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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Questions raised about timing of New Mexico compound search

            By STEPHEN R. GROVES and  body found is his grandson.
            MORGAN LEE                   "If they knew about it, and
             Associated Press            then  that  kid  died  in  that
            AMALIA,  N.M.  (AP)  —  A  time  frame,  when  they
            property owner questioned  knew, somebody has to be
            Friday  why  authorities  did  held accountable," Badger
            not  search  a  squalid  New  said.
            Mexico  compound  sooner  Taos  County  Sheriff's  De-
            for a missing boy, saying he  partment  Steve  Fullendorf
            told them in late spring that  spokesman   downplayed
            he  had  met  the  child's  fa-  Badger's criticism of the in-
            ther at the site and that the  vestigation,  saying  Sheriff
            man was wanted in Geor-      Jerry  Hogrefe  did  every-
            gia for kidnapping his own  thing he could possible un-
            son.                         der the law and had to fol-
            While  touring  the  ram-    low certain restrictions.
            shackle  living  quarters  lit-  "Mr.  Badger  doesn't  have
            tered  with  ammunition,  to  adhere  to  those  same
            diesel  cans,  used  diapers,  restrictions,"  Hogrefe  said.   This aerial image shows a tunnel that is part of a remote outpost near Amalia, N.M on Thursday,
            household  garbage  and  "He  wants  to  have  his  15    Aug. 9, 2018.
            Qurans  on  his  property,  minutes of fame and that's                                                                          Associated Press
            Jason  Badger  also  said  fine."
            he  believed  he  saw  the  Hogrefe  has  said  the  FBI  the outskirts of tiny Amalia,  firearms,  including  an  as-  WSB-TV in Atlanta, the boy's
            searched-for boy by his fa-  put the New Mexico com-      New Mexico.                  sault rifle, authorities said.  mother  called  for  "justice"
            ther's side in January, wear-  pound  under  surveillance  Prosecutors  also  have  ac-  Wahhaj's son, Abdul-ghani,  on  Thursday  as  she  de-
            ing a hooded jacket.         in recent months and took  cused them in court docu-      was  3  years  old  when  he  scribed  how  her  life  had
            Badger said in an interview  photographs, but he could  ments of training children to  was  abducted  from  his  been  taken  from  her  after
            that  he  learned  through  not initially get a warrant to  use firearms in preparation  mother  in  December  in  her  son  was  abducted  by
            an online search this spring  enter  because  collected  for future school shootings,  Jonesboro,  near  Atlanta,  his father. She said that was
            that Wahhaj was wanted in  did not show the boy or his  although no charges have  authorities  said.  He  has  out of character for him.
            the  disappearance  of  son  father.                      been  filed  in  response  to  been  described  as  hav-  She  and  Siraj  Ibn  Wahhaj
            Abdul-ghani  Wahhaj  and  That changed when a note  the accusation that came  ing  health  problems  that  had  been  married  almost
            reported his earlier encoun-  was forwarded to Georgia  from  a  new  foster  parent  require   constant   atten-   14  years,  and  she  said  he
            ter to law enforcement au-   authorities  saying  children  of  one  of  the  11  children  tion  because  of  a  lack  of  disappeared  after  saying
            thorities in New Mexico and  inside the compound were  removed  from  the  com-        oxygen  and  blood  flow  at  he was taking the boy to a
            Georgia  — and eventually  starving, Hogrefe said.        pound.                       birth.                       park.
            to the FBI.                  The  missing  boy's  grand-  Refuse  at  the  compound  A  warrant  said  the  father  "I  wasn't  able  to  save  my
            Authorities  did  not  search  father,  who  leads  a  well-  included  live  ammunition  at some point told his wife  son," she said.
            the  compound  for  the  se-  known  mosque  in  New  and training rounds with no  he  wanted  to  perform  an  Badger  owns  the  property
            verely  disabled  boy  until  York, said his adult daugh-  real projectiles used to train  exorcism  on  the  boy,  who  where  the  Siraj  Ibn  Wah-
            last week in a raid that re-  ter,  who  was  in  the  com-  people  how  to  load  and  suffers seizures and requires  haj  and  the  others  con-
            sulted in the arrest of Wah-  pound,  sent  the  note  to  a  fire guns.               constant   attention   be-   structed   the   makeshift
            haj  and  four  other  adults  man in Georgia. That man  The  suspects  are  being  cause of a lack of oxygen  compound  around  a  half-
            on  child  neglect  charges  then  notified  the  grandfa-  jailed  without  bail  in  New  and blood flow at birth.  buried  camper,  walled  off
            after 11 other children were  ther, who said he contact-  Mexico  and  one  of  them,  The  elder  Wahhaj  said  he  by  walls  of  used  tires  and
            found at the compound.       ed police.                   Lucas  Morton,  also  faces  did  not  know  anything  adobe topped with broken
            A  second  search  on  Mon-  The  five  adults,  including  a  charge  of  harboring  a  about  his  son  wanting  to  glass. An underground tun-
            day  uncovered  a  child's  the  imam's  two  children  felon.  He  is  accused  of  perform  an  exorcism  on  nel — big enough to crawl
            body  that  hasn't  been  and a second adult daugh-       refusing  to  tell  authorities  the  boy.  But  he  said  his  through  —  led  in  and  out
            positively  identified  by  a  ter,  have  been  charged  the  younger  Siraj  Wahhaj's  son and one of his daugh-  of  the  compound,  which
            state  medical  examiner,  with child abuse stemming  location  during  the  com-      ters  had  become  "overly  was  flanked  by  an  appar-
            although  Wahhaj's  father,  from the alleged neglect of  pound raid.                  concerned"  with  the  idea  ent  target  range.  Dozens
            also  named  Siraj  Wahhaj,  the 11 children found living  Wahhaj  eventually  was  of  people  becoming  pos-      of  spent  casings  were  left
            said  this  week  that  the  in filth in the compound on  found armed with multiple  sessed. In an interview with  behind.q
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