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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Tuesday 28 May 2019

            Dartmouth, women                                           Analysis: Thousands in Illinois

            want mediation in sexual                                   may have guns without permit

            misconduct lawsuit                                         CHICAGO (AP) — Tens of

                                                                       thousands  of  Illinois  resi-
            By KATHY McCORMACK           ity  would  prejudice  Dart-  dents whose gun licenses
            Associated Press             mouth’s  ability  to  defend   have been revoked could
            CONCORD,  N.H.  (AP)  —  itself.  The  original  lawsuit   still be in possession of fire-
            Dartmouth  College  and  alleges  that  professors  Wil-   arms,  according  to  an
            nine  women  who  accuse  liam  Kelley,  Paul  Whalen      analysis  of  state  records
            the  school  of  ignoring  and  Todd  Heatherton  ha-      by the Chicago Tribune.
            years of sexual misconduct  rassed women and groped        The  failure  of  the  system
            by  three  professors  have  them. It also accuses Kelley   was  underscored  in  Feb-
            agreed  to  try  to  settle  a  and  Whalen  each  of  rap-  ruary  when  a  man  killed
            lawsuit out of court.        ing a student after a night   five  former  colleagues
            In  a  joint  motion  filed  Fri-  of  drinking,  attempting  to   and wounded five police
            day in U.S. District Court in  seduce women under their    officers  in  Aurora,  Illinois,
            Concord,  New  Hampshire,  supervision  and  punishing     using  a  gun  he  kept  de-  In  this  Wednesday,  May  22,  2019  photo,  family  members  of
            the school and the women  those  who  rebuffed  their      spite the revocation of his   Vicente Juarez, including from left to right, his granddaughter
            asked a judge for a stay of  advances.  All  three  have   Firearm  Owner’s  Identifi-  Dyani (cq), 12, daughter Diana, wife Leticia and son Christian,
            all deadlines and rulings un-  since left Dartmouth.       cation card in 2014.        pose for a photograph with a portrait of Juarez at their home in
            til three days after agreed-  Whalen  and  Kelley  have    Local police departments    Oswego, Ill.                            Associated Press
            to  mediation  or  July  31,  not commented on the al-     are  supposed  to  ensure
            whichever  comes  first.  The  legations, and it is unclear   that those whose licenses   good,  the  bad  and  the  military;  or  being  found  to
            judge  hasn’t  responded  whether  they  have  attor-      have  been  revoked  sur-   ugly.”                       be in the country illegally.
            yet.“The parties have been  neys  to  speak  for  them.    render their permits within   FOID cards can be revoked  Local  police  departments
            in discussion about partici-  Heatherton    apologized     48 hours and fill out a form   for  a  number  of  reasons:  are  informed  by  state
            pating  in  mediation  in  an  for  acting  inappropriately   stating  their  guns  have   felony convictions or indict-  police  when  a  card  has
            attempt to resolve this mat-  at  conferences  but  said,   been  passed  to  a  legal   ments;  convictions  involv-  been  rescinded,  but  most
            ter  without  further  litiga-  through  a  lawyer,  that  he   gun owner or the police.  ing domestic abuse; being  don’t  prioritize  checking
            tion,” the motion said.      never socialized or had sex-  But  since  2015,  nearly   subject to an order of pro-  on  the  status  of  remaining
            The  parties  said  they  re-  ual relations with students.  27,000   Illinois   residents   tection;  being  deemed  a  weapons due to a lack of
            cently  selected  a  retired  Dartmouth’s  original  re-   whose  FOID  cards  have    mental  health  risk;  dishon-  resources, officers or back-
            state  superior  court  judge  sponse  said  there  was  an   been  revoked  haven’t   orable  discharge  from  the  ground information.q
            who  is  now  a  professional  “unacceptable    environ-   updated  authorities  on
            mediator  and  are  working  ment  involving  excess  al-  what  they  have  done
            on setting a date to meet.   cohol  consumption,  an       with  their  firearms,  the
            The  November  lawsuit  ac-  inappropriate  level  of  frat-  Tribune  reported.  That
            cuses  Dartmouth  of  failing  ernization,  and  inappropri-  means  authorities  do  not
            to  take  action  to  address  ate  personal  comments     know  whether  78%  of
            years of sexual harassment,  and contact” between the      those  revoked  cardhold-
            assault  and  other  miscon-  three professors and some    ers still own guns.
            duct  suffered  by  students  students.  It  also  said  it  has   “I  will  say  the  depth  and
            at  the  hands  of  three  De-  evidence  the  professors   breadth  of  the  problem
            partment  of  Psychological  inappropriately   touched     did  take  me  back  just  a
            and  Brain  Science  profes-  students  and  texted  them   bit,”  said  acting  Illinois
            sors.  It  was  initially  filed  by  but said it lacked evidence   State Police Director Bren-
            seven women, one of them  to  support  the  more  seri-    dan Kelly, who has made
            anonymously.  Two  more  ous assault allegations and       FOID  revocation  compli-
            joined  anonymously  ear-    denied  that  the  behavior   ance  a  priority  since  he
            lier  this  month.  Dartmouth  affected all women in the   took office this year. “The
            challenged  the  use  of  department.  It  also  de-       only  way  we  are  going
            “Jane  Doe”  pseudonyms  nied  that  the  department       to be able to take a bite
            for three of the nine plain-  as  a  whole  had  a  “party   out  of  this  problem  is  just
            tiffs,  saying  the  anonym-  culture.”q                   laying it all out there: the
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