.                                    King   George                                                          Two years - $65.00 USD
                                                                 VI,  the  father                                                            domestic delivery
           The Royal Family of Serbia has multiple family ties with the  of  Queen  Eliz-                                             Three years - $95.00 USD
           British Royal Family beginning with the marriage of King Al-  abeth and the                                                       domestic delivery
           exander I and Romanian Princess Maria after the First World  grandfather  of                                                    Non-member rates
           War. The future Queen Maria was the great-granddaughter  The  Prince  of                                              One year - $65.00 USD domestic
           of Queen Victoria. Crown Prince Alexander is also related  Wales.                                                                        delivery
           to  the  Queen’s  husband,  The  Duke  of  Edinburgh  through                                                                One year - $75.00 USD
           his mother Queen Alexandra, who was the daughter of the                                             File photo                   delivery to Canada
           Greek King Alexander, the uncle of the Duke of Edinburgh.  Crown Prince Alexander’s grandmother, Her Majesty Queen
                                                                 Maria was the great-granddaughter of Her Majesty Queen               Contact SNF Home Office
           Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is the godmother of His Royal  Victoria. Their Royal Highnesses Crown Prince Alexander          for international and/
           Highness Crown Prince Alexander, together with her father,  and The Prince of Wales were also together at Gordonstoun      or first class delivery rates
           King George VI. The godfather at the baptism of the Crown  School in Scotland.
           Prince’s father, His Majesty King Peter II, was King George V
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