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A6   U.S. NEWS
                       Tuesday 28 May 2019
            Discipline or treatment? Schools rethinking vaping response

            By PAT EATON-ROBB            Compared  with  regular  Experts  say  the  CDC  clas-    treatment and prevention.    health  consequences  and
            Associated Press             cigarettes,  the  research  sifies  e-cigarettes  as  a  to-  The  Conejo  Valley  Unified  how companies have ma-
            HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — A  on the health effects of e-     bacco product, and many  School  District  in  southern  nipulated  students  to  use
            glimpse of student athletes                                                                                         vaping products by making
            in  peak  physical  condition                                                                                       it appear fun and cool. She
            vaping  just  moments  after                                                                                        said that two-pronged ap-
            competing  in  a  football                                                                                          proach led to a successful
            game  led  Stamford  High                                                                                           decrease in the use of tra-
            School  Principal  Raymond                                                                                          ditional cigarettes.
            Manka  to  reconsider  his                                                                                          “To  expect  a  13,  14  or
            approach to the epidemic.                                                                                           15-year-old to break an ad-
            His  school  traditionally  has                                                                                     diction  by  yelling  at  them
            emphasized  discipline  for                                                                                         or  suspending  them,  it’s
            those  caught  with  e-cig-                                                                                         just not going to happen,”
            arettes.  Punishments  be-                                                                                          she said. “They need help,
            come  increasingly  severe                                                                                          treatment, counseling, sup-
            with each offense, from in-                                                                                         port, education and under-
            school  suspensions  to  out-                                                                                       standing.”
            of-school  suspensions  and,                                                                                        Dr.  J.  Craig  Allen,  medi-
            eventually,  notification  of                                                                                       cal  director  at  Rushford,  a
            law enforcement.                                                                                                    mental  health  treatment
            But Manka began thinking                                                                                            center in Meriden, said sus-
            about it more as an addic-                                                                                          pending  teens  for  vaping
            tion problem, and less of a                                                                                         may  be  counterproduc-
            behavior issue, after seeing                                                                                        tive.
            the two players from anoth-                                                                                         “If  your  solution  is  to  send
            er school vaping near their                                                                                         these  kids  home,  what  do
            bus.  “It  broke  my  heart,”                                                                                       you  think  they  are  going
            said  Manka,  whose  school   In this April 11, 2018, file photo, a high school student uses a vaping device near a school campus   to  be  doing  at  home,”  he
            is now exploring how to of-  in Cambridge, Mass.                                                                    said. “They are going to be
            fer  cessation  programs  for                                                                      Associated Press  taking  rips  off  their  Juul  all
            students  caught  vaping  or                                                                                        day long to kill the time.”
            with vaping paraphernalia.   cigarettes  is  painfully  thin.  schools lump vaping in with  California  recently  shifted  Thomas  Aberli,  the  princi-
            “We’ve  got  to  figure  out  Experts  say  that  although  tobacco  use  in  applying  from  suspending  students  pal at Atherton High School
            how  we  can  help  these  using e-cigarettes appears  codes of conduct, treating  for a first offense to sending  in  Louisville,  Kentucky,  said
            kids wean away from bad  less  harmful  over  the  long  offenses similarly.           them  to  a  four-hour  Satur-  it  began  an  intensive  anti-
            habits that might hurt their  run  than  smoking  regular  In  Connecticut  alone,  ad-  day  class  on  the  market-  vaping education program
            body or their mind or other-  cigarettes,  that  doesn’t  ministrators dealt with 2,160  ing  and  health  dangers  of  this  year  with  the  help  of
            wise create behaviors that  mean  they’re  safe  —  par-  incidents in which students  vaping.  A  second  offense  the   American    Associa-
            can  create  habits  that  will  ticularly  for  youth,  young  were caught vaping or with  results in a one-or-two-day  tion  of  Pediatrics.  Teach-
            be harmful for the remain-   adults, pregnant women or  vaping  paraphernalia  in  suspension  coupled  with  ing  teens  about  how  vap-
            der of their lives,” he said.  adults who do not currently  violation  of  school  policies  several  weeks  of  a  more  ing companies have been
            Schools  elsewhere  have  use tobacco products.           during  the  2017-18  school  intensive  six-week  counsel-  courting them with flavored
            been  wrestling  with  how  “Studies  have  shown  that  year, up from 349 two years  ing  program  that  includes  products seems to be hav-
            to  balance  discipline  with  e-cigarette   use   among  earlier.  The  schools  issued  parents.                  ing an effect.
