Page 8 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 8
Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
Shooting in Canadian city leaves 4 dead, including 2 police
By ROB GILLIES not identified.
Associated Press Costello was a 20-year
TORONTO (AP) — A shoot- veteran of the force. Burns
ing in a small Canadian city had been on the force for
Friday that left four people two years.
dead, including two police Several other victims were
officers who were respond- being treated at a regional
ing to a call of shots fired, hospital, but there were no
struck a nerve in a country immediate details on the
that has been roiled in re- nature of their injuries or
cent months by several in- their conditions.
stances of mass violence. "Our hearts are broken
People in Fredericton, the by the murder of our two
capital of New Brunswick brave police officers," Fred-
in the eastern part of the ericton Mayor Mike O'Brien
country, said they heard said in a tweet.
as many as 20 gunshots fol- The entire province of New
lowing a confrontation that Brunswick had 11 homi-
prompted police to initially cides in 2016.
cordon off a large section In Fredericton, a city of
of the city with emergency about 60,000 residents,
vehicles and order resi- people said they were
dents to remain inside their stunned by the scene,
homes and businesses. which occurred as people
Finally, after a tense period were heading to work or
of waiting, authorities dis- dropping children at a day
closed the toll: Among the Police and RCMP officers survey the area of a shooting in Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada on care center not far from the
four killed were two officers, Friday, Aug. 10, 2018. apartment complex where
a rare case of police killed Associated Press the shooting took place.
in the line of duty in Cana- "This is the first time I've
da. civilians before being shot No motive has been dis- with three children, and even heard of any serious
Fredericton's deputy police and killed themselves. closed for the shooting. 45-year-old Robb Costello crime or violent crime in this
chief Martin Gaudet said Gaudet says a 48-year old Fredericton Police Chief who had a common law city," said Travis Hrubeniuk,
the two officers arrived at man with serious injuries Leanne Fitch identified partner and four children. whose fiancee had just left
the apartment complex was arrested. They didn't the officers killed as Sara The two civilians killed, a their home when the sirens
and saw two deceased identify him. Burns, 43, who was married man and a woman, were began.q
Romanian expats stage huge anti-govt protest in Bucharest
By ALISON MUTLER overcome by the tear gas, said Mircea Campeanu,
Associated Press the service said. a medical auditor living in
BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) Romania's President Klaus the Netherlands who drove
— Tens of thousands of Ro- Iohannis, a critic of the to Romania to attend the
manians flocked to an anti- government, said he "firmly protest.
government protest from condemned the brutal in- Hundreds of thousands of
places near and far as lo- tervention of riot police," Romanians have signed a
cal residents joined a dem- which he called dispro- petition demanding a law
onstration organized by portionate reaction to a that would ban people in-
expatriates Friday, urging protest where most were dicted for corruption and
the left-wing government peaceful. other offenses from politi-
to resign and call an early Romania ranks as one of cal office, but it's unlikely to
election. the most corrupt countries pass since the Social Dem-
The expatriates support- in the European Union and ocrats and their allies have
ing the event in Bucharest, Brussels keeps its justice sys- a majority in Parliament.
some of whom drove across Protesters try to push through a riot police line outside the tem under special monitor- The protesters in the capi-
Europe to attend, said they government headquarters, in Bucharest, Romania, Friday, Aug. ing. tal on Friday waved Ro-
were angry at how Roma- 10, 2018. Liviu Dragnea, the head manian, European Union,
nia is being governed. Crit- Associated Press of the Social Democrats, Spanish, Italian and other
ics say the country has lost received a 3½-year prison national flags, banged
ground in fighting corrup- who line their own pock- al people were detained, sentence for abuse of pow- drums, yelled "Justice, not
tion since the ruling Social ets," said Georgeta Anghel, and police fired tear gas er in office, a decision he is corruption!" and called
Democratic Party assumed 43, who has lived in Spain multiple times. Late Friday, appealing. Dragnea was the ruling party "the red
power in 2016. for 14 years. "If nothing officers fired water cannon. unable to be prime minis- plague." They projected
An estimated 3 million Ro- changes here, what kind of The Bucharest-Ilfov Ambu- ter when his party won the the words: "Down with the
manians live abroad, and future will our son have?" lance service said more December 2016 parliamen- government" on a govern-
some say they left because Some participants scuffled than 200 people received tary election due to a vote- ment building.
of corruption, low wages with riot police when they medical treatment, both rigging conviction earlier Cristina Andrei arrived from
and a lack of opportunities. tried to break through a protesters and police offi- that year. Stockholm, Sweden, where
"We don't want our country police line guarding the cers. Some sustained head "This government is crassly she lives now with her two
to be governed by thieves government offices. Sever- injuries, while others were incompetent and corrupt," sons.q