Page 18 - bon-dia-aruba-20190911
P. 18
a18 deporte InternacIonal
Diaranson 11 september 2019
Gareon Conley ta confirma cu e ta OK despues di lesion na su nek
MERCA (CBS Sport) – Ta den su man, a ricibi un golpi
parce cu Gareon Conley a na su cabes for di Jonathan
evita desaster. E atleta di Abram – kende a bula pa yuda
24 aña di edad tabatin un Freeman – den un manera cu
momento di teror ora cu a primi nek di Conley den
su team, Oakland Raiders su curpa. A hiba Conley for
a enfrenta Denver Bron- di campo riba un camilla, y
cos. el a duna un ‘thumbs up’ sa- enan cu mi tin ta hopi, hopi siman aki tocante e disponib- locual mester pa un carera
liendo. positivo.” ilidad di Conley pa nan en- ilustre den NFL, manera evi-
Ora Conley a purba hala “Mi a ricibi palabra cu e ta Ayera tardi, Conley a post un cuentro den Siman 2 contra dencia den su tres intercep-
abou e running back Royce bay ta OK”, coach Gruden a mensahe riba Twitter, lag- Kansas City Chiefs, lo mas cion y 15 defleccion di pase
Freeman cu apenas poco mas bisa via ESPN. “Mi no sa su ando sa cu e ta bon y gradici- importante ta locual Gruden na 2018, pero otro meta di
cu cinco minuut faltando status pa proximo wega, pero endo tur fanatico pa nan ora- a bisa, cu e cornerback a logra dje ta pa keda saludabel y dis-
den tercer kwartaal, Conley, lo mas importante ta cu e ta cion. evita un lesion cu lo menasa ponibel pa logra e mision ey.
kende tabata riba suelo cu un bon. Esey tabata algo cu a Mientras cu e Raiders ta bus- su carera y su bida den Siman Pa awo, sikiera e sa cu ainda e
bon pida di jersey di Freeman spanta nos, pero tur e report- ca pa haci un determinacion e 1. No tin duda cu Conley tin por hunga.
Drew Brees, Wil Lutz ta laga Houston babuca den Texans vs Saints
MERCA ( – give the Texans the lead: a 38-yard
E wega tabata parce di a caba. pass to DeAndre Hopkins and a 37-
E Texans tabatin mester di ap- yard touchdown pass to new Texans’
enas dos hugada pa marcha riba receiver Kenny Stills.
e campo cu menos di un minuut Then, after kicker Ka’imi Fairbairn
faltando y anota un touchdown. initially missed the PAT, a roughing
the kicker penalty gave him a second
Pero Drew Brees ainda tabatin tem- chance, which he did not miss as the
po, y el a saca bon probecho. E quar- Texans took a 28-27 lead.
terback di 40 aña die dad a marcha e
Saints 35 yarda den 37 seconde y a In the first half, nothing got going
duna su kicker, Wil Lutz, un chens for New Orleans, as the offense
pa gana e wega y pone un record di only mustered three points while
su carera cu un gol di campo di 58 surrendering 14 to the visiting Tex-
yarda. ans. In the second half, however,
Lutz a logra, alegrando fanaticonan it became all New Orleans. Run-
di Saints cu un victoria 30-28. ning back Latavius Murray took off
Algun minuut antes, Deshaun Wat- for a 30-yard score on the opening
son tabata parce di a entrega e Tex- drive of the half, and after Deandre
ans un victoria sorpresa. E quarter- Hopkins’ second touchdown of the
back ex- ganado di campeonato for game, Brees found fellow quarter- seconds left in the game to go up, Brees completed 32 of 43 passes for
di Clemson a mustra cu e back Taysom Hill in the end zone 27-21. 370 yards and two touchdowns. He
Minutes earlier, Deshaun Wat- for a 9-yard touchdown. Watson finished the game 20 for 30 had one interception. He went to
son appeared to have delivered the A momentum-shifting pick by with 268 passing yards, three pass- his favorite target, Michael Thomas,
Texans an incredible come-from- Saints safety Marcus Williams was ing touchdowns and an intercep- 10 times for a game-high 123 receiv-
behind victory. The former cham- followed by a 14-yard touchdown tion. He also rushed four times for ing yards. Running back Alvin Ka-
pionship-winning quarterback out pass to Tre’Quan Smith and the 40 yards and a score. Watson con- mara also shined, taking 13 carries
of Clemson showed he has ice water Saints took a 24-21 lead. The Saints nected with Hopkins eight times for 97 yards while making seven catches
in his veins, taking just two plays to added another field goal with 55 111 yards and two touchdowns. for 72 yards.