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A6   U.S. NEWS
                  Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Women's group behind rebel memorials quietly battles on

            By ALLEN G. BREED                                                                                                   ence  extended  beyond
             AP National Writer                                                                                                 the regional boundaries of
            CHAPEL  HILL,  N.C.  (AP)  —                                                                                        the Confederacy. Until last
            On  a  glorious,  late-spring                                                                                       August,  when  it  was  dis-
            day,  Maya  Little  strode                                                                                          mantled, there was a Con-
            across the poplar-lined Uni-                                                                                        federate  memorial  foun-
            versity  of  North  Carolina                                                                                        tain  in  Helena,  Montana.
            quadrangle,  past  protest-                                                                                         A UDC-funded marker also
            ers and a uniformed officer.                                                                                        stood on Georges Island in
            She stepped onto the base                                                                                           Boston Harbor, until Massa-
            of the Confederate soldier                                                                                          chusetts  Gov.  Charlie  Bak-
            statue that has stood there                                                                                         er, a Republican, called for
            since  1913,  and  splashed                                                                                         its removal. Both are now in
            it  with  a  mixture  of  red  ink                                                                                  storage.
            and her own blood.                                                                                                  In its heyday around World
            The  25-year-old  doctoral                                                                                          War I, the UDC was about
            candidate  was  sending                                                                                             100,000  strong,  but  in  a
            a  message  to  Chancellor                                                                                          2000  speech,  then-Presi-
            Carol  Folt  that  the  monu-                                                                                       dent General June Murray
            ment  —  nicknamed  "Silent                                                                                         Wells estimated there were
            Sam"  —  was  an  affront  to                                                                                       around  25,000  members
            black students like her, "the   In this Saturday, June 6, 2015 file photo, Holly Larkowski, left, and her mother, Sharon Edmondson,   across  700  chapters  in  32
                                         both members of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, wear Civil War-era mourning dresses
            celebration  of  an  army    during  the  UDC's  149th  annual  Confederate  Memorial  Day  Service  at  Stonewall  Cemetery  in   states.
            that  fought  for  our  ances-  Winchester, Va.                                                                     "I  don't  know  if  we've  got
            tors' enslavement." But Little                                                                     Associated Press  one  more  generation  left
            was  also  speaking  to  the                                                                                        in  it,"  says  historian  Karen
            group responsible for erect-  the Confederate ancestors  it  has  distributed  literature  After  the  war,  the  group  L.  Cox,  author  of  "Dixie's
            ing  this  memorial  to  "the  honored by these memori-   that  claims  most  African-  offered assistance to Con-  Daughters:   The    United
            Lost  Cause"  —  the  United  als  "were  and  are  Ameri-  Americans  were  "ready  federate  widows  and  or-     Daughters  of  the  Confed-
            Daughters  of  the  Confed-  cans."                       and  willing"  to  serve  slave  phans.  But  its  most  visible  eracy and the Preservation
            eracy.                       She  issued  a  call  of  her  owners  and  that  northern  legacy is one of metal and  of Confederate Culture."
            "There is no Silent Sam with-  own:  "Join  us  in  denounc-  nullification  of  Southerners'  stone.               The group, nevertheless, still
            out  black  blood,  without  ing  hate  groups  and  af-  rights  forced  the  War  Be-  Members  of  the  South's  wields influence.
            violence  towards  black  firming      that   Confeder-   tween the States.            most  prominent  families,  When  Vanderbilt  Univer-
            people," Little said recently  ate  memorial  statues  and  "I  wouldn't  put  them  on  ...  the  Daughters  dedicated  sity decided to change the
            as  she  sat  in  the  statue's  monuments  are  part  of  our  hate  group  list,"  says  themselves  to  telling  what  name of Confederate Me-
            shadow,  campus  security  our  shared  American  his-    Beirich.  "But  they  are  still  they  considered  "a  truth-  morial  Hall,  the  Daughters'
            guards  hovering  behind  tory  and  should  remain  in  perpetuating  some  of  the  ful  history"  of  the  war.  So  Tennessee Division sued for
            nearby trees and columns.  place."                        vilest  ideas  in  American  adept were they at raising  breach of contract. In 2016,
            "I  would  say  all  that  blood  Most  people  might  know  history,  and  the  ones  that  funds through bazaars and  the UDC won a $1.2 million
            is on their hands. And it will  the  UDC  as  that  group  of  we've  worked  so  hard  to  bake  sales  that  when  the  judgment  —  the  current-
            continue  to  be  until  they  mainly  older  women  who  get rid of."                 United Confederate Veter-    day  value  of  the  $50,000
            take  a  stand  —  until  they  dress  in  widow's  weeds  The national UDC — head-    ans  had  trouble  funding  a  donation  the  group  made
            ...  make  an  effort  to  take  and  gather  on  Confeder-  quartered  in  Richmond,  memorial to Jefferson Davis  toward construction of the
            these  monuments  down  ate  Memorial  Day  to  lay  Virginia,  capital  of  the  for-  in  Richmond,  the  Daugh-  dormitory back in 1935.
