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CLASSIFIED Monday 24 June 2019
H&M's new diversity chief HEALTH
designs a more inclusive future DOCTOR ON DUTY
Hospital 7:00 pm / 10:00pm
NEW YORK (AP) — H&M Tel. 527 4000
is set to kick off a series of
workshops and training this San Nicolas
fall for thousands of its em- IMSAN 24 Hours
ployees at its more than Tel.524 8833
500 North American stores Women in Difficulties
aimed at addressing un- PHARMACY ON DUTY
conscious bias. Oranjestad:
The moves are the first of del Pueblo Tel. 582 1253
their kind for the fast-fash- San Nicolas:
Centro Medico Tel. 584 5794
ion chain and come after Women in Difficulties
it faced international back- OTHER
lash early last year when a In this June 4, 2019, photo Ezinne Kwubiri, H&M's Head of Diver- Dental Clinic 587 9850
black child model wearing sity and Inclusion, North America, is interviewed in their New Blood Bank Aruba 587 0002
a "monkey in the jungle" York headquarters. Urgent Care 586 0448
T-shirt was featured on its Associated Press Walk-In Doctor’s Clinic
website in United Kingdom. +297 588 0539
Women in Difficulties
Since the uproar, H&M has firms like Accenture to help
hired Nigerian-born Ezinne develop the workshops. EMERGENCY
Kwubiri, the first to hold the The moves come as other Police 100
position as H&M head of companies including Gu- Oranjestad 527 3140
527 3200
inclusion and diversity for cci and Prada are pledg- Sta. Cruz 527 2900
North America, its largest ing to combat racism in the San Nicolas 584 5000
market. Kwubiri, a former fashion business after a se- Police Tipline 11141
Viacom executive who ries of missteps. Ambulancia 911
joined last October, reports Kwubiri recently spoke with Fire Dept. 115
directly to H&M's new North The Associated Press about Red Cross 582 2219
American president, Mar- her new role at H&M and TAXI SERVICES
tino Pessina. She works with the challenges for the fash- Taxi Tas 587 5900
Annie Wu, who is based at ion giant, which has more Prof. Taxi 588 0035
the company headquar- than 4,000 stores glob- Taxi D.T.S. 587 2300
ters in Stockholm and was ally. The conversation has Taxi Serv. Aruba 583 3232
named global head of di- been edited for clarity and A1 Taxi Serv. 280 2828
versity and inclusiveness of length. Women in Difficulties
H&M early last year. Kwubiri Q. What are the biggest TRAVEL INFO
is developing a compre- challenges with this job? Aruba Airport 524 2424
hensive inclusion, diversity A. We are represented American Airlines 582 2700
and cultural plan that in- in 71 markets so there is a Avianca 588 0059
cludes training for all 17,000 lot of moving pieces that Jet Blue 588 2244
U.S. workers, including new comes with it. Just thinking Surinam 582 7896
employees during their ori- about how we are provid-
entation. Training has al- ing benefits to our staff... Women in Difficulties
ready been completed for how we're engaging with CRUISES
the management, regional them and also how we're
and district teams. H&M being represented in the
has turned to consulting communities.q
June 26
Carnival Magic
Women in Difficulties
FAVI- Visually Impaired
Tel. 582 5051
Alcoholics Anonymous
Tel. 736 2952
Narcotics Anonymous
Tel. 583 8989
Women in Difficulties
Tel. 583 5400
Centre for Diabetes
Tel. 524 8888
Child Abuse Prevention
Tel. 582 4433
Quota Club Tel. 525 2672
Women in Difficulties
General Info
Phone Directory Tel. 118