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                  Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
            Greek teen Tsitsipas upsets defending champ Zverev

            TORONTO  (AP)  —  Greek                                                                                             most honest guys on tour,"
            teenager Stefanos Tsitsipas                                                                                         Zverev said. "Today was an
            pulled  off  another  upset                                                                                         absolutely pathetic match.
            Friday  at  the  Rogers  Cup,                                                                                       I don't think he played well.
            saving two match points in                                                                                          ... To be honest, we played
            a  3-6,  7-6  (11),  6-4  victory                                                                                   three sets and all three sets
            over  defending  champion                                                                                           should have been 3, 3 and
            Alexander Zverev.                                                                                                   3," Zverev said. "If we would
            Zverev, the second-seeded                                                                                           have  played  best-of-five,
            German  star  coming  off  a                                                                                        that's what the score should
            victory  last  week  in  Wash-                                                                                      have been."
            ington,  double-faulted  on                                                                                         Tsitsipas  struggled  with  a
            match  point  to  send  Tsit-                                                                                       first-serve percentage of 47
            sipas  to  his  first  ATP  World                                                                                   percent, well below Zverev
            Tour Masters 1000 semifinal.                                                                                        at 70 percent. But the teen
            "I kind of fooled him when I                                                                                        converted  all  four  of  his
            was on the court," Tsitsipas                                                                                        break-point  opportunities,
            said. "I did some things that                                                                                       while Zverev was five for 14.
            he didn't expect me to do."                                                                                         "The  level  of  tennis  today,
            The  19-year-old  Tsitsipas                                                                                         in my opinion, was not the
            beat       seventh-seeded                                                                                           highest  —  it  was  all  right,"
            Dominic  Thiem  and  ninth-                                                                                         Tsitsipas   said.   "People
            seeded  Novak  Djokovic                                                                                             seemed  to  love  it,  loved
            to  reach  the  quarterfinals.   Stefanos Tsitsipas of Greece hits a forehand to Alexander Zverev of Germany during Rogers Cup   the show and everything. I
            He's  the  youngest  player   quarterfinal tennis tournament action in Toronto on Friday, Aug. 10, 2018.            would say I played OK."
            to  beat  three  top-10  play-                                                                     Associated Press  The Greek player is ranked
            ers in one tournament since                                                                                         a  career-high  27th  and  is
            Rafael  Nadal  —  who  also  come the youngest to beat  Grigor  Dimitrov  6-2,  6-2.  In  Zverev  was  upset  with  his  guaranteed  to  break  into
            was 19 — in 2006 at Monte  four straight top-10 players  the night quarterfinals, Kar-  play  —  and  wasn't  that  the  top  20.  With  Zverev's
            Carlo.                       in  an  event  since  the  ATP  en Khachanov beat Robin  impressed  with  Tsitsipas,  loss,  Juan  Martin  del  Potro
            Tsitsipas  will  face  fourth-  World Tour was established  Haase  6-3,  6-1,  and  the  either.  "I  always  say  when  will jump to No. 3 when the
            seeded  Kevin  Anderson  in  in 1990.                     top-seeded  Nadal  faced  the  opponent  played  bet-     new  rankings  come  out
            the semifinals, trying to be-  Anderson beat fifth-seeded  sixth-seeded Marin Cilic.   ter, I'm probably one of the  Monday.q

            NCAA INJURY                  cussing player injuries.                                                               could be defined as lower
            Continued from Page 17       "My  university's  attorney                                                            or upper body only.
