Page 25 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 25

BUSINESS                 Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Turmoil in Turkey sends US and European stocks sharply lower

            By MARLEY JAY                                                                                                       of America gave up 1 per-
            NEW  YORK  (AP)  —  U.S.                                                                                            cent to $31.29. Citigroup re-
            stocks  are  skidding  Friday                                                                                       treated 2 percent to $07.53.
            after  a  sharp  drop  in  Eu-                                                                                      Big dividend stocks like utili-
            rope  as  investors  worried                                                                                        ties  and  household  goods
            about  the  financial  stabil-                                                                                      retailers  held  up  better
            ity of Turkey. The Turkish lira                                                                                     than the rest of the market.
            nosedived  again  following                                                                                         Evergy gained 1.4 percent
            concerns  about  the  coun-                                                                                         to $57.84 and Walmart rose
            try's economic policies and                                                                                         1.3 percent to $90.15.
            sanctions from the U.S.                                                                                             OVERSEAS: Germany's DAX
            European banks are taking                                                                                           fell  2.1  percent  and  the
            some  of  the  worst  losses.                                                                                       CAC  40  in  France  fell  1.7
            Seeking  safety,  investors                                                                                         percent.  Britain's  FTSE  100
            are buying U.S. dollars and                                                                                         lost  1  percent.  The  Nikkei
            government  bonds.  The                                                                                             225 index in Japan lost 1.3
            rising  dollar  helped  U.S-fo-                                                                                     percent. Hong Kong's Hang
            cused  companies  but  hurt                                                                                         Seng gave up 0.8 percent.
            big  exporters.  Rising  bond                                                                                       In  South  Korea,  the  Kospi
            prices  are  sending  interest                                                                                      lost 0.9 percent.
            rates lower, hurting banks.                                                                                         CURRENCIES:      Emerging
            KEEPING  SCORE:  The  S&P                                                                                           market  currencies  fell  and
            500  index  slid  14  points,                                                                                       the dollar jumped. The ICE
            or  0.5  percent,  to  2,839  as                                                                                    U.S.  Dollar  Index  was  al-
            of  noon  Eastern  time.  The   Trader Jonathan Mueller works in the E&J Securities booth on the floor of the New York Stock Ex-  ready  trading  around  an-
            Dow  Jones  Industrial  Aver-  change, Friday, Aug. 10, 2018.                                                       nual  highs  and  it  rose  an-
            age dropped 174 points, or                                                                         Associated Press  other  0.7  percent,  a  large
            0.7 percent, to 25,334. The                                                                                         move.
            Nasdaq  composite,  which  ried about Turkish President  a tariff on steel and alumi-  Bank  dropped  5  percent  The  euro  fell  to  $1.1398,  its
            has risen for eight days in a  Recep Tayyip Erdogan's un-  num imported from Turkey.  to    $11.78   and   Banco  lowest in more than a year,
            row,  sank  31  points,  or  0.4  orthodox  economic  views.  The  U.S.  sanctioned  Turkey  Santander  of  Spain  fell  3.6  from $1.1542. The dollar fell
            percent, to 7,860.           He says higher interest rates  after  it  arrested  an  Ameri-  percent  to  $5.18.  British  to  110.66  yen  from  111.04
            TURKEY:  The  Turkish  lira  lead to higher inflation, the  can pastor and put him on  bank  Barclays  fell  2.5  per-  yen  after  a  strong  eco-
            dropped again and is now  opposite of what standard  trial for espionage and ter-      cent to $9.72.               nomic  growth  report  form
            down  66  percent  this  year  economic theory says. As a  ror-related charges.        U.S.  BANKS:  Bond  prices  Japan.
            against  the  dollar.  The  result  he's  pushed  Turkey's  FALLOUT:  Analysts  say  Tur-  rose.  The  yield  on  the  10-  LOSING  GROUND:  When
            weakening  lira  has  been  central bank to keep inter-   key's  problems  shouldn't  year  Treasury  note  fell  to  the  dollar  gets  stronger,  it
            pushing  up  the  cost  of  est rates low, threatening its  have  a  major  impact  on  2.89  percent  from  2.93  hurts  U.S.  companies  that
            goods  for  Turkish  people  independence.                the global financial system.  percent. That helped send  get  a  lot  of  revenue  from
            and  shaken  international  U.S. President Donald Trump  Still,  some  European  banks  bank  stocks  lower.  JPM-  overseas.   That   includes
            investors' confidence in the  said Friday he will authorize  could  be  exposed  to  loss-  organ  Chase  slid  0.9  per-  technology  and  industrial
            country.  Investors  are  wor-  the government to double  es.  Germany's  Deutsche  cent  to  $115.81  and  Bank  companies.q

            Japan's economy rebounds as

            consumers, companies spend more

            Associated Press             In quarterly terms, gross do-  "While  GDP  started  ex-
            TOKYO  (AP)  —  Japan's  mestic  product  expanded  panding  again  in  the  sec-
            economy resumed its long-    0.5  percent  in  April-June,  ond  quarter,  growth  isn't
            time  expansion  in  the  last  rebounding from a 0.2 per-  as  vigorous  as  last  year.
            quarter  as  consumers  and  cent contraction.            With the economy running
            businesses   stepped    up  Consumers      spent   more  into  capacity  constraints,
            spending,  the  government  thanks  partly  to  a  rise  in  we  think  that  activity  will
            said Friday.                 earnings  mostly  fueled  by  remain  sluggish  for  now,"
            Preliminary  data  showed  strong half-year bonus pay-    Thieliant said.
            that trade weighed slightly  ments. The 2.1 percent gain  The contraction early in the
            on growth, a worrying sign  in cash earnings in the last  year  interrupted  Japan's   In  this  July  20,  2018,  photo,  people  walk  on  a  street  in  Ginza
            as  Japan  braces  for  tariffs  quarter  was  the  strongest  longest expansion in almost   shopping district in Tokyo.
            that  the  administration  of  since 1997 and job growth  three decades. But growth                                             Associated Press
            President  Donald  Trump  also remained strong, but a  has remained weaker than
            plans to impose on imports  large share of that income  hoped for.                     en  the  heavy  reliance  of  ply  machinery  and  parts
            of steel and, possibly, autos  likely  went  into  savings,  Still,  the  news  could  help  Japanese   manufacturers  for  electronics,  autos  and
            and auto parts.              Marcel  Thieliant  of  Capital  Prime  Minister  Shinzo  Abe  on  demand  from  factories  other products.
            The  world's  third  largest  Economics  said  in  a  com-  in  his  campaign  to  remain  in  China.  Higher  tariffs  im-  Trade  talks  between  Ja-
            economy  grew  at  a  1.9  mentary.                       leader  of the  ruling Liberal  posed  by  the  U.S.  on  ex-  pan  and  the  U.S.  in  Wash-
            percent  annual  pace  af-   He said he expects spend-    Democratic  Party  in  an  ports of billions of dollars of  ington  on  Thursday  report-
            ter contracting by 0.6 per-  ing  to  remain  relatively  election in September.       Chinese  good  are  likely  to  edly  made  little  headway
            cent in January-March, the  strong ahead of a sales tax  The  outlook  for  trade  is  a  pinch a wide array of Jap-  but  were  due  to  resume
            Cabinet Office said.         hike expected next year.     looming  uncertainty,  giv-  anese  industries  that  sup-  Friday.q
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