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P. 16
Saturday 20 OctOber 2018
The Ritz-Carlton,
Aruba goes pink
PALM BEACH — The Ritz-Carlton, tober on the spa menu as well as
Aruba is going pink in honor of a Custom Facial treatment, which
Breast Cancer Awareness Month. a percentage will be donated as
Throughout the month of October, well to the Mary Joan Founda-
guests and locals alike are invited tion. As a thank you to the guests,
to support Mary Joan Foundation The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Aruba will of-
– dedicated to creating an easily fer a glass of complimentary Pink
accessible, holistic and integrat- Champagne for each reserved
ed, patient and survivor friendly, treatment.
care system in Aruba – via a host In conjunction with the company’s
of unique offerings created by the social and environmental respon-
resort’s spa and F&B team. sibility program, Community Foot-
prints, The Ritz-Carlton, Aruba is
Divi Sushi Bar & Lounge in The Ritz- dedicated to support our Ladies
Carlton, Aruba will offer “Pink Pow- and Gentlemen, guests and com-
er” and “Pink Promise” cocktails, munity neighbors battling breast
made especially for Breast Can- cancer. To encourage support
cer Awareness Month. With every for the Breast Cancer Awareness
purchase of a pink cocktail, this Month, our Ladies and Gentlemen
contemporary, all-day lobby bar will be volunteering at collecting
and lounge will donate a percent- donations on foot at different lo-
age of the total price to Mary Joan calities through the island.
Foundation. For more information about Mary
In order to help support this im- Joan Foundation, visit www.mjf.
portant cause, at The Ritz-Carlton or follow them on Face-
Spa, Aruba, homemade pink sug- book:
ar scrubs will be available for pur- JoanFoundationAruba/
chase and one-third of each sold For more information, visit www.
scrub will be donated to the Mary or follow
Joan Foundation. A “Pretty in Pink the resort on Facebook: https://
Massage” with complimentary
pink mud scalp massage will be ruba/ and join the conversation us-
available during the month of Oc- ing #RCMemories. q