Page 12 - aruba-today-20180811
P. 12

                  Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
            Arbitrary arrests, abuse the new norm in Nicaragua

            By CHRISTOPHER SHERMAN                                                                                              to  rape  us.  They  said  they
            MANAGUA,        Nicaragua                                                                                           were  going  to  rape  the
            (AP) — The 21-year-old ag-                                                                                          girls," he said.
            ricultural  economics  stu-                                                                                         Police and masked civilians
            dent,  nearly  two  months                                                                                          asked  the  same  questions
            pregnant,  had  hoped  to                                                                                           in  the  interrogations:  Who
            escape  Nicaragua  with                                                                                             were  the  student  leaders?
            her boyfriend, but a police                                                                                         What political party was fi-
            officer  on  a  motorcycle                                                                                          nancing  their  movement?
            blocked their path as they                                                                                          How  much  were  they  be-
            were getting into taxis with                                                                                        ing  paid?  What  weapons
            other  students  to  go  to  a                                                                                      did they have?
            safe house.                                                                                                         A  24-year-old  marketing
            Five  police  trucks  loaded                                                                                        major  at  the  national  uni-
            with  masked  and  armed                                                                                            versity said a female police
            men  dressed  in  civilian                                                                                          officer threatened her with
            garb surrounded them. Uni-                                                                                          a knife and slapped her.
            formed  officers  began  to                                                                                         A 23-year-old woman who
            search  the  students'  back-                                                                                       recently  graduated  from
            packs.  One  pulled  out  a                                                                                         another  university  said  she
            blue-and-white      Nicara-                                                                                         was hit with a rifle butt.
            guan flag.                                                                                                          Her  boyfriend,  whom  they
            "These are the terrorists who                                                                                       suspected of being a lead-
            killed our fellow police," the                                                                                      er,  suffered  worse.  "They
            officer shouted, using Presi-  In this July 18, 2018 file photo, heavily armed pro-government militia occupy the Monimbo neigh-  put  a  cigarette  on  his  tes-
            dent  Daniel  Ortega's  term   borhood of Masaya, Nicaragua.                                                        ticle," she said.
            for those who have protest-                                                                        Associated Press  The  pregnant  student  was
            ed against his government                                                                                           taken to a room and made
            since mid-April.             of  those  arrested  and  re-  Ortega  for  weeks  denied  gunfire that killed two peo-  to  stand  with  her  hands
            The young couple and their  leased,  all  of  whom  are  that  paramilitary  squads  ple.                           spread out on a table. The
            friends  joined  the  ranks  of  in  hiding.  They  agreed  to  and   Sandinista   youth  A short time later, she and  interrogators began hitting
            more  than  2,000  people  speak only on condition of  groups  that  have  clashed  others were taken to a po-      her  in  the  stomach  once
            arrested  in  Nicaragua  in  anonymity out of fear of re-  with  or  attacked  protest-  lice processing center and  more,  she  said,  and  a  fe-
            nearly four months of unrest  taliation.                  ers  were  working  with  the  lined  up  with  their  hands  male officer cut off half her
            and official crackdown. At  "Right  now,  without  exag-  police.  But  when  asked  in  behind their necks.        toenail.
            least  400  people  are  be-  gerating,  Nicaragua  is  a  a  recent  TV  interview  how  "I  told  (one)  I  was  preg-  When she again told them
            lieved to still be held in jails,  prison,"  said  Vilma  Nunez,  demonstrators  picked  up  nant,"  she  said.  "'Ah,'  he  she  was  pregnant,  they
            prisons and police stations,  the rights center's president  by  masked  paramilitaries  says,  'great.  We've  got  a  told  her:  "The  pain  is  what
            and  some  consider  them  and  a  former  supreme  ended  up  in  jails,  he  said:  pregnant one.'"               we  feel  fighting  for  the
            political prisoners, the non-  court  vice  president  un-  "We have volunteer police  "One  of  the  paramilitaries  country. You all just want to
            governmental  Nicaraguan  der Ortega's first Sandinista  who  cooperate  with  the  came  and  punched  me  see the country destroyed.
            Human Rights Center says.    government  in  1979.  She  police."                      in  the  stomach,"  she  said.  You want to see our com-
            The  others  were  held  for  called  Ortega's  systematic  He has accused protesters  "'Now we're going to get it  mander (Ortega) go."
            days or weeks incommuni-     search  for  those  involved  and opponents of trying to  out  of  you,'  he  said.  'And  Midway  through  her  five-
            cado,  brutally  interrogat-  in  the  protests  a  "human  stage a coup.              you're going to eat it alive.'"  day   incarceration   she
            ed  to  give  up  names  and  hunt."                      The  unrest  began  as  pro-  The men and women were  started  to  bleed.  She  was
            threatened  with  terrorism  Last  week  the  Inter-Amer-  tests to social security cuts.  separated  and  interrogat-  interrogated  and  beaten
            charges  before  being  re-  ican  Commission  on  Hu-    After a deadly crackdown,  ed  individually.  The  men  again.
            leased without explanation  man  Rights  said  its  moni-  students became the van-    were stripped naked.         When  the  students  were
            as  Ortega's  government  toring  team  in  Nicaragua  guard  of  a  broader  push  A  20-year-old  business  ad-   finally  released  they  were
            seeks to extinguish the resis-  found that detainees were  demanding  Ortega  step  ministration  student  from  warned to stay out of sight
            tance.                       abused,  not  informed  of  down.                         the  national  university  said  or they would be charged
            "They  crushed  my  fingers,  their rights or any charges,  The  young  woman  from  he  was  punched  in  the  with terrorism.
            and hit me in the ribs and  and  taken  into  custody  the  National  Autonomous  stomach  and  kicked  in  The  next  day  she  went  to
            the  stomach,"  the  preg-   without warrants. Their fam-  University   of   Nicaragua  the  testicles.  A  police  offi-  a hospital, where a doctor
            nant  student  said.  "When  ilies  were  not  told  where  was among nearly 200 stu-  cer ripped out his eyebrow  told her there was nothing
            I  was  on  the  ground,  they  they were held, it added.  dents  who  dug  in  at  the  piercing,  and  a  cigarette  they could do.
            kicked me."                  National  police  did  not  Managua campus, only to  was put out on a tattoo on  "They  told  me  to  prepare
            The  Associated  Press  sep-  respond  to  a  request  for  be driven out in mid-July by  his shoulder.             myself  for  the  news,"  she
            arately  interviewed  four  comment.                      paramilitaries  under  heavy  "They said they were going  said. "I lost my baby."q

            Our Lady of Copacabana festival spreads to Peru

            CUZCO,     Peru   (AP)   —  celebration    of   festival,  is  held  in  the  old  Incan  problem.                  The  presence  of  Bolivian
            Veneration  of  Bolivia's  Our  including  members  of  the  capital of Cuzco.         She   said   the   Roman  merchants       in   southern
            Lady  of  Copacabana  has  LGTBQ community.               The    Peruvian    festival's  Catholic rites of Our Lady of  Peru  spread  and  spurred
            extended into neighboring  The areas share a common  founder,  Libia  Espinoza,  Copacabana began in the  devotion  to  Our  Lady
            southern    Peru,    where  history and Andean culture,  said she has "a lot of faith"  16th century in the Bolivian  of  Copacabana  in  this
            hundreds  of  faithful  are  and  Peru's  main  festival  of  in  the  virgin  because  she  town  of  Copacabana  on  country, which shares Lake
            drawn    to   the   annual  Our Lady  of Copacabana  cured  her  of  a  kidney  the shores of Lake Titicaca.  Titicaca with Bolivia.q
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