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P. 21
SPORTS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
Taylor, Dozier homer
in ninth as Dodgers
beat Rockies 8-5
By The Associated Press grand slam in the ninth in-
DENVER (AP) — Chris Taylor ning, his fourth straight
and Brian Dozier homered game with a home run,
off closer Wade Davis in and San Diego rallied to
the ninth inning and Los An- beat Milwaukee.
geles exploited Colorado's Down 4-2 entering the
shaky bullpen to beat the ninth, San Diego came
Rockies. back against relievers Co-
Taylor lined the first pitch rey Knebel and Joakim So-
he saw from Davis (1-6) ria.
— a knuckle-curve — into Knebel (2-3) walked the
the left-center bleachers bases loaded and al-
to make it 6-5. Two batters lowed a run-scoring infield
later, Dozier followed with a single to Travis Jankowski
two-run shot to cap off an- before Soria entered to try
other late-inning, flip-flop- to escape the jam. Soria
ping game at Coors Field. retired Eric Hosmer before
Caleb Ferguson (3-1) threw Renfroe hammered a 1-2
1 2/3 innings for the win, pitch deep into the left-
and Scott Alexander got his field bleachers for his grand
second save. slam. Renfroe became the
The Rockies bullpen sur- first Padres player to hit
rendered five homers and home runs and have mul-
seven runs as the Dodgers tiple RBI games in four con-
pulled into a first-place tie secutive games.
with idle Arizona in the NL Franmil Reyes added a solo
West. It was Los Angeles' homer to right off Jacob
sixth straight win at Coors Barnes to cap the Padres'
Field. six-run rally. Kirby Yates (4-0) Los Angeles Dodgers third base coach Chris Woodward, left, congratulates Chris Taylor, who
Chris Iannetta gave the pitched a scoreless eighth heads for home on a solo home run off Colorado Rockies relief pitcher Wade Davis during the
Rockies a 5-3 lead with a for the victory and Craig ninth inning of a baseball game Thursday, Aug. 9, 2018, in Denver.
three-run homer in the sev- Stammen closed it with a Associated Press
enth. It didn't last, as Cody scoreless ninth.
Bellinger connected on NATIONALS 6, BRAVES 3 ing out three. Nick Markakis' ning Wednesday night. added three singles and
a two-run shot off reliever WASHINGTON (AP) — Gio solo homer to lead off the PIRATES 10, GIANTS 5 two RBIs, his fourth multi-hit
Seunghwan Oh to tie it Gonzalez pitched seven second was the lone run he SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — game in the last six.
with two outs in the eighth. strong innings for his first vic- allowed. Ronald Acuna Jr. David Freese hit his 100th The Pirates have won three
Rockies eliever Scott Oberg tory since May 28 to help homered for Atlanta. Wes career home run, Elias Diaz straight overall and im-
allowed solo homers to Washington split a four- Parsons (0-1) was the loser. and Josh Bell went deep on proved to 8-2 in their last 10
pinch-hitters Joc Pederson game series with Atlanta. Washington outfield- consecutive pitches and at AT&T Park.
and Max Muncy in the sev- Gonzalez (7-8) snapped a er Bryce Harper was the Pirates beat the Giants. Joe Panik and Steven
enth to give the Dodgers a personal seven-game los- scratched from the lineup Ivan Nova (7-6) allowed Duggar drove in two runs
3-1 lead. ing streak and had gone 11 with right knee soreness. At- two runs in six innings to apiece for San Francisco.
PADRES 8, BREWERS 4 consecutive starts without lanta reliever Dan Winkler continue a stellar stretch Diaz and Bell homered off
MILWAUKEE (AP) — Hunter a victory. He allowed three hit Harper just below the on the road for Pittsburgh's starter Andrew Suarez (4-8)
Renfroe hit a go-ahead hits and one walk while strik- right knee in the seventh in- starters. Adam Frazier in the second.q
U.S. beats Australia 3-1 at women's softball worlds
By JIM ARMSTRONG "Aubree Monroe called rensen and allowed two mat, Japan and the U.S. In other playoff games on
MAKUHARI, Japan (AP) a great game behind runners to score. could still meet in the final. Friday, Mexico edged Ita-
— Monica Abbott had 18 the plate," Abbott said. "I "I was really proud of the The winner of the tourna- ly 1-0 in nine innings, and
strikeouts and the United wasn't really thinking about way our team bounced ment will be awarded an Canada beat the Nether-
States defeated Australia the strikeouts, I was just try- back after that home run. Olympic spot. If Japan lands 8-1. Dallas Escobe-
3-1 on Friday in the playoffs ing to get the batters out." It showed a lot of charac- wins, the second-place do went the distance for
of the women's world soft- After Porter's homer to ter," Abbott said. finisher will be granted the Mexico, striking out 16 and
ball championship. right, the defending cham- The U.S. will next face Bei- Olympic spot because allowing only four hits and
Abbott gave up a game- pions regained the lead in jing gold medalist Japan Japan has an automatic a walk, and Suzy Gonzalez
tying solo home run to Sta- the bottom of the fifth. in the tournament, which berth as host. hit a bases-loaded single
cey Porter in the fourth in- With the bases loaded, also doubles as a qualifier Softball and baseball were in the ninth to clinch the
ning but was solid the rest Delaney Spaulding hit a for the 2020 Tokyo Olym- dropped from the Olym- victory. Larissa Franklin hit
of the way, facing only chopper to third but Por- pics. Japan beat Puerto pic program after the 2008 two home runs and had a
seven hitters in the last two ter's throw home went Rico 7-0. Under the tour- Beijing Games but have total of 7 RBIs in Canada's
innings. over catcher Carmelle So- nament's Page system for- been restored for 2020. victory.q