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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
            Lebanese diva breaks taboo with clip announcing cancer fight

            By ZEINA KARAM                                                                                                      leased on Tuesday.
            BEIRUT  (AP)  —  It  was  an                                                                                        "I  do  my  radiotherapy  ses-
            unusual  way  to  reveal  a                                                                                         sion,  I  go  to  the  studio,  I
            struggle  against  cancer,                                                                                          finish another session, I rest
            particularly in a part of the                                                                                       for two hours and go to the
            world where the illness is still                                                                                    studio again," Elissa says in
            largely  considered  a  pri-                                                                                        the  video  clip,  describing
            vate matter and taboo.                                                                                              how  she  kept  up  her  work
            But  a  video  clip  released                                                                                       during her treatment.
            on Twitter is how Lebanese                                                                                          The  song  has  a  feel-good
            singer Elissa chose to share                                                                                        catchy  tune  with  a  refrain
            the news with her fans and                                                                                          that says: "Yalla, yalla yalla
            millions  of  followers  on  so-                                                                                    (come  on!),  let's  sing  and
            cial media.                                                                                                         be  happy,  let's  make  up
            "You  are  the  reason  I  am                                                                                       for time lost, come on let's
            strong  and  healthy  ...  you                                                                                      live,"  alternating  between
            are  my  strength.  And  this                                                                                       scenes  at  a  hospital  and
            story  is  a  thank  you,"  she                                                                                     Elissa  singing  and  dancing
            posted,  along  with  the                                                                                           on stage.
            song  uploaded  on  You-                                                                                            Fans across the Arab world
            Tube entitled: "For all those                                                                                       posted  supportive  mes-
            who love me."                In  this  July  13,  2012,  photo,  Lebanese  diva  Elissa,  whose  real  name  is  Elissar  Khoury,  the  best   sages,  describing  her  as  a
            The video clip begins with a   known highest-selling female artists in the Arab world, kisses her fans, in Beirut, Lebanon.  super  hero  and  a  model
            woman  inside  an  MRI  ma-                                                                        Associated Press  of  strength.  They  included
            chine  and  someone  say-                                                                                           the Lebanese foreign minis-
            ing  'It's  an  early  stage  of  support.  The video clip has  tion  continue  to  refer  to  pop songs delivered in the  ter who tweeted that Elissa
            breast  cancer,'  and  goes  garnered more than seven  cancer  as  "that  disease,"  Lebanese  or  Egyptian  dia-   should be an inspiration for
            on to show the 45-year-old  million views from fans and  without  mentioning  it  by  lect.                         all women with cancer not
            singer  in  various  situations  supporters since it was post-  name.                  She was diagnosed with the  to give up.
            at  a  hospital,  with  doctors  ed on Tuesday.           Elissa  declined  a  request  illness  in  December  2017  Elissa,  who  is  scheduled  to
            and surrounded by friends.  The clip and outpouring of  for  comment  through  her  but kept it secret, even af-    perform  in  Beirut  on  Friday
            It  features  a  voiceover  of  support  were  all  the  more  agent, who said the singer  ter she collapsed on stage  night, ended the video with
            Elissa  speaking  about  her  striking  because  cancer  was not giving interviews.    during  a  live  performance  the words: "I've recovered.
            battle.                      in  most  of  the  Arab  world,  Elissa,  whose  real  name  is  in  Dubai  in  February  this  I've beaten the illness, and
            The  response  was  over-    and    particularly   breast  Elissar Khoury, is among the  year.  She  later  tweeted  I won. ... Early detection of
            whelming  from  fans,  ce-   cancer  among  women,  is  best  known  and  highest-     to  her  fans  that  she  was  breast  cancer  can  save
            lebrities   and   politicians  rarely  discussed  in  public,  selling  female  artists  in  the  healthy,  adding:  "Nothing  your  life.  Don't  ignore  it,
            across  the  Arab  world  and cancer patients often  Arab  world  and  received  serious don't worry!"              face it. ... Do it not only for
            who  posted,  tweeted  and  struggle  in  solitude.  Some  several music awards in her  The  collapse  is  featured  in  yourself, but for your loved
            retweeted  messages  of  among  the  older  genera-       career,  mostly  for  Arabic  the seven-minute video re-  ones."q

            Alyssa Milano, Debby Ryan talk 'Insatiable' and fat shaming

            By BROOKE LEFFERTS           "And confirmed how impor-                                                              a confrontation that forces
            Associated Press             tant it was for us to ..."                                                             her  to  have  her  jaw  wired
            NEW YORK (AP) — After the  "Do it," Milano said, finishing                                                          shut.  Consequently,  she
            trailer was released for the  the thought.                                                                          loses  weight.  Ryan  wore
            new  Netflix  series  "Insatia-  Ultimately, Milano said, the                                                       prosthetics for the role and
            ble," some on social media  series  is  a  classic  tale  of                                                        learned  something  about
            voiced  concern:  Was  the  growing up.                                                                             the experience firsthand.
            dark comedy fat shaming?     "I think it is a coming-of-age                                                         "As  a  woman,  when  peo-
            The  show,  which  drops  Fri-  story  not  only  for  Debby's                                                      ple,  kids  who  are  playing
            day,  follows  the  return  to  character  Patty,  but  all  of                                                     the  bullies,  or  crew  mem-
            high school of a girl named  the characters in the show,"                                                           bers would see me walking
            Patty,  who  loses  a  lot  of  said  Milano,  who  plays  a                                                        around  in  prosthetics  they
            weight after years of bully-  driven,  conniving  house-                                                            would  laugh  and  be  like
            ing. Having lost the weight,  wife  with  a  heart.  "And  I                                                        'that's crazy,'" she said.
            she's out for revenge.       think it is a satirical look at   Actress Alyssa Milano participates in the BUILD Speaker Series to   "The  rage  of  being  treat-
            Debby  Ryan  and  co-star  what happens at the point      discuss the new Netflix original series "Insatiable" at AOL Studios   ed  so  differently  when  the
            Alyssa  Milano  agreed  that  in  life  when  you  have  ac-  on Tuesday, Aug. 7, 2018, in New York.                same  person  is  in  there,"
            while  the  subject  matter  cepted your own truth and                                             Associated Press  Ryan  added.  "That  was  so
            was  difficult,  "Insatiable"  your truth has empowered                                                             scary  because  I  thought,
            serves  a  purpose  in  stirring  you  to  then  move  past  it  entertainment should be a  "Jessie,"  said  fat  shaming  'Well  am  I  thin  enough  to
            conversation.  Twitter's  re-  and  what  you  have  to  do  conversation starter." As the  is  "one  of  the  last  unspo-  play the thin version of her?
            sponse is evidence of that.  to move past it."            show  progresses,  the  Twit-  ken prejudices that people  Are we now making a defi-
            "It  was  hurtful  that  people  As for the social media con-  terverse "will have more to  just  blatantly  do  all  of  the  nition  of  what  is  officially
            thought  that  we  were  do-  troversy,  Milano,  45,  said  probably  shame  us  about  time  and  almost  don't  get  considered,   how   much
            ing  it  just  as  a  joke,"  Ryan,  she's "of the school that it is  and be upset about."  slapped on the wrist for it."  weight  is  considered  fat
            24,  told  The  Associated  much  better  to  talk  about  Ryan, a former child star on  Her  character  is  taunted  and  how  much  weight  is
            Press in a recent interview.  these things and at its best,  the  Disney  Channel  series  as "Fatty" Patty, leading to  considered thin?”q
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