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                                                                                     PEOPLE & ARTS Wednesday 26 september 2018
            Dior and Gucci theatrically kick off Paris Fashion Week

            By THOMAS ADAMSON                                                                                                   Milan-based  powerhouse
            Associated Press                                                                                                    continued   its   year-long
            PARIS  (AP)  —  Dance  and                                                                                          love  affair  with  France  by
            theatricality  were  at  the                                                                                        hosting  its  spring  show  in
            heart   of   Paris   Fashion                                                                                        Paris, exceptionally.
            Week's  first  day  of  spring                                                                                      The  one-off  venue  was
            shows,  as  American  stars                                                                                         carefully  chosen:  Le  Pal-
            Blake  Lively  and  Shailene                                                                                        ace,   the   iconic   club-
            Woodley  gushed  over  Di-                                                                                          turned-theater  that  was
            or's  balletic  presentation                                                                                        inaugurated  in  1978  by
            at the famed Longchamps                                                                                             Grace Jones who sang La
            racecourse.  While,  Gucci                                                                                          Vie  en  Rose  atop  a  pink
            held  its  evening  spectacle                                                                                       Harley Davidson.
            at  France's  answer  to  Stu-                                                                                      The  opportunity  to  show
            dio  54,  the  iconic  Le  Pal-                                                                                     in  this  legendary  space
            ace — once the club that                                                                                            wasn't  squandered  by  su-
            showcased  fashion's  most                                                                                          perlatively  flamboyant  de-
            dramatic looks.                                                                                                     signer Alessandro Michele.
            Here  are  some  highlights                                                                                         Actress Salma Hayek stared
            from Monday:                                                                                                        through  opera  binoculars
            DIOR'S ODE TO DANCE                                                                                                 at  the  stage  from  her  bal-
            To  clouds  of  falling  white                                                                                      cony seat, as a surreal art-
            petals, dancers clad in pat-                                                                                        house  film  was  projected
            terned  bodysuits  twisted   Actress Shailene Woodley leaves a photocall before Christian Dior's Spring/Summer 2019 ready-  on the stage.
            gracefully  to  the  clicking   to-wear fashion collection presented in Paris, Monday, Sept.24, 2018.               Mid-way  through  the  col-
            sound of a metronome.                                                                              Associated Press  lection, French-English sing-
            This  season,  Dior  turned  to                                                                                     er Jane Birkin rose suddenly
            dance to produce the mu-     Woodley told The Associat-   top.                         channeling a tutu.           from one of the seats and
            sic and visuals for its spring-  ed Press.                That's  how  the  House  of  Ballet  slippers  evoked  the  began  singing,  then  sat
            summer collection, infused  The  runway  hall  was  spa-  Dior  described  the  key  dance  tradition  very  liter-  back down.
            with  diaphanous,  tulle-rich  cious  enough  to  house  idea  behind  designer  Ma-   ally,  while  open  toe  heels  The  colorful  and  wacky
            gowns.                       the  dozen  roving  dancers  ria  Grazia  Chiuri's  soft  and  featured  crisscross  strap-  men's  and  women's  looks
            The  house  enlisted  the  tal-  thanks to a marquee con-  supple  87-piece  show  in  ping  in  a  take  on  a  balle-  well  captured  the  exuber-
            ents   of   choreographer  structed  in  the  grounds  of  monochrome and nude.        rina's shoe.                 ance of the place dubbed
            Sharon  Eyal  for  a  sublime  the  historic  Longchamps  Few risks were taken in this  There was a softness to the  France's  Studio  54.  It  was
            and balletic contemporary  racecourse,  which  dates  display.                         entire  show,  accentuated  once the stomping ground
            dance  performance  that  to the 19th century and has  But this didn't matter since  by the gentle round shoul-     for  figures  such  as  Mick
            ran  throughout  the  spring-  been  the  site  of  some  of  the  fashion,  inspired  by  a  ders  that  were  set  off  ro-  Jagger,  Andy  Warhol  and
            summer show.                 former  Dior  designer  John  dancer's  wardrobe,  was  mantically by dappled and  Yves Saint Laurent.
            It had the star of "Divergent"  Galliano's most memorable  primarily  aimed  at  being  misty lighting.             The  time  dial  was  set  to
            and "Big Little Lies," Shailene  couture shows.           simple and feminine.         ___                          styles  from  between  1978
            Woodley, floored.            ___                          Jumpsuits, straps and cords  GUCCI AT LE PALACE           and 1985 — the heyday of
            "You  marry  dance  with  BALLETIC LOOKS                  featured on silhouettes that  Following  on  from  Gucci's  the club.
            fashion  and  movement  As  ethereal  as  a  layer  of  were  either  tight  on  the  May resort show in The Aly-   Shades, large hats, oversize
            and  you  have  a  visceral,  tulle,  with  the  corset  re-  torso,  evoking  a  leotard,  scamps,  a  famed  Roman  beads,  sequins  and  glitter
            overwhelming experience,"  placed  by  a  simple  tank  or  diaphanous  and  floaty,  necropolis  near  Arles,  the  were ubiquitous.q

            Celine Dion to end Las Vegas concert residency next year

            Associated Press             we  do  at  the  Colosseum  successful singers. The cou-
            LAS VEGAS (AP) — Las Ve-     throughout  this  fall,  and  ple shared three children.
            gas will soon have to find a  right up until the final one,  His  death  drew  an  out-
            way  to  go  on  without  Ce-  will feel very special."   pouring  of  sympathy  from
            line Dion, who announced  She  also  expressed  grati-    Nevada politicians like U.S.
            Monday  that  her  concert  tude  to  all  the  fans  who  Sen. Harry Reid. At the time,
            residency  will  end  next  have  come  to  watch  her  Reid  said  the  couple  took
            year.                        over the years.              a  risk  on  Las  Vegas  when
            The  Canadian  music  star  Las Vegas has been home  Dion agreed to take up res-
            took  to  social  media  to  to her and her family since  idency  at  The  Colosseum.
            confirm  that  she  will  leave  moving  there  in  2002.  Her  Their  support  was  always
            Caesars  Palace  in  June  suburban  Vegas  home  in  appreciated.
            2019,   a   decision   that  Henderson is where her hus-  This  will  mark  the  end  of
            brought "mixed emotions."    band,  Rene  Angelil,  died  Dion's second long-running
            "Las  Vegas  has  become  in January 2016 at age 73.  residency  at  Caesars  Pal-
            my  home  and  performing  Angelil,  who  was  battling  ace.  Dion  has  performed
            at  the  Colosseum  at  Cae-  throat cancer, was also her  nearly  1,100  shows  there
            sars Palace has been a big  manager.  He  is  credited  since  2003.  The  first  time
            part of my life for the past  with  molding  Dion  from  a  was  from  2003  until  2007.   In this May 21, 2017 file photo, Celine Dion poses in the press
            two decades," Dion said in  French-speaking  ingénue  Her  current  residency  be-     room at the Billboard Music Awards in Las Vegas.
            a  statement.  "Every  show  into one of the world's most  gan in 2011.q                                                       Associated Press
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