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                  Saturday 11 auguSt 2018
            Issa Rae on 'Insecure,' Drake and being a Lyft driver

            By MESFIN FEKADU                                                                                                    happen  and  after  all  we
            NEW YORK (AP) — Issa Rae's                                                                                          were just like, 'We have to
            character  on  the  hit  series                                                                                     tell him, because he could
            "Insecure," who works for a                                                                                         be  working  on  something
            nonprofit,  does  what  most                                                                                        else.'  Don't  want  to  waste
            people  in  need  of  extra                                                                                         his time."
            cash  do:  She  becomes  a                                                                                          "It was just a phone call. He
            Lyft driver.                                                                                                        took it really well," she said.
            But the idea of making the                                                                                          Fans  petitioned  for  Rae  to
            show's  lead  character  a                                                                                          bring  Lawrence  back  on
            part-time driver came from                                                                                          the  show,  but  the  creator
            Rae's own experience: The                                                                                           said  while  she  adores  the
            actress said she applied to                                                                                         show's  fans,  she's  not  in-
            become  a  Lyft  driver  and                                                                                        terested  in  "creative  feed-
            was rejected.                                                                                                       back."
            "I did the application, went                                                                                        "If  you're  predicting  the
            to  go  get  my  stickers  and                                                                                      show, then we're not doing
            (stuff) but then got denied                                                                                         our job," she said.
            because  I  had  one  traf-                                                                                         _______
            fic infraction in 2014 ... so I                                                                                     FASHIONABLY FORTHRIGHT
            didn't get to do it. I told the                                                                                     After  Rae  said  in  an  inter-
            writers' room  ... (and) they                                                                                       view on the red carpet for
            were so tickled at the idea                                                                                         the  2017  Emmys  that  she
            that I would be a Lyft driver,"                                                                                     was "rooting for everybody
            she said. "In thinking about   This image released by HBO shows Issa Rae in a scene from the series "Insecure," which airs Sun-  black,"  T-shirts  with  those
            just the rideshare phenom-   day on HBO.                                                                            words began selling online.
            enon  and  how  so  many                                                                           Associated Press  But she said she didn't cre-
            regular people are using it                                                                                         ate the shirts and isn't cash-
            to  make  extra  money,  just  en  to  Malibu  last  year  to  "HBO  doesn't  really  allow  third season show you kind  ing in.
            the stories that come from  write  the  first  episode  of  that."                     of feel like you know it. And  "The  only  time  I  spoke  up
            that, it just made sense for  season  two  of  "Insecure."  "It's  great  that  HBO  is  like,  even as writers you get a bit  about  it  was  when  I  saw
            Issa to have that as a side  She  said  she  filled  up  the  'Nah, we're not taking any  complacent like, 'We know  on  Facebook  this  Chinese
            gig  and  all  the  awkward  rental car with gas and had  brand  input,'"  she  added.  this  (stuff),  we  know  what  company   selling   them,
            situations  that  could  arise  extra, and wanted to make  "Oddly  enough,  for  a  later  we're doing. We know who  because  they  had  Photo-
            from being a Lyft driver."   use of it.                   episode  we  got  into  some  these  people  are.  We  got  shopped my face to make
            Rae  had  applied  to  drive  She said her show and Lyft  trouble   because    some  formula.'  And  that's  what  it seem like I was selling the
            for Lyft when she had driv-  don't have a deal though:  brands aren't about it."       you never want."             shirt. And I looked it up like,
                                                                      Season three, which returns  She  spent  six  months  writ-  'Who's  doing  this?'  And  it
                                                                      Sunday on HBO (10:30 p.m.  ing the episodes and three  was  a  Chinese  company
                                                                      ET), picks up with Rae mov-  months filming. It all started  that  wasn't  even,  nobody
                                                                      ing  in  with  her  ex,  Daniel,  with a retreat that she and  was black. So I was like, 'Uh
                                                                      and dealing with not being  executive  producer  Pren-    uh, I'm going to report this
                                                                      in  the  field  for  her  full-time  tice Penny went on to dis-  (expletive)  'cause  you're
                                                                      job  because  of  a  mistake  cuss  their  thoughts  for  the  not  rooting  for  everyone
                                                                      she made. The 33-year-old,  season.                       black.' You're stealing from
                                                                      who earned her first Emmy  "It  is  scary,"  she  said  of  everyone black," she said.
                                                                      nomination this year for her  adding  new  elements  to  On  "Insecure,"  and  in  her
                                                                      leading role in the show she  the  show  and  switching  it  real  life,  she's  made  bold
                                                                      created,  explains  how  Jay  up,  "because  you're  like,  fashion statements: On the
                                                                      Ellis  reacted  to  not  being  'People  are  used  to  what  show  she  wore  a  sweater
                                                                      a part of season three, the  they're used to.'"           with the N-word on it, and
                                                                      fashion  statements  she's  "But  knowing  where  we  when she hosted this year's
                                                                      made  and  appearing  in  took  it  overall,  I'm  very  CFDA Awards, she sported
                                                                      Drake's "Nice for What" vid-  proud of it," she added.    a  belt  embroidered  with
                                                                      eo.                          _______                      "Every N---- Is A Star."
                                                                      _______                      BOY BYE                      "That  was  so  dope,"  she
                                                                      THE TEA ON SEASON THREE      Most  of  the  headlines  sur-  said of the belt. "It's just like,
                                                                      Heading into the third sea-  rounding the return of "Inse-  'We're here.' Why not make
                                                                      son  of  "Insecure,"  Rae  had  cure" were about how Jay  a statement?"
                                                                      a goal: She didn't want her  Ellis'  character,  Lawrence,  _______
                                                                      show to feel predictable or  would no longer be on the  VIDEO VIXEN
                                                                      stale.  So  she  dug  deep  to  show.                     She's not Kiki, but she loves
                                                                      write  eight  new  episodes,  But  how  did  Ellis  take  the  Drake: Rae said appearing
                                                                      calling  the  process  chal-  news  when  Rae  delivered  in his music video for "Nice
                                                                      lenging — but "in an excit-  it?                          for  What"  was  "a  dream
                                                                      ing way."                    Rae laughs when asked the  come  true."  Rae  makes  a
                                                                      "This  season  was  harder  —  question, then says: "It took  cameo  in  the  clip  along-
                                                                      just because we closed so  a  while  because  we  were  side  other  women  blaz-
                                                                      many  doors  last  season.  like,  'Oh  maybe  he'll  show  ing  trails  in  entertainment,
                                                                      It  felt  like  we  were  starting  up,  maybe  he'll  show  up.'  including  Tiffany  Haddish,
                                                                      from scratch in a way," Rae  We  just  didn't  know  truth-  Tracee  Ellis  Ross,  Misty  Co-
                                                                      said. "When you get into a  fully  what  was  going  to  peland and Yara Shahidi.q
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