Page 16 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 16

                  Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            CINEARUBA Foundation presents Shortcutz Aruba Rewind

                                                                      first edition. Those who did  jugdes for the short film and  by  Wetransfer  to  aruba@
                                                                      not  have  the  chance  to  also musical video. To par- q
                                                                      watch the movies from the  ticipate  send  you  material
                                                                      first  edition  will  be  able  to
                                                                      watch  them  now.  People
                                                                      who already saw them will
                                                                      also  have  to  opportunity
                                                                      to  watch  them  again.  The
                                                                      objective  of  this  is  to  re-
                                                                      sume Shortcutz Aruba 2017
                                                                      before  starting  Shortcutz
                                                                      Aruba  2018.  Besides  these
                                                                      short films there will also be
                                                                      entertainment by DJ Adria-
                                                                      no Nanof and DJ Tech, ses-
            ORANJESTAD  —  Shortcutz    Shortly  our  own  local  tal-  sions  at  sunset.  The  event
            Aruba  is  an  international  ents  will  be  able  to  reach  starts at 6:00 PM at Ateliers
            platform for short films. Aru-  more  and  more  public  ’89  at  Dominicanessen-
            ba  is  the  first  in  the  region  when  countries  like  Eng-  straat 34.
            that has Shortcutz. This plat-  land,  Angola  and  China
            form  started  in  Portugal  in  also start to be part of the  There is still possibility to sub-
            which 10 countries are part  network of Shortcutz. This is  mit  short  films  and  musical
            of  this  network.  The  Neth-  a great opportunity for our  videos  for  the  2nd  edition
            erlands,  Germany,  Brazil  locals  to  showcase  their  of Shortcuts Aruba 2018. All
            together  with  Aruba  are  short  films  and  Aruba  off  categories are eligible from
            all  part  of  this  network.  All  course  to  the  rest  of  the  documentaries,   experi-
            these  countries  exchange  world.                        ments,  fiction  and  video
            their  short  films  with  each                           art. Duration of a short film
            other  which  means  that  During  upcoming  event  should  be  between  1  to
            short  films  produced  in  on Sunday August 12th the  30 minutes. There will be a
            Aruba will be able to reach  public will be able to enjoy  prize  judges  by  the  public
            more public.                 movies  of  Shortcutz  Aruba  and a prize from a board of
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