Page 18 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 18
Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
NFL players protest during anthem, drawing rebuke from Trump
By The Associated Press anthem last season. Brown
NFL players demonstrated and Jefferson said they in-
during the national an- tend to continue the action
them at several preseason all season. Seattle coach
games Thursday night, Pete Carroll said the team
protests that again drew a discussed the topic and
rebuke from President Don- decided to support indi-
ald Trump. vidual decisions. Brown said
Writing on Twitter from his he didn't believe there had
New Jersey golf resort, been much progress made
Trump said Friday play- from the demonstrations
ers "make a fortune doing of last season. "Everyone
what they love," and those was clear on my decision
who refuse to stand "proud- and understands and sup-
ly" for the anthem should ports it," Brown said. "We all
be suspended without pay. have different realities in
He contended "most of this country and they un-
them are unable to de- derstand my perspective.
fine" what they're demon- We're all on good terms."
strating against." Instead, In Jacksonville, four Jag-
he said, players should "Be uars remained in the locker
happy, be cool!" room during the national
In Philadelphia, Eagles anthem, and team offi-
safety Malcolm Jenkins cials said it would be up to
and cornerback De'Vante the players to explain why
Bausby raised their fists Miami Dolphins defensive end Robert Quinn (94) raises his right fist during the singing of the nation- they weren't on the field.
during the anthem, and al anthem, before the team's NFL preseason football game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Cornerback Jalen Ramsey,
defensive end Chris Long Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, in Miami Gardens, Fla. linebacker Telvin Smith,
placed his arm around Jen- Associated Press and running backs Leonard
kins' shoulder. Jenkins had Fournette and T.J. Yeldon
stopped his demonstration tion to raise awareness," of the movement, tweeted Spangled Banner." joined teammates on the
last December. Quinn said. "If no one wants support for Stills and Wilson. Defensive linemen Bran- sideline after the anthem.
Defensive end Michael to live in unity, that's why "My brother @kstills contin- den Jackson and Quinton "As a man, I got certain be-
Bennett walked out of the we're in the situation we're ued his protest of systemic Jefferson, and offensive liefs," said Smith, who wore
tunnel during the anthem in." Stills kneeled during the oppression tonight by tak- lineman Duane Brown left "Salute the Service" cleats.
and walked toward the anthem during the 2016-17 ing a knee," the tweet said. the field following team "You know what I mean?
bench while it played. It seasons and has been vo- "Albert Wilson joined him in introductions and before This is not going to become
appeared all the Steelers cal discussing social injus- protest. Stay strong broth- the start of the anthem. a distraction, and Jackson-
stood. tice issues that inspired the ers!" They returned to the side- ville's not going to become
"Everybody is waiting for protest movement by NFL And in Seattle, three Se- line immediately after it a distraction for this team. I
what the league is going to players. ahawks players ran into the concluded. All three were got beliefs. I did what I did. I
do," Jenkins said. "We won't Former NFL quarterback team's locker room prior among a group of Seattle don't know if it's going to be
let it stop what we stand Colin Kaepernick, a leader to the playing of "The Star- players that sat during the every week, can't answer if
for. I was very encouraged it's going to be every week.
last year with the direction "But as a man I've got to
and that obviously took a stand for something. I love
different turn. my team, I'm dedicated to
"I think it's important to uti- my teammates, and that's
lize the platform as we can what we're talking about. I
because for whatever rea- did what I did. It was love. I
son, we have framed this hope people see it and re-
demonstration in a nega- spect it. I respect views."
tive light, and often play- At Baltimore, both teams
ers have to defend why we stood, but while most of the
feel the need to fight for Ravens lined up shoulder
everyday Americans, and to shoulder on the sideline,
in actuality we're doing the second-year linebacker
right thing." Tim Williams stood alone in
At Miami, Dolphins receiv- front of the bench with his
ers Kenny Stills and Albert back toward the field.
Wilson and defensive end All players on each team at
Robert Quinn protested New England appeared to
during the anthem. Stills stand for the anthem, some
and Wilson kneeled be- bowing their heads and
hind teammates lined up others placing their hands
standing along the sideline. on their hearts. The Patri-
Quinn stood and raised his ots observed a moment
right fist. There were no ap- of silence beforehand for
parent protests by the Buc- Indianapolis Colts players, including quarterback Andrew Luck, second from left, stand during Weymouth, Massachu-
caneers. the singing of the national anthem before an NFL football preseason game against the Seattle setts, police officer Michael
"As a black man in this Seahawks, Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, in Seattle. Chesna, who was killed last
world, I've got an obliga- Associated Press month in the line of duty.q