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PEOPLE & ARTS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
More than 50 years into career, Rod Stewart not slowing down
By JOHN CARUCCI And they pester me. The
NEW YORK (AP) — More older one is getting a bit too
than fifty years into his ca- old for it now. But the young
reer, Rod Stewart shows no one loves it. You know, he
sign of slowing down. loves it. But having younger
When he's not on tour, he's kids, I've got eight kids all
busy at home chasing his together, certainly does
two young sons, Aiden and keep you on your toes, and
Alastair, around the yard. they, especially the young-
And on Sept. 28, he will re- est one, he's just so cute. He
lease his 30th studio album, amuses me all day long. It
"Blood Red Roses." makes me smile. And that's
While known for writing sul- longevity in itself, I think be-
try songs — from "Tonight's ing able to smile all day.
the Night (Gonna Be Al- _____
right)" to "You're In My Heart AP: You've always been a
(The Final Acclaim)" — fan of the ladies, do you
Stewart's also not afraid to consider yourself a.
tackle social issues. In 1976, Stewart: Sex symbol? Now
he broke new ground with I hate that word. ..I never
"The Killing of Georgie (Part purposely went out to at-
I and II)," about his friend tract the opposite sex. I
who was killed because of mean, it just comes with
his sexual identity. the music, you know, the
Stewart dismisses the idea music is very sensuous and
of being courageous writ- vibrant. So, if I do some-
ing the first mainstream thing suggestive onstage
pop song to deal with gay it's merely by accident.
bashing. Rod Stewart poses for a portrait on Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018 in New York to promote his tour and _____
"It was a true story and it's upcoming album, "Blood Red Roses." AP: "The Killing of Georgie"
much easier to write about Associated Press was bold for its time. Do you
the truth," Stewart said feel it helped change at-
about the iconic song. _____ _____ ed about it, and as long as titudes in some small way?
The 73-year old crooner AP: That hair is just amazing. AP: You move pretty well that exists, I think I can carry Stewart: Yeah, yeah,
gets serious again with his How do you keep it up? onstage for a guy in his sev- on for another three weeks you're right. It was actually
new album's first single, Stewart: It's pretty good, enties... (laughs). banned by the BBC when it
"Didn't I," which deals with isn't it? I don't know. I think Stewart: Soccer has always _____ first came out. But the most
teenage substance abuse I've just been lucky, you been a passion of mine. AP: Your two sons were interesting thing about
from the parent's perspec- know, with the hair. It gets You know, I played it, read onstage with you at your "Georgie" is I bump into a
tive. In an interview with The a lot of manipulation, you about it, watched it all my Madison Square Garden lot of people, gay men who
Associated Press this week, know, because I always life, and I still play a little bit. show this week. Do you say, "You know when 'The
the Grammy-winning singer have to keep it (up). When And I do work out a lot, I always take them on the Killing of Georgie' came
discussed his longevity in I'm doing a show, I have must admit. And that keeps road? out, it really helped me
the music business, what to go and dry it. ...I cut it me fit for onstage. How Stewart: They don't come through my breaking out
he thinks of the #MeToo every two weeks. No, but long can I go on? That's the on the stage every night. and feeling proud about
movement and maintain- other than that I just think million-dollar question. You Only when they're on tour who I am." And that means
ing his signature hairstyle. I'm lucky. know, I enjoy it. I get excit- (with me in the summer). a lot to me.q
Marilyn Monroe dresses, personal photos going up for auction
Associated Press You found me, named me by the original designer Bill
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Dress- and believed in me when Travilla for Monroe for tours
es that belonged to Marilyn no one else did. My thanks and exhibits, is also among
Monroe along with an au- and love forever. Marilyn" the items up for sale, along
tographed photo thank- Born Norma Jeane Morten- with her hand-annotated
ing the executive who son, Monroe changed her script for the film.
launched her Hollywood name after coming to Hol- Also in the auction are Mon-
career will go on display lywood. She used her moth- roe's personal childhood
before heading to auction. er's maiden name Monroe, photographs 15 costumes
Auction house Profiles while Lyon provided the she wore in films, including
in History announced "Marilyn." dresses from "Gentlemen
Wednesday that the items The photo was taken dur- Prefer Blondes" and "How
will be exhibited in Beverly ing the filming of "The Seven to Marry a Millionaire."
Hills starting Aug. 18. An Year Itch," the 1955 mov- The exhibit at The Paley
auction will follow in late ie that provided history's Center for Media will also
October. lasting image of Monroe, feature large format pho-
They include a photograph standing over a subway tographs of Monroe by This combination photo shows actress Marilyn Monroe posing
over the updraft of a New York subway grate while filming "The
that Monroe signed to 20th grate and holding down fashion photographer Mil- Seven Year Itch" New York, and the dress she is wearing on a
Century Fox executive Ben her white dress. ton H. Greene, who was a mannequin.
Lyon that reads: "Dear Ben, A version of the dress, made friend of the actress.q Associated Press