Page 16 - AHATA Updated
P. 16
Tuesday 12 February 2019
Airbnb and Aruba Tourism Authority Sign MOU to Continue Partnership to
Drive Sustainable Tourism through Home Sharing
were accommodated by 940 hosts • Total Airbnb Guests Arriv-
who opened their doors to offer lo- als in Aruba: 47,200.
cals and foreigners alike a unique • Number of hosts: 940
travel experience. • Percentage of female
hosts: 51%
Aruban hosts are a diverse group; • Money received per
fifty-one percent of hosts are fe- year by a typical host:
male. The average host age is USD $9,200*.
48, with seventy-seven percent of • Total listings on the plat-
hosts between the ages of 30 and form: 2,300.
59. At the same time, Arubans also • Total Departures of
choose Airbnb when traveling. In Guests through Airbnb
2018, 5,100 Aruban guests stayed (Arubans abroad): 5,100.
at Airbnb listings both in Aruba and * Typical host earnings represents
abroad, eager to experience what the median income of the hosts in
it is like to live like a local wherever Aruba during the period between
they travel. “Our goal is to work January 1 and December 31, 2018
ORANJESTAD — Airbnb and the of the local tourism industry and together to drive more sustain-
Aruba Tourism Authority signed a an important asset to the island’s able and unique tourism to the is- About Airbnb
significant agreement to continue wealth. With more than 2,300 list- land, help make Aruba a regional Founded in 2008, Airbnb’s mission
to cooperate to drive sustainable ings throughout the country, Airb- leader in the sharing economy is to create a world where people
tourism in Aruba through home nb plays a significant role in Aru- and continue to position Aruba as can belong through healthy travel
sharing. The agreement further ce- ba’s economy. A typical Aruban a world-class tourist destination,” that is local, authentic, diverse,
ments the organizations’ partner- host had an annual earning of continued Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes. inclusive and sustainable. Airbnb
ship to establish a framework for USD 9,200 last year, a 77% increase uniquely leverages technology to
discussions regarding taxes, facili- since 2017. Airbnb has been developing part- economically empower millions of
tate consistent stakeholder meet- nerships in the region to support a people around the world to unlock
ings, and share useful aggregated “Aruba is an important partner, thriving community of homeown- and monetize their spaces, pas-
data. and we are pleased to continue ers who are renting their spaces sions and talents to become hos-
working together to develop a and creating new flows of local pitality entrepreneurs. Airbnb’s ac-
“Aruba has experienced sustained strong, democratized tourism in- economic benefits. With its strong commodation marketplace pro-
growth in our tourism sector over dustry through home-sharing, partnership with the CTO, Airbnb is vides access to 5+ million unique
the last several years and we feel where Arubans benefit directly,” steadily working to drive tourism in places to stay in more than 81,000
that in working with Airbnb, we can said Carlos Munoz, Airbnb Cam- the region and expand economic cities and 191 countries. With Ex-
reach a whole new segment of paign Manager, Public Policy and opportunity by promoting authen- periences, Airbnb offers unprec-
tourists who are interested in living Communications for the Caribbe- tic travel throughout the Caribbe- edented access to local commu-
like local Arubans while experienc- an and Central America. an. To date, 18 collaboration or vol- nities and interests through 20,000
ing a different side of our island,” untary tax collection agreements unique, handcrafted activities run
stated Ronella Tjin Asjoe-Croes, Through Airbnb, tourism in Aruba have been signed throughout the by hosts across 1,000+ markets
CEO from the Aruba Tourism Au- is more accessible and inclusive. region. Airbnb looks forward to around the world. Airbnb’s peo-
thority. In 2018, Airbnb hosts in Aruba building its relationship with Aruba ple-to-people platform benefits
welcomed approximately 47,200 to help grow the tourism sector. all its stakeholders, including hosts,
The home sharing community in guests with an average trip length guests, employees and the com-
Aruba is a growing component of about six days. These travelers 2018 Airbnb figures munities in which it operates.q
Celebrate Love!
ORANJESTAD — Valentine’s Day ruary 14th, we can make this day
is the celebration of love, beau- even more special.
ty and romantic mood between
couples and/or friends. It is a fes- Surprise your loved one with a pic-
tive day where you would like ture of her/him or both of you in
to emphasis the importance of Aruba Today, accompanied by
this special person in your life. your personal message. Imagine
You can do this in many ways, taking your vacation breakfast in
by sending cards, flowers, gifts, the morning while going through
presents or arranging a wonderful the newspaper and all of a sud-
day/night out. den you see YOU. This will make
her or his day for sure.
While enjoying your stay in Aruba
you can make this day extra spe- What Do You Do?
cial by surprising your love with Send your selected picture (high What Will We Do? Make her/him smile on this special
the help of Aruba Today. Despite resolution JPEG) with short per- We will put your picture and mes- day, do something different!
the fact that we have wonderful sonal Valentine message (maxi- sage in the local section of Aruba
dinner and gift options to choose mum 40 words) to email: linda. Today on Thursday February 14 in There is only one happiness in this
from, advertised in our newspa- LATEST Tues- our printed newspaper and on life, to love and be loved. ... ~
per in the coming days up to Feb- day February 12. our website and Facebook page. George Sandq