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                                                                                         WORLD NEWS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Zimbabwe's opposition challenges election results in court

            By FARAI MUTSAKA                                                                                                    ceiving 44.3 percent.
            HARARE,  Zimbabwe  (AP)                                                                                             "We  have  managed  to
            —  Zimbabwe's  main  op-                                                                                            place before the courts all
            position  party  on  Friday                                                                                         the mathematical and sta-
            filed  a  legal  challenge  to                                                                                      tistical irregularities," lawyer
            the  results  of  the  country's                                                                                    Thabani Mpofu told journal-
            first  election  without  Rob-                                                                                      ists  as  they  emerged  from
            ert  Mugabe  on  the  ballot,                                                                                       the courthouse.
            alleging  "gross  mathemati-                                                                                        A  copy  of  the  filing,  ob-
            cal errors" and calling for a                                                                                       tained  by  The  Associated
            fresh vote or a declaration                                                                                         Press, makes several claims
            that their candidate Nelson                                                                                         of  electoral  wrongdoing
            Chamisa was the winner.                                                                                             and  bias,  including  an  in-
            The  filing  brings  more  un-                                                                                      stance in which the elector-
            certainty to a country that                                                                                         al commission chairwoman
            had  hoped  the  peaceful                                                                                           was  photographed  wear-
            vote  would  begin  a  new                                                                                          ing  a  scarf  that  had  be-
            era  but  has  been  rocked                                                                                         come  symbolic  of  Mnan-
            since  then  by  scenes  of                                                                                         gagwa's campaign.
            military  in  the  streets  and                                                                                     The  filing  says  opposition
            opposition  supporters  ha-  In this Thursday, Aug. 2, 2018 file photo, Zimbabwean's main opposition candidate Nelson Chami-  agents were not given the
            rassed and beaten.           sa speaks at a news conference in Harare, Zimbabwe.                                    chance to sign off on elec-
            The court now has 14 days                                                                          Associated Press  tion  results  as  required  be-
            to rule, and Justice Minister                                                                                       fore they were announced,
            Ziyambi Ziyambi said the in-  Lawyers for the Movement  "We  have  a  good  case  gagwa  and  the  ruling  ZA-      and that "the entire process
            auguration,  once  planned  for  Democratic  Change  and  cause!"  Chamisa  said  NU-PF party won the July 30  of  collating,  verifying  and
            for  Sunday  for  President  party  arrived  at  court  less  on Twitter.              election, with the president  counting  the  presidential
            Emmerson  Mnangagwa,  is  than  an  hour  before  the  The  Zimbabwe  Electoral  receiving  50.8  percent  of  ballots  was  done  under  a
            "on hold' until then.        deadline to submit papers.  Commission has said Mnan-     the  vote  and  Chamisa  re-  cloud of secrecy."q

            Russian PM strongly warns US against ramping up sanctions

            By VLADIMIR ISACHENKOV       in  March  to  poison  an  ex-  amount to a declaration of
            Associated Press             Russian  spy  in  England.  economic war," the Russian
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Rus-        Russia  has  strongly  denied  prime minister said. "And it
            sia's  prime  minister  sternly  involvement  in  the  poison-  will warrant a response with
            warned  the  United  States  ings of Sergei Skripal and his  economic means, political
            against  ramping  up  sanc-  adult daughter.              means  and,  if  necessary,
            tions,  saying  Friday  that  According to the State De-  other means. Our American
            Moscow  would  retaliate  partment, the sanctions will  friends  should  understand
            with  economic,  political  include  the  presumed  de-   that."  Foreign  Minister  Ser-
            and  unspecified  "other"  nial  of  export  licenses  for  gey Lavrov told U.S. Secre-
            means.                       Russia  to  purchase  many  tary of State Mike Pompeo
            The  tough  message  from  items with national security  during  a  telephone  call
            Prime Minister Dmitry Med-   implications.                Friday  that  the  new  sanc-
            vedev  marked  what  the  New sanctions proposals in  tions  were  "categorically
            Kremlin  sees  as  a  red  line,  the  U.S.  Congress  include  objectionable,"  according
            reflecting  growing  dismay  legislation targeting Russia's  to a Russian Foreign Ministry   Russian  Prime  Minister  Dmitry  Medvedev  speaks  during  a
            with announced U.S. sanc-    state-controlled banks and  statement.                    meeting  in  Kamchatka  Peninsula  region,  Russian  Far  East,
            tions that have sent the Rus-  freezing  their  operations  Medvedev's  tone  differed   Russia, Friday, Aug. 10, 2018.
            sian ruble plummeting to its  in  dollars  —  a  move  that  considerably from the non-                                         Associated Press
            lowest level in two years.   would  deal  a  heavy  blow  chalant   ones    President
            The  U.S.  State  Depart-    to the Russian economy.      Vladimir  Putin  and  his  lieu-  has rattled the Russian cur-  sunk  to  their  lowest  level
            ment said Wednesday that  Medvedev warned the U.S.  tenants  have  used  when  rency  and  stock  markets.  since Cold War times amid
            Washington  would  impose  that  such  a  move  would  talking      about    Western  The  ruble  dropped  about  tensions  over  Ukraine,  the
            new  sanctions  this  month  cross a red line.            sanctions  and  downplay-    1.5  percent  in  Friday  trad-  war in Syria and the allega-
            after determining this week  "If something like a ban on  ing their impact on the Rus-  ing  to  67.78  to  the  dollar,  tions  of  Russian  meddling
            that  Moscow  used  a  mili-  bank  operations  or  cur-  sian economy.                its lowest level since August  in the 2016 U.S. presidential
            tary  grade  nerve  agent  rency  use  follows,  it  will  Word of more U.S. sanctions  2016.  Russia-U.S.  ties  have  election.q
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