P. 11
WORLD NEWS Tuesday 28 May 2019
North Korea calls Bolton ‘war monger’ over missile comment
By KIM TONG-HYUNG the statement said. It said a curity,” the spokesperson
Associated Press demand that North Korea said. “It is not at all strange
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — ban all launches that use that perverse words always
North Korea on Monday ballistic technology regard- come out from the mouth
called U.S. National Secu- less of the range is the same of a structurally defective
rity Adviser John Bolton a as asking it to relinquish its guy, and such a human
“war monger” and “hu- right to self-defense. defect deserves an earlier
man defect” after he de- The spokesperson said vanishing.”
scribed its recent tests of Bolton was an “ignorant” Experts say the weapons
short-range missiles as a hard-liner who throughout North Korea tested this
violation of U.N. Security different U.S. administra- month are new solid-fuel
Council resolutions. tions pushed provoca- missiles that are poten-
The statement by an un- tive policies against North tially nuclear capable
identified North Korean For- Korea including endorse- and would strengthen the
eign Ministry spokesperson ments of pre-emptive North’s ability to strike tar-
came as President Donald strikes and regime change. gets throughout South Ko-
Trump visited Japan for The spokesperson also said rea.
meetings with Prime Minis- that Bolton’s “hammer act” South Korea has expressed
ter Shinzo Abe at which the In this Friday, May 24, 2019, file photo, U.S. National Security was responsible for the col- concern that the launches
nuclear standoff with North Adviser John Bolton is surrounded by reporters at the prime lapse of a major nuclear may run against the spirit
Korea was expected to be minister’s official residence in Tokyo, Japan. deal between the coun- of an inter-Korean military
high on the agenda. Associated Press tries reached in 1994, when agreement reached last
Bolton told reporters in North Korea tested short- News Agency, the North North Korea agreed to halt year to reduce tensions, but
Tokyo on Saturday that range ballistic missiles on Korean spokesperson said its nuclear program in ex- has been eager to down-
there was “no doubt” that May 4 and 9, ending a the North was exercising change for U.S. fuel aid. play the significance of the
North Korea’s recent mis- pause in launches that its right of self-defense with The deal broke down in tests as it tries to keep a
sile launches violated U.N. began in late 2017. The the launches. North Korea 2002 after U.S. intelligence positive atmosphere for di-
resolutions, and that sanc- tests were seen as a way has never recognized the agencies said North Korea alogue alive. South Korea’s
tions against the North must for North Korea to pressure U.N. Security Council reso- was continuing its pursuit of presidential office and mili-
be kept in place. Trump Washington to soften its lutions, which it views as bombs with a secret ura- tary have refused to call
later downplayed the mis- stance on easing sanctions denying its “rights to exis- nium enrichment program. the launches outright prov-
sile tests, tweeting, “North against it without actually tence and development “It will be fit to call Bolton ocations, and have yet to
Korea fired off some small causing negotiations to of a sovereign state,” the not a security adviser striv- confirm that the missiles
weapons, which disturbed collapse. statement said. ing for security but a secu- were ballistic weapons, al-
some of my people, and In the statement carried by “If any object is launched, it rity-destroying adviser who though most experts say
others, but not me.” the North’s Korean Central is bound to fly in trajectory,” is wrecking peace and se- they clearly were.q
Malawi’s Mutharika re-elected to 2nd term in tight race
By GREGORY GONDWE mission from announcing gress Party got 55 seats and
Associated Press the winner. 52 independent candi-
BLANTYRE, Malawi (AP) — The ban was obtained dates were elected.
Malawi’s President Peter on Saturday by opposi- According to the official re-
Mutharika has narrowly tion candidate Lazarus sults, 5.1 million Malawians
won re-election with 38% Chakwera, who came in voted in the May 21 elec-
of the votes in last week’s a close second with 35% tion, representing 74% of
polls, the electoral commis- of the votes. Former Vice the registered voters, said
sion declared Monday. President Saulos Chilima electoral commission chair-
Mutharika’s victory was an- came in third with 20% of woman Jane Ansah.
nounced in Blantyre, Ma- the ballots. In the parlia- Chakwera had called for a
lawi’s largest city, immedi- mentary elections, Muthari- recount in 10 of Malawi’s 28
ately after the High Court ka’s Democratic Progres- districts but the commission
in Lilongwe, the capital, sive Party won 63 seats in declined, saying that the
threw out an injunction pre- Malawi’s President Peter Mutharika arrives to cast his vote at a the legislative body, while results had been checked
venting the electoral com- polling station near Blantyre, Malawi, Tuesday, May 21, 2019. Chakwera’s Malawi Con- at several stages. q
Associated Press