Page 13 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Hilton Sunset Grill teaming up with The Wine Room: mmmm

                                                                      PALM  BEACH  ―  The  Sunset  Grille  Gastro-  Wine Expert Monrick Croes from the Wine
                                                                      nomic Experience at Hilton Aruba paired  Room choose the Petit Sirah on visit to the
                                                                      with The Wine Room has been a savoring  Criss Cross site where the daughter will take
                                                                      journey  through  four  courses  with  some  over the family business and also is plan-
                                                                      nice meat.  Actually very nice Angus beef  ning for her daughter in the future to run
                                                                      form the Creekstone farm in Kansas paired  the  business.  Croes  applauded  this  femi-
                                                                      with some more C’s from the US: Criss Cross  nine takeover in a business that is mostly
                                                                      Petit Sirah from California.               still run by men. But of course his apprecia-
                                                                                                                 tion  comes  moreover  from  the  quality  of
                                                                      This  meat  highlight  was  very  well  intro-  the  wine  and  excellent  pairing  with  the
                                                                      duced  by  Executive  Chef  Matt  Boland  above mentioned meat.
                                                                      who explained that the beef from Creek-
                                                                      stone is exclusive. Which means only to be  Also  the  dessert  has  to  be  mentioned:  a
                                                                      eaten on Aruba at the Sunset Grille. “It’s  Sabayon Royal which was a tremendous
                                                                      not frozen, so it arrives fresh.” The restau-  royal  treat  to  the  already  spoiled  taste
                                                                      rant serves this exclusive meat for over a  buds.  Of  course  paired  with  a  Prosecco,
                                                                      month now.                                 organically  made.  The  guests  were  defi-
                                                                                                                 nitely satisfied. q
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