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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 11 auguSt 2018

            Jury backs man who claims

            Roundup weed killer caused cancer

            By PAUL ELIAS                they  wanted  in  punitive  Johnson  and  his  family,"
             Associated Press            damages.                     Partridge said. "We will ap-
            SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A  "This  jury  found  Monsanto  peal this decision and con-
            San Francisco jury on Friday  acted  with  malice  and  tinue  to  vigorously  defend
            ordered  agribusiness  gi-   oppression  because  they  this  product,  which  has  a
            ant Monsanto to pay $289  knew  what  they  were  do-     40-year  history  of  safe  use
            million  to  a  former  school  ing  was  wrong  and  doing  and continues to be a vital,
            groundskeeper  dying  of  it with reckless disregard for  effective, and safe tool for
            cancer,  saying  the  com-   human  life,"  said  Robert  F.  farmers and others."
            pany's  popular  Roundup  Kennedy  Jr.,  a  member  of  Johnson  used  Roundup         In this July, 9, 2018, file photo, plaintiff DeWayne Johnson looks
            weed  killer  contributed  to  Johnson's legal team.  "This  and  a  similar  product,   up during a brief break as the Monsanto trial continues in San
            his disease.                 should  send  a  strong  mes-  Ranger Pro, as a pest con-  Francisco.
            Dewayne  Johnson's  law-     sage  to  the  boardroom  of  trol  manager  at  a  San                                            Associated Press
            suit  was  the  first  of  hun-  Monsanto."               Francisco  Bay  Area  school
            dreds of cases filed in state  Monsanto  has  denied  a  district, his lawyers said. He  ner said. He was diagnosed  The   U.S.   Environmental
            and  federal  courts  alleg-  link  between  the  active  sprayed  large  quantities  with non-Hodgkin's lympho-    Protection  Agency  says
            ing  that  Roundup  causes  ingredient  in  Roundup  —  from  a  50-gallon  tank  at-  ma in 2014 at age 42.        Roundup's  active  ingredi-
            non-Hodgkin's  lymphoma,  glyphosate — and cancer,  tached to a truck, and dur-        "The simple fact is he is go-  ent is safe for people when
            which Monsanto denies.       saying  hundreds  of  stud-  ing  gusty  winds,  the  prod-  ing to die. It's just a matter  used  in  accordance  with
            Jurors  in  state  Superior  ies  have  established  that  uct  would  cover  his  face,  of time," Wisner told the jury  label directions.
            Court  agreed  the  product  glyphosate is safe.          said Brent Wisner, one of his  in  his  opening  statement  However,   the   France-
            contributed  to  Johnson's  Monsanto spokesman Scott  attorneys.                       last month.                  based  International  Agen-
            cancer  and  the  company  Partridge  said  the  com-     Once, when a hose broke,  But  George  Lombardi,  an  cy for Research on Cancer,
            should  have  provided  a  pany will appeal. Partridge  the  weed  killer  soaked  his  attorney for Monsanto, said  which  is  part  of  the  World
            label  warning  of  the  po-  said  scientific  studies  and  entire body.             non-Hodgkin's  lymphoma  Health  Organization,  clas-
            tential health hazard. John-  two  government  agen-      Johnson read the label and  takes  years  to  develop,  sified it as a "probable hu-
            son's attorneys sought and  cies  have  concluded  that  even  contacted  the  com-    so  Johnson's  cancer  must  man  carcinogen"  in  2015.
            won $39 million in compen-   Roundup  does  not  cause  pany  after  developing  a  have  started  well  before  California  added  glypho-
            satory  damages  and  $250  cancer.                       rash but was never warned  he  began  working  at  the  sate  to  its  list  of  chemicals
            million  of  the  $373  million  "We are sympathetic to Mr.  it could cause cancer, Wis-  school district.          known to cause cancer.q

            Man says he killed city worker over yard rule 'harassment'

            By LINDSAY WHITEHURST        documents.                   cused the neighbors of re-   Police  say  they  found  an  and  dedicated  employee
             Associated Press            Jill Robinson had dealt with  porting his yard to the city,  assault-style  rifle,  a  hand-  who  loved  softball.  She
            SALT  LAKE  CITY  (AP)  —  A  Billings before, but it was a  a  spokeswoman  for  the  gun,  bolt  cutters,  a  pro-  had worked for the city for
            Utah  man  who  shot  and  routine  call  and  code  en-  couple who lived next door  pane  torch  and  gas  con-   10 years.
            killed a city worker, torched  forcement  officers  don't  said.                       tainers in his house.        "She was always very friend-
            her truck and set his neigh-  aim to harass residents, of-  As  the  fires  burned,  he  Robinson,  52,  was  an  un-  ly,  quick  to  wave  when
            bor's house on fire told wit-  ficials said.              stood in his driveway, near  armed, civilian worker who  you'd see her," city spokes-
            nesses  that  he  did  it  after  He poured gasoline on Rob-  the  body,  witnesses  told  typically  dealt  with  com-  man Sam Johnson said.
            "years  of  harassment"  over  inson's  city  pickup  truck,  police.                  plaints   about   unkempt  Other  code  enforcement
            laws  requiring  cleanup  of  then set it ablaze Thursday,  Billings  was  arrested  on  yards  or  abandoned  cars,  officers were pulled off the
            trash and weeds outside his  police said. He also started  suspicion  of  aggravated  West  Valley  City  officials  streets  immediately  after
            home, police said Friday.    a fire on his neighbor's deck  arson,  murder  and  other  said.  Code  enforcement  the slaying.
            Kevin  Wayne  Billings,  64,  that  spread  to  their  home  charges.  No  attorney  was  officers are trained to leave  It  wasn't  clear  how  long
            said  the  code  enforce-    and  destroyed  it,  killing  six  listed  for  him  in  court  re-  and  call  police  if  people  that  would  last  and  it  was
            ment  officer  in  suburban  dogs and two cats, police  cords,  and  there  was  no  get hostile.                   too early to say if any safety
            Salt Lake City "got what she  said.                       answer  at  a  publicly  listed  Robinson was remembered  changes  would  be  made,
            deserved," police said in jail  Billings  had  wrongly  ac-  phone number.             as a mother, grandmother  Johnson said.q
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