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SPORTS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
Cate Campbell atones for
failure in Rio Olympics
By STEPHEN WADE Campbell said. "I can ex-
AP Sports Writer ecute a good race under
TOKYO (AP) — After two pressure. All of those things
years, Cate Campbell can that I've been working on
finally forget about the have finally come to frui-
heartbreak of the 2016 Rio tion in 52 seconds."
de Janeiro Olympics. The 26-year-old Campbell
The Australian swimmer talked about her love for
bombed in Rio, failing to swimming having been "re-
win an individual gold ignited" by the Japanese
medal. She collapsed in crowd and her year away
the 100-meter freestyle final to live a "normal life."
when she was the favorite "I executed a smart race,
to win and finished a dis- which is what I wanted to
tant sixth. do," she added. "I swam
That prompted her to take my personal best time and
a reflective year off from those don't come around Australia's Cate Campbell reacts after winning the women's 100m freestyle final during the Pan
competitive swimming. very often now that you are Pacific swimming championships in Tokyo, Friday, Aug. 10, 2018.
It seems to have paid off my age." Associated Press
on Friday at the Pan Pacific Manuel was slower in this
Championships, the big- race than she was in the Australian teammate Kyle "It was not my best," Dres- Kylie Masse of Canada
gest meet of the year for recent national champion- Chalmers, the Rio de Ja- sel said. "Pretty far off my won the 100 backstroke in
swimmers from the Pacific ships, which she called "dis- neiro gold medalist, gave best. I would hope this time 58.61. American rival Kath-
Rim region and a dress re- appointing." the county a sprint double would never come, but it leen Baker, who took the
hearsal for the 2020 Tokyo "I definitely think people ex- by winning the men's 100 did. But we have to learn world record from Masse
Olympics. pect a lot from me, but at freestyle in 48.00 and de- from it. I don't really know if last month in the national
Campbell won the 100 in the end of the day those feating Caeleb Dressel of it's a wake-up call as much championships (58.00), was
52.03 seconds, the sec- credentials don't matter," the United States. as it is just a learning experi- third in 58.83.
ond fastest time ever in the she said. "I still have to step Dressel won seven gold ence." Daiya Seto of Japan got
event. She also beat Rio up on the blocks and swim medals last year at the The major power in world thunderous applause at
gold medalist Simone Man- fast. It doesn't matter I won world championships in Bu- swimming, the United the Tatsumi International
uel of the United States, the gold medal." dapest, Hungary, and is the States, did get victories Swimming Center, taking
who finished second in Manuel said the focus is rising American star in the from Hali Flickinger in the the 200 butterfly in 1:54.34.
52.66. now on the world champi- post-Michael Phelps era. 200 butterfly — 2:07.35 — Australia's women won the
"It shows that I can stand up onships next year in South Dressel and Australian rival and Ryan Murphy in the 800 relay in 7:44.12, and
when it counts and perform Korea and, of course, the Jack Cartwright tied for 100 backstroke. His winning the United States won the
when it counts," a jubilant Olympics in Tokyo. second in 48.22. time was 51.94. men's version in 7:04.36.q
Former Tour champion Ullrich arrested over alleged attack
By CIARAN FAHEY said Ullrich had resisted ar- wife) Sara and distance
BERLIN (AP) — Former Tour rest. from my children, whom I
de France champion Jan "As part of the police inter- have not seen since Easter
Ullrich was arrested early rogation, the woman pro- and have barely spoken to,
Friday and is being investi- vided extensive informa- have had a great effect
gated for attempted man- tion on the attacks of the on me. I have done things
slaughter after allegedly accused. The accused so as a result that I very much
attacking an escort at a far makes use of his right to regret," Ullrich told the mass
Frankfurt hotel. refuse to testify," the state- circulation daily.
"It seems Mr. Ullrich and ment said. Ullrich, the only German
an escort woman had a "Currently, the accused is to win the Tour de France,
dispute and that he at- being investigated for at- was dogged by doping al-
tacked her," Frankfurt po- tempted manslaughter legations during his career
lice spokesperson Carina and dangerous assault. The and admitted to German
Lerch said. "She alerted the investigation has not yet magazine Focus in 2013
hotel staff and they called been completed." that he received blood-
police." Police said Ullrich was to be doping treatment from
Lerch said the retired Ger- released later Friday after Spanish doctor Eufemiano
man cyclist was under the consultation with the pros- Fuentes.
influence of drugs and al- ecutor's office in Frankfurt In this July 20, 2004 file photo T-Mobile team leader Jan Ullrich "Almost everyone took per-
cohol. "because the conditions for of Germany pedals during his attack in the ascent of the formance-enhancing sub-
Echarasson pass during the 15th stage of the Tour de France
The 31-year-old woman detention are not met." cycling race between Valreas, southern France, and Villard-de- stances then. I took nothing
needed medical treat- News agency dpa report- Lans, French Alps. that the others didn't also
ment. Lerch said no further ed that the 44-year-old Ull- Associated Press take," the 1997 Tour cham-
details could be given on rich had been arrested the pion said then.
her condition while police week before in Mallorca, his neighbor, actor Til Sch- German tabloid Bild of per- Ullrich served a two-year
were investigating. where he lives, after an in- weiger. sonal problems. ban for doping in 2012, five
Later, a police statement cident on the property of On Monday, Ullrich told "The separation from (my years after he retired.q