            and to be a part of actual  wreaths  of  boxwood  and  mer Confederate States of  ters  took  over  the  project.  Last  August,  after  the  San
            racial  equality,  racial  jus-  holly and sing mournful ren-  America — did not respond  The memorial, with its semi-  Antonio City Council voted
            tice."                       ditions of "Dixie" in honor of  to requests for comment.  circular  colonnade  and  to  remove  a  Confederate
            But  the  Daughters  had  al-  the estimated 260,000 Con-  Founded Sept. 10, 1894, the  67-foot-high  column,  was  soldier   monument    from
            ready  made  their  position  federate  service  members  UDC sprang from women's  dedicated on June 3, 1907  Travis  Park,  the  local  UDC
            clear months before Little's  who  died  in  the  Civil  War  "hospital associations, sew-  —  the  99th  anniversary  of  chapter  sued,  claiming
            protest  and  arrest.  Last  .  Seeing  them  arrayed  in  ing  societies  and  knitting  Davis' birth.             that it owned not only the
            summer, in the wake of riots  their  broad-brimmed  hats  circles"  across  the  South  The  SPLC  attributes  some  monument but the ground
            over the proposed removal  and  red-and-white  sashes,  that worked to aid Confed-     450  monuments  ,  markers,  beneath  it.  That  case  is
            of a monument to Confed-     it would be easy to dismiss  erate soldiers, according to  buildings  and  other  com-  pending.
            erate Gen. Robert E. Lee in  the  Daughters  as  a  quaint  its website. The group's arti-  memoratives  to  UDC  ef-  Another  lawsuit  was  filed
            Charlottesville, Virginia, the  anachronism.              cles of incorporation list five  forts.  The  memorials  range  in   Louisiana   after   the
            group  issued  a  rare  public  That would be a mistake.  key  objectives:  "Historical,  from modest statues like Si-  Caddo  Parish  Commission
            statement.                   As memorials have toppled  Benevolent,     Educational,  lent Sam to the soaring 351-  adopted  a  resolution  on
            "We  are  grieved  that  cer-  and  Confederate  place  Memorial and Patriotic."       foot concrete obelisk mark-  Oct.  19  to  remove  a  Con-
            tain hate groups have tak-   names  have  vanished  in  Membership is open to de-      ing the Kentucky birthplace  federate  monument  from
            en  the  Confederate  flag  the year since the Charlot-   scendants  of  those  who  of Davis, the Confederacy's  its   courthouse    grounds.
            and  other  symbols  as  their  tesville riots, the Daughters  served  honorably  in  the  only president. The vast ma-  UDC's  Shreveport  chapter
            own,"  President  General  have  fought  back  with  Confederate  military  or  jority  were  erected  during  claimed  ownership,  based
            Patricia M. Bryson wrote fol-  lawsuits aimed at stopping  "who  gave  material  aid  the late 19th and early 20th  on  a  1903  vote  by  the
            lowing the Aug. 12 clashes  the removal of rebel monu-    to  the  cause."  Applicants  centuries  —  when  states  Caddo  Parish  Police  Jury
            that left one woman dead.  ments from public spaces.      cannot  use  an  ancestor  were  enacting  Jim  Crow  appropriating  $1,000  for
            But  while  Bryson  insisted  Heidi Beirich of the Southern  who took the oath of alle-  laws  meant  to  disenfran-  the  monument's  construc-
            that  the  UDC  condemns  Poverty Law Center counts  giance to the United States  chise  blacks  —  and  amid  tion  and  designating  that
            anyone who "promotes ra-     the group among the lead-    before  April  9,  1865,  when  the civil rights movement of  a portion of the courthouse
            cial divisiveness or white su-  ing proponents of the "cult  Lee  surrendered  at  Appo-  the 1950s and 60s.        square be reserved for that
            premacy," she argued that  of the Lost Cause" — noting  mattox.                        But  the  Daughters'  influ-  purpose. q
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