            FERPA    protects   educa-   told  me,  'You  cannot  be                                                            "The more specific you get,
            tional  records,  along  with  specific  with  any  injuries.                                                       the  greater  the  chance  is
            medical  records  if  treat-  You  can  say  upper  body.                                                           that  you  will  wander  into
            ment is given on behalf of  You  can  say  lower  body,'"                                                           an  area  that  is  protected
            a university.                said   Todd   Berry,   who                                                             by  one  or  both  of  those
            At  least  some  players  and  coached  college  football                                                           statutes  (HIPAA  and  FER-
            coaches want that privacy  for  34  years  and  is  now                                                             PA),"  said  attorney  William
            to stay in place.            executive  director  of  the                                                           H. Brooks, who works in the
            "I  coached  in  the  NFL  for  American Football Coach-                                                            NCAA compliance and in-
            nine  years  and  there  is  a  es Association. "Many times                                                         vestigations  group  for  his
            stark  difference  between  the  media  would  already                                                              firm,  Lightfoot,  Franklin  &
            working  with  professionals  know what it was, but that's                                                          White LLC.
            and  working  with  college  all I could reference."                                                                "Now," he added, "if some-
            kids,"  Stanford  coach  Da-  Some  coaches  are  more    In this Oct. 14, 2017, file photo, South Carolina head coach Will   one gets hurt on the field in
            vid Shaw said. "I do not feel  specific.  Others  are  reluc-  Muschamp, right, checks on running back Rico Dowdle (5) after   front of 90,000 people and
                                                                      he was injured in the first half of an NCAA college football game
            right giving out medical in-  tant  to  share  anything  at   against Tennessee in Knoxville, Tenn.                 you  see  what  happened,
            formation of a 19-year-old.  all.                                                                  Associated Press  then  obviously  everybody
            I think it's wrong in any way,  Washington  State's  Mike                                                           knows what the injury is. But
            shape or form."              Leach  has  a  history  of  not  Mississippi State and Duke's  "When  there's  more  infor-  coaches  don't  elaborate
            Still, commissioners from the  even  answering  questions  David Cutcliffe.            mation,  when  everyone  on the treatment, how the
            Power  Five  conferences  after a game about a play-      That  inconsistency  could  knows everything — like the  player  is  doing  other  than
            generally  believe  some  er  who  was  injured  on  the  potentially  raise  red  flags  NFL, you know exactly if a  he or she is progressing."
            kind  of  uniform  injury  re-  field.  Chip  Kelly  also  never  as  legal  gambling  grows  guy  is  probable,  doubtful  Berry  said  an  argument
            porting  is  inevitable,  even  talked  about  injuries  while  throughout   the   United  or questionable — then no-  can  be  made  that  no  in-
            if the details still need to be  at  Oregon  —  he's  now  at  States. If one coach reveals  body  really  has  any  inside  jury  information  should  be
            worked out.                  UCLA  —  and  eventually  more than another, it opens  information."                   released if institutions really
            Players consent to NFL inju-  neither  did  his  successor,  up  questions  of  whether  it  Powers said bettors want a  want to protect the privacy
            ry reports as a condition of  Mark  Helfrich,  who's  now  creates a chance for some  common  language  across  of student athletes.
            employment.  Three  prac-    in  the  NFL.  Miami's  Mark  gamblers to gain an unfair  the conferences. Coaches  "We're  going  to  show  up
            tice  participation  reports  Richt  used  to  be  pretty  edge.                       also want consistency, Ber-  and  play  Saturday  —  or
            are  required  every  game  open about injury updates  "When  there's  less  info  out  ry said.                    whatever  day  it  is  —  and
            week,  along  with  game  but started to cut back be-     there,  you  have  a  greater  That  could  mean  only  re-  who I put out there is who
            status reports and in-game  cause other coaches were  chance of having inside in-      leasing a player's status for  were playing," he said. "Al-
            updates.                     withholding information.     formation,"  said  Brad  Pow-  the game — an availability  though, that wouldn't make
            Right now, there is no stan-  Others are more forthcom-   ers,  senior  college  football  report,  which  may  be  the  it  much  fun  for  the  gam-
            dard  in  the  NCAA  for  dis-  ing,  like  Joe  Moorhead  at  analyst  for  safest  option.  Or  injuries  blers or for the media."q
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