            prevention  and  treatment  young  people  is  poten-     1,465  in-school  suspensions  “I think we are seeing quite  “You  could  tell  how  angry
            in  their  response  to  the  tially  associated  with  an  and  334  out-of-school  sus-  a  bit  of  success,  basing  it  they were getting with this
            soaring numbers of vaping  increased  risk  of  progress-  pensions, according to the  on  the  reduction  this  year  sense of manipulation,” he
            students.                    ing on to cigarette use and  state  Education  Depart-    in both the number of inci-  said. “That was really a turn-
            Using  e-cigarettes,  often  to vaping cannabis, which  ment.                          dents reported on campus  ing point for us in knowing
            called  vaping,  has  now  has  become  increasingly  Nationwide,  some  schools  and the number of suspen-         the best way to approach
            overtaken  smoking  tradi-   common  in  recent  years,”  have  removed  bathroom  sions,”  said  Luis  Lichtl,  the  this problem.”
            tional cigarettes in popular-  said  Dr.  Renee  Goodwin,  stall doors or placed moni-  district’s  assistant  superin-  Other  schools  have  con-
            ity among students, says the  a researcher and professor  tors outside of restrooms to  tendent.                    tinued  to  emphasize  dis-
            Centers for Disease Control  of epidemiology at the City  check students in and out.  “The  schools  that  seem  to  cipline  in  crackdowns  on
            and  Prevention.  Last  year,  University of New York and  Others  have  installed  hu-  be most effective are those  teen vaping.
            one in five U.S. high school  Columbia  University  who  midity detectors that sound  that  are  of  course  enforc-  At  the  Mattawan  Consoli-
            students  reported  vaping  studies  tobacco  and  can-   an  alarm  when  vapor  ing  their  disciplinary  code  dated  School  District  just
            the  previous  month,  ac-   nabis use.                   clouds are detected.         — they can’t do otherwise  outside     of   Kalamazoo,
            cording to a CDC survey .    Besides  nicotine,  e-ciga-  Lawmakers  are  beginning  —  but  are  using  that  as  Michigan,    Principal   Tim
            E-cigarettes  produce  an  rettes  can  include  other  to  show  similar  concerns.  the  floor  and  not  the  ceil-  Eastman  recently  wrote  to
            aerosol by heating a liquid  harmful   substances,   in-  Oklahoma     has    passed  ing,”  said  Bob  Farrace,  a  parents that students found
            that  usually  contains  high  cluding  heavy  metals  like  legislation  to  ban  vaping  spokesman for the National  congregating in bathrooms
            levels of nicotine — the ad-  lead  and  cancer-causing  on  school  property,  and  a  Association  of  Secondary  or parking lots will be taken
            dictive drug in regular cig-  agents. The vaping liquid is  dozen  states  have  passed  School Principals.         to the office and searched.
            arettes and other tobacco  often offered in a variety of  legislation  to  increase  the  Linda  Richter,  an  expert  “Anyone  found  with  vap-
            products  —  flavorings  and  flavors that appeal to youth  age  for  smoking  and  vap-  on vaping and adolescent  ing equipment will face sus-
            other  chemicals.  Users  in-  and is packaged in a way  ing to 21.                    substance  use  who  works  pensions,”  Eastman  wrote.
            hale  this  aerosol  into  their  that makes them attractive  Nevertheless,  some  school  at  the  New  York-based  “Although  this  may  seem
            lungs;  when  they  exhale,  to  children.  And  the  long-  districts  have  begun  tak-  Center  on  Addiction,  sug-  extreme,  the  health  and
            bystanders often breathe it  term health effects, Good-   ing a more comprehensive  gests  that  schools  provide  safety of our students is too
            in too.                      win noted, are unknown.      approach  by  emphasizing  information     about    the  important to ignore.”q
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