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                COMING EVENTS CALENDAR                                                                                          SPORTS

               Lackawanna, New York                                                      ATHLETIC LIAISON DANE MEDICH, SNF 1ST VICE PRESIDENT
               December 8

               HTC CAROL SING & JINGLE BELL BALL                                                        MIDWINTER GOLF TOURNAMENT
               Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
               December 21                                                              51st Annual – February 21-23, 2019
                                                                                        Director: Nicky Lubich |
               PISTONS vs KINGS                                                         SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
               Detroit, Michigan                                                        Hosts: Lodge 89 and St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
               January 19, 2019

               78TH SSF FESTIVAL                                                                               BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT
               Milwaukee, Wisconsin
               May 24-26, 2019
                                                                                        80th Annual  – June 7-8, 2019
               LIFELINE CHICAGO                                                         Director: Dave Tadich |
               25TH ANNIVERSARY GALA                                                    CANTON/MASSILLON, OHIO
               Chicago, Illinois                                                        Hosts: Lodges 143 & 223 and St. George Serbian Orthodox Church
               June 15, 2019

                                                                                                             SUMMER GOLF TOURNAMENT
              LODGE NOTICES                                                             78th Annual – August 8-10, 2019

                                                                                        Director: Nicky Lubich |

              SNF LODGE #82 MEETING                                                     MONROEVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA
              The next meeting of SNF Lodge #82 will be Sunday, December 16,            Hosts:  Lodge 7  & 82 and St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox Church,
              2018, at 12:00 noon in the Social Hall of St. Nicholas Serbian Orthodox   Monroeville, PA
              Church, 2110 Haymaker Road, Monroeville, PA. The purpose of the
              meeting will be election of officers and for general purposes. Please
              support your lodge and plan to attend. Thank you.                                                     BOWLING TOURNAMENT
              Dan Matejevich, President
              Rose Marie Cheran, Secretary
              Send Lodge meeting notices to: Sandi Radoja at       73rd Annual – To Be Announced

              FINANCIAL CORNER

                                                                                    WE GET LETTERS

                                                                                    GO, CHRISTIAN, GO SERBS!
                                                                                    How Ironic, today I received my American Srbobran and this morning while
                                                                                    reading our local London Free Press big story about this great player named
                                                                                    Christian Yelich.....same Christian Yelich that you wrote about in our Srbo-
                                                                                    bran.....Go Serbs Go!
                                                                                    Serbian regards
                                                                                    Bonnie Knezic Webb,
                                                                                    London, Ontario

                                                                                    GETTING THE CALL
                                                                                    I was so thrilled when I got the call that I was the recipient of the Ann Berich
                                                                                    Maigetter Scholarship. I am a senior at University of Illinois at Chicago ma-
                                                                                    joring in Finance and will be graduating In May 2019.  Last year I was award-
                                                                                    ed the Sally Davis Memorial Scholarship.  I am a member of King Peter II
                                                                                    Lodge 16 of Merrillville, Indiana since birth as well as my entire family.  The
                                                                                    Scholarship proceeds will used towards my books for this school year.  I am
                                                                                    forever grateful of being awarded two years a SNF scholarship and proud
                                                                                    to be a member of this wonderful organization that is helping its members
                                                                                    achieve intellectual endeavors.
                                                                                    Thank you,
                                                                                    Alexander Djordjevic,
                                                                                    Palos Hills, IL, King Peter II Lodge 16

                                                                                    LETTERS POLICY
                                                                                    The American Srbobran welcomes letters of up to 250 words. We reserve the
                                                                                    right to reject letters or edit for clarity, brevity, good taste and accuracy, to pre-
                                                                                    vent libel. Writers should limit their letters to one every three months, include
                                                                                    a phone number, and make certain the letter is signed.Send letters by email